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2.5 Metastatic Disease and Palliative care Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Metastatic disease

The ability to metastasis is one of the hallmarks of malignant disease.
Cancer metastasis is the process by which a cancer cell leaves the primary tumour, travels to a distant site by way of the blood and lymphatic circul­atory channels, and establ­ishes a second tumor in this new site.
The metastatic process is a complex sequence of events, sometimes referred to as a cascade, involving cell genetics, cell surface, morpho­logic and growth proper­ties, and immuno­logic charac­ter­istics of the host.

Recognised steps in the metastatic process.

Bone Metastases

Bone is a common site for metastatic spread from many primary tumours including lung, myeloma, thyroid and kidney but partic­ularly so in patients with breast and prostate cancer.
In these patients some 70-75% will develop bone metastases at some stage of their illness and indeed post mortem findings seem to suggest that the figure may actually be higher.
For patients with breast and prostate cancer there is an intere­sting tendency for metastatic spread to ONLY the skeleton. This phenomenon is known as osteot­ropism.
Bone metastases can cause consid­erable morbidity – pain, pathol­ogical fracture, vertebral collapse (and associated spinal cord compre­ssion) and hyper-­cal­caemia. In advanced cases such as these, the role of radiation therapy is in palliation of symptoms.
In breast and prostate cancer patients there is a median survival of around 2 years with 10% still alive at 5-10 years following the diagnosis of bone metast­ases.
The distri­bution of bone metastases tends to mirror the distri­bution of red bone marrow – i.e. they are more likely to arise in: spine; ribs; pelvis; proximal append­icular skeleton
Metastases can also occur in the skull but are very uncommon in the distal append­icular skeleton
The most common mechanism by which cancer affects bone is by haemat­olo­gical spread.
Haemat­olo­gical spread is a complex cascade of events beginning with the primary tumour invading local thin walled blood vessels. Fragments of tumour may break off and be carried by the circul­atory system to become lodged in organs and structures containing extensive capillary networks (i.e. lungs, liver, bone).
Malignant cells enter the bone marrow space and appear to be attracted to the bone forming surfaces by chemot­actic agents (most likely collagen fibres).
Malignant cells then secrete factors that disturb the balance between osteoclast and osteoblast activity. In some cases tumour cells are also able to reabsorb bone directly through the production of proteo­lytic enzymes.
The vertebrae are thirty­-three in number, and are grouped under the names cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal, according to the regions they occupy. There are seven in the cervical region, twelve in the thoracic, five in the lumbar, five in the sacral, and four in the coccygeal. The vertebra are regularly referred to in radiation therapy for land marking, treatment and image recogn­ition.
T3 is at level of medial part of spine of scapula.
T7 is at inferior angle of the scapula. L4 is at highest point of iliac crest.
S2 is at the level of posterior superior iliac spine.
C7 is easily localized as a prominence at the lower part of the neck

Orient­ation of vertebral column

Diagnosis of bone metastases

A range of invest­iga­tions may be used in the diagnosis of bone metast­ases: clinical examin­ation; plain radiog­raphic imaging; radion­uclide bone scan; CT; MRI; bio-ch­emical monitoring
In addition it is also essential to determine: pain and mobility; analgesic requir­ements

Management strategies of bony metastases

External beam radiation therapy may be used for limited painful lesions, but there are also other treatment methods that can be used alone or in combin­ation.
Targeted radiot­herapy (radio­iso­topes)
Radioi­sotopes that emit ß-part­icles can be very effective at treating osteob­lastic metastases – i.e. sclerotic deposits resulting from prostate cancer.
The radioi­sotopes are injected intrav­enously and taken up by areas of increased osteoblast activity.
The ß-part­icles treat within a very short radius. This type of therapy can be useful for multiple lesions, but its disadv­antages are that it damages the bone marrow (making subsequent chemot­herapy difficult) and is expensive.
Where a metastatic lesion presents in a long bone and partic­ularly where there is evidence of cortical destru­ction, prophy­lactic orthop­aedic surgery can play an important role in pain relief, stabil­isation and prevention of pathol­ogical fracture.
If the patient has presented with a pathol­ogical fracture then internal fixation is always indicated prior to external beam radiot­herapy (assuming that the patient can undergo surgery).
Surgery may also be indicated in cases of spinal cord compre­ssion to perform emergency decomp­ressive lamine­ctomy or vertebral fixation, which may then be followed by external beam radiation therapy.
Endocrine therapy (hormonal interv­ention)
Breast cancer and prostate cancer commonly produce bone metastases that can be effect­ively palliated using some form of hormonal interv­ention– either additive or subtra­ctive therapy.
In premen­opausal women surgical or radiation induced oophor­erctomy or a LHRH-r­ele­asing hormone or tamoxifen may be indicated. In postme­nop­ausal women tamoxifen, or aromatase inhibitors are used.
A possible compli­cation of the use of tamoxifen in breast cancer is hyperc­alc­aemia (high calcium (Ca2+) level in the blood serum)
In prostate cancer orchid­ectomy (one or both testicles are removed) or preferably the use of goserelin acetate (Zoladex) is an option.
Hormone therapy is rarely, if ever, used in isolation for the palliation of bone metast­ases.

Management strategies of bony metastases Cont.

Cytotoxic chemot­herapy
Chemot­herapy may be of use in cases of advanced breast cancer and myeloma where bone metastases may be diffuse making radiot­herapy imprac­tical.
No one chemot­herapy regime has been identified as most approp­riate.
It should be noted that the tolerance of patients’ bone marrow is likely to be signif­icantly reduced, either as a result of destru­ction by the tumour itself or as a conseq­uence of previous radiot­herapy (including radioi­sot­opes).
Therefore, if chemot­herapy is used then either nonmye­los­upp­ressive drugs or reduced doses of myelos­upp­ressive drugs should be employed. (Myelo­sup­pre­ssion = decreased bone marrow activity)
Biphos­pho­nates (osteo­clast inhibi­tion)
Biphos­pho­nates work by inhibiting osteoc­las­t-m­ediated bone resorp­tion.
Bispho­sph­onates play an important role in the management of osteolytic metastases (e.g. from breast cancer) and can promote healing and lessen pain thus reducing the incidence of pathol­ogical fractures and spinal cord compre­ssions.
Although bispho­sph­onates have proved to be effective in the treatment of bone metastases it should be noted that they do not improve survival.
These drugs are well tolerated and side effects are minimal. Biphos­pho­nates also play an important associated role in the management of tumour­-in­duced hyperc­alc­aemia.
Analgesia (Pain relief)
Relief of pain is partic­ularly important in the management of bone metastases and analgesic drugs are almost always used in sympto­matic patients.
It is often essential to treat the pain alongside other active treatm­ents. For example a patient needs to be free enough of pain in order to be able to undergo external beam radiot­herapy.
Medical management of metastatic bony disease pain typically begins with parace­tamol or nonste­roidal anti-i­nfl­amm­atory drugs or cycloo­yge­nase-2 inhibitors that are aimed at allevi­ating inflam­matory states associated with bone pain.

Emergency cases: Spinal Cord Compre­ssion

When a patient presents with bony metastases to the vertebral column, they could have spinal cord compre­ssion.
This will severely impact on the patient’s mobility.
A steroid medication to help reduce any swelling around the spinal cord will already have been admini­stered. It is your job to ensure that the treatment position is approp­riate for each patient’s mobility and overall condition.
The first decision to make is whether the patient can lie prone or supine.
The patient will have undergone a diagnostic MRI to differ­entiate between malignant symptoms and muscul­osk­eletal causes. From the MRI the radiation oncologist will instruct you as to which vertebrae are to be treated.
One thing to remember though regardless of technique is that the upper level and lower level of the field should cover full vertebrae and should not be part way through a vertebra.
The region to be treated will determine the technique to be used.
Upper cervical spine
If a direct posterior field were to be used for a C1-C4 vertebral treatment, the field would exit through the oral cavity.
Since the aim of radiation therapy is to deliver a tumorc­idial dose and minimise the dose to the surrou­nding healthy struct­ures, this technique is less than ideal.
The next option is to treat the upper cervical spine with lateral photon beams, this will ensure an even dose to the vertebra, and avoid the oral cavity as much as possible, thereby minimising side effects.
It is unlikely that these patients will be prone. Sometimes the patient will be simulated supine in a stabil­isation cast/shell for ease of set up and reprod­uci­bility.
If the oral cavity could not be completely avoided then there may be some mucositis and oesoph­agitis experi­enced by the patient, which can be easily managed with medica­tion.
Lower cervical spine
Lateral fields aren’t considered as the patient’s shoulders will absorb the beam on its path to the spine.
For this reason a multi field technique is often employed. Wedged posterior obliques with either a direct posterior, or anterior, field is normally indicated for treating these patients.
Thoracic spine
the spinal column is located poster­iorly. Multi field techniques are commonly used in the thoracic region.
Sometimes patients can complain of oesoph­agitis due to the exiting radiation, but this occurs rarely.
Lumbar spine
From the thoracic to the lumbar region, the vertebral column moves further anteri­orly, approa­ching mid-se­par­ation.
Multi field techniques are used in the lumbar region, either opposing anterior and posterior photon fields or a 3 field technique. The 3 field technique may use either posterior oblique fields or laterals to achieve the desired dose distri­bution to the required depth.
The 3 field technique may use either posterior oblique fields or laterals to achieve the desired dose distri­bution to the required depth.
Just below the last Thoracic (T12) and first Lumbar (L1) vertebra the spinal cord ends at the Conus Medull­aris. From this point the spinal nerves, resembling a horse’s tail, become known as the Cauda Equina, and extend to the coccyx. These nerves are suspended in spinal fluid.
Often the referral will be for a nerve-root compre­ssion rather than spinal cord compre­ssion for this reason.
To include the lumbar and sacral region, the typical radiation field will resemble a spade, larger inferiorly to cover the nerves as they spread out in the sacral region, and then shielding either side of the vertebral column at the level of the lumbar spine region. Once again, current practice would be to use a multi field approach.

Side effect management


Emergency cases: Spinal Cord Compre­ssion

When a patient presents with bony metastases to the vertebral column, they could have spinal cord compre­ssion.
This will severely impact on the patient’s mobility.
A steroid medication to help reduce any swelling around the spinal cord will already have been admini­stered. It is your job to ensure that the treatment position is approp­riate for each patient’s mobility and overall condition.
The first decision to make is whether the patient can lie prone or supine.
The patient will have undergone a diagnostic MRI to differ­entiate between malignant symptoms and muscul­osk­eletal causes. From the MRI the radiation oncologist will instruct you as to which vertebrae are to be treated.
One thing to remember though regardless of technique is that the upper level and lower level of the field should cover full vertebrae and should not be part way through a vertebra.
The region to be treated will determine the technique to be used.
Upper cervical spine
If a direct posterior field were to be used for a C1-C4 vertebral treatment, the field would exit through the oral cavity.
Since the aim of radiation therapy is to deliver a tumorc­idial dose and minimise the dose to the surrou­nding healthy struct­ures, this technique is less than ideal.
The next option is to treat the upper cervical spine with lateral photon beams, this will ensure an even dose to the vertebra, and avoid the oral cavity as much as possible, thereby minimising side effects.
It is unlikely that these patients will be prone. Sometimes the patient will be simulated supine in a stabil­isation cast/shell for ease of set up and reprod­uci­bility.
If the oral cavity could not be completely avoided then there may be some mucositis and oesoph­agitis experi­enced by the patient, which can be easily managed with medica­tion.
Lower cervical spine
Lateral fields aren’t considered as the patient’s shoulders will absorb the beam on its path to the spine.
For this reason a multi field technique is often employed. Wedged posterior obliques with either a direct posterior, or anterior, field is normally indicated for treating these patients.
Thoracic spine
the spinal column is located poster­iorly. Multi field techniques are commonly used in the thoracic region.
Sometimes patients can complain of oesoph­agitis due to the exiting radiation, but this occurs rarely.
Lumbar spine
From the thoracic to the lumbar region, the vertebral column moves further anteri­orly, approa­ching mid-se­par­ation.
Multi field techniques are used in the lumbar region, either opposing anterior and posterior photon fields or a 3 field technique. The 3 field technique may use either posterior oblique fields or laterals to achieve the desired dose distri­bution to the required depth.
The 3 field technique may use either posterior oblique fields or laterals to achieve the desired dose distri­bution to the required depth.
Just below the last Thoracic (T12) and first Lumbar (L1) vertebra the spinal cord ends at the Conus Medull­aris. From this point the spinal nerves, resembling a horse’s tail, become known as the Cauda Equina, and extend to the coccyx. These nerves are suspended in spinal fluid.
Often the referral will be for a nerve-root compre­ssion rather than spinal cord compre­ssion for this reason.
To include the lumbar and sacral region, the typical radiation field will resemble a spade, larger inferiorly to cover the nerves as they spread out in the sacral region, and then shielding either side of the vertebral column at the level of the lumbar spine region. Once again, current practice would be to use a multi field approach.

Emergency cases: SVC Obstru­ction

Superior vena cava (SVC) obstru­ction is a medical emergency that falls under the ‘plan and treat’ umbrella.
As the treatment is palliative intent, the daily fraction size is usually large at the start (up to 3-4 Gy) to get the dose in quickly to attempt a quick response. After a few of these larger fractions the radiation oncologist may then prescribe a more normal fracti­onation of 2-3 Gy per day up to a dose of between 20 and 30 Gy.

Emergency cases: SVC Obstru­ction

Superior vena cava (SVC) obstru­ction is a medical emergency that falls under the ‘plan and treat’ umbrella.
As the treatment is palliative intent, the daily fraction size is usually large at the start (up to 3-4 Gy) to get the dose in quickly to attempt a quick response. After a few of these larger fractions the radiation oncologist may then prescribe a more normal fracti­onation of 2-3 Gy per day up to a dose of between 20 and 30 Gy.

Emergency cases: SVC Obstru­ction

Superior vena cava (SVC) obstru­ction is a medical emergency that falls under the ‘plan and treat’ umbrella.
As the treatment is palliative intent, the daily fraction size is usually large at the start (up to 3-4 Gy) to get the dose in quickly to attempt a quick response. After a few of these larger fractions the radiation oncologist may then prescribe a more normal fracti­onation of 2-3 Gy per day up to a dose of between 20 and 30 Gy.

Emergency cases: SVC Obstru­ction

Superior vena cava (SVC) obstru­ction is a medical emergency that falls under the ‘plan and treat’ umbrella.
As the treatment is palliative intent, the daily fraction size is usually large at the start (up to 3-4 Gy) to get the dose in quickly to attempt a quick response. After a few of these larger fractions the radiation oncologist may then prescribe a more normal fracti­onation of 2-3 Gy per day up to a dose of between 20 and 30 Gy.

Emergency cases: Widespread bony metastases

These patients might be approp­riately treated with hemi body radiot­herapy (involving radiation to one half of the body).
The junction of the upper and lower fields is usually at the level of the iliac crests. A single dose of 6 Gy to the upper body and 8 Gy to the lower body is prescr­ibed. The treatment is usually given with the patient as an in-patient due to the expected signif­icant side effects of delivering radiation to such a large volume within the patient.

Emergency cases: Electrons

Electrons are used to treat bony metastases that are superf­icially positioned within the patient, namely the sternum and ribs.
Electrons are sensitive to change in patient contour. Therefore, to deliver the correct dose, ‘skin-­edge’ must be achieved.
For a sternum treatment, with the patient flat on their back, the treatment area is usually flat enough. On some occasions you may see the patient is on an incline plane to achieve the flat area.
An energy of 9 MeV with a dose prescribed to the 90 percent isodose line is usually sufficient to relieve the patient’s bony pain symptoms. The dose will vary between a single fraction of 8 Gy, up to 20 to 30 Gy in 5 to 10 fractions. An SSD of 100 is usual practice. As skin dose is not usually required, bolus is rarely prescr­ibed, but some erythema is expected as the dose prescribed increases.
Patient position will be determined by the treatment site, achieving skin-edge for the electron beam.
For lateral ribs, the patient will often have to be lying on their contra­lateral side. If this happens, the patient will be fairly unstable, so at simulation make sure that you have taken all measures to ensure that the patient is comfor­table and stable.

Management Strate­gies: Chemot­herapy

Palliative chemot­herapy is defined as treatment in circum­stances where the impact of interv­ention is insuff­icient to result in major survival advantage, but does affect improv­ement in terms of tumour­related symptoms, and where the pallia­tio­n/t­oxicity trade-off from treatment clearly favours symptom relief
The role of chemot­herapy in circum­stances where little or no survival benefit is antici­pated remains contro­ver­sial.
This is despite the mounting body of evidence in favour of its use for symptom pallia­tion. The notion persists that outcomes other than signif­icant survival benefit are not valid, because of firmly held percep­tions of toxicity.
Palliative cytotoxic chemot­herapy is less widely used than radiation therapy as the toxicities associated with chemot­herapy are more common and more difficult to justify according to the criteria for good pallia­tion.
Palliative hormone chemot­herapy is more widely used due to its limited toxicity.

Emergency cases: Spinal Cord Compre­ssion

When a patient presents with bony metastases to the vertebral column, they could have spinal cord compre­ssion.
This will severely impact on the patient’s mobility.
A steroid medication to help reduce any swelling around the spinal cord will already have been admini­stered. It is your job to ensure that the treatment position is approp­riate for each patient’s mobility and overall condition.
The first decision to make is whether the patient can lie prone or supine.
The patient will have undergone a diagnostic MRI to differ­entiate between malignant symptoms and muscul­osk­eletal causes. From the MRI the radiation oncologist will instruct you as to which vertebrae are to be treated.
One thing to remember though regardless of technique is that the upper level and lower level of the field should cover full vertebrae and should not be part way through a vertebra.
The region to be treated will determine the technique to be used.
Upper cervical spine
If a direct posterior field were to be used for a C1-C4 vertebral treatment, the field would exit through the oral cavity.
Since the aim of radiation therapy is to deliver a tumorc­idial dose and minimise the dose to the surrou­nding healthy struct­ures, this technique is less than ideal.
The next option is to treat the upper cervical spine with lateral photon beams, this will ensure an even dose to the vertebra, and avoid the oral cavity as much as possible, thereby minimising side effects.
It is unlikely that these patients will be prone. Sometimes the patient will be simulated supine in a stabil­isation cast/shell for ease of set up and reprod­uci­bility.
If the oral cavity could not be completely avoided then there may be some mucositis and oesoph­agitis experi­enced by the patient, which can be easily managed with medica­tion.
Lower cervical spine
Lateral fields aren’t considered as the patient’s shoulders will absorb the beam on its path to the spine.
For this reason a multi field technique is often employed. Wedged posterior obliques with either a direct posterior, or anterior, field is normally indicated for treating these patients.
Thoracic spine
the spinal column is located poster­iorly. Multi field techniques are commonly used in the thoracic region.
Sometimes patients can complain of oesoph­agitis due to the exiting radiation, but this occurs rarely.
Lumbar spine
From the thoracic to the lumbar region, the vertebral column moves further anteri­orly, approa­ching mid-se­par­ation.
Multi field techniques are used in the lumbar region, either opposing anterior and posterior photon fields or a 3 field technique. The 3 field technique may use either posterior oblique fields or laterals to achieve the desired dose distri­bution to the required depth.
The 3 field technique may use either posterior oblique fields or laterals to achieve the desired dose distri­bution to the required depth.
Just below the last Thoracic (T12) and first Lumbar (L1) vertebra the spinal cord ends at the Conus Medull­aris. From this point the spinal nerves, resembling a horse’s tail, become known as the Cauda Equina, and extend to the coccyx. These nerves are suspended in spinal fluid.
Often the referral will be for a nerve-root compre­ssion rather than spinal cord compre­ssion for this reason.
To include the lumbar and sacral region, the typical radiation field will resemble a spade, larger inferiorly to cover the nerves as they spread out in the sacral region, and then shielding either side of the vertebral column at the level of the lumbar spine region. Once again, current practice would be to use a multi field approach.

Emergency cases

Emergency patients are often referred to as ‘plan and treat’.
This is because the patients need prompt treatment as they are at risk of permanent, irreve­rsible damage. To minimise risks and discomfort for these patients, they are treated immedi­ately following the planning procedure.
There are two main instances of ‘plan and treat’ patients.
The first is for spinal cord compre­ssion - where the tumour is impinging on the cord itself, or a nerve, with the potential to leave the patient a paraplegic or a quadri­plegic if left untreated.
The other is for superior vena cava (SVC) obstru­ction. This is where disease in the medias­tinum is reducing blood flow. The patient will present with shortness of breath, swelling and discol­our­ation of the skin in the head, arms and chest above the site of obstru­ction.

Extrem­ities: Humerus

The patient will be positioned with the ipsila­teral arm ‘akimbo’. This is a position where the arm is abducted away from the chest wall (like putting your hand on your hip) in order to minimise dose to the adjacent chest wall.
A lymphatic strip will also be required for drainage, i.e. sparing a strip of skin on the medial edge of the arm.
Opposing anterior and posterior photon fields will be used.
A consid­eration for these patients, and/or if you are treating their forearm, is missing the side rails of the bed with the posterior field.
References to consider recording in simulation include:
-SN (sternal notch)/tip of shoulder
-Tip of elbow/­chest wall
-RL = for example, 15 cm to left of ML (mid line) at SN level through to mid elbow
-Tattoos will be at SN level/RL, Isocen­tre/RL, and possibly Lower Level (LL)/RL
The SN/tip of shoulder measur­ement is required to reproduce the shoulder position.
Placing the isocentre according to a tattoo­/skin mark is irrelevant if the patient shrugs their shoulder.
The tip of elbow to chest wall measur­ement will control the arm position, ensuring that the treatment area is correct.

Extrem­ities: Forearm

The patients’ forearm should be placed in a position that is comfor­table and away from the body.
A reference line will be required, possibly from mid-se­par­ation elbow through to mid- separation wrist. Other anatomical references are epicon­dyles on the wrist. A series of tattoo­s/skin marks will be required to ensure the same RL is obtained on each day of treatment.

Extrem­ities: Femur

A patient may have radiation to the femur either pre- or post- operat­ively, or with no surgery planne­d.The size of the field may depend on whether surgery has or has not been performed.
If not, the metastases and a margin around the lesion will be treated: Shielding may be positioned superi­or-­med­ially to minimise bowel and bladder toxicity. Diarrhoea and cystitis may be experi­enced if included within the pelvic region of the fields.
If a pin has been surgically inserted (either due to pathol­ogical fracture or prophy­lac­tic­ally), then it is possible that tumour cells will have been forced down the femoral shaft by the pin. The lower level of the field will therefore need to cover the inferior end of the pin, plus a margin.
A strip of skin also needs to be spared from the radiation field. If the entire circum­ference of the leg is treated, the lymphatic drainage will be impaired, resulting in severe swelling of the limb (lymph­oed­ema). This is often called ‘ring barking’. This scenario is unacce­ptable from a patient’s quality of life perspe­ctive, and should be avoided at all costs.
The femur and lower pelvis are centrally located (in the anterior- posterior plane), and are therefore treated with opposing anterior and posterior photon fields.
Patients are positioned supine, with a bolster under their knees and some form of foot separation device to maintain the leg position.
UBP/ML (upper border pubis/­mid­line) and location from anterior commissure (Ant Comm.) or Base of Penis (BOP); and
Reference line (RL) – establ­ished to ensure that the leg position is mainta­ined. For example, a reference line could be establ­ished of 10 cm to the left of ML at UBP through to midsep­aration patella.
When a full femur is being treated, the length of the field is often longer than can be achieved with the standard jaw setting (espec­ially when the hemi-p­elvis is also encomp­assed in the field).
This problem can be overcome by using an extended SSD technique. By moving the patient away from the radiation source, the x-rays diverge to give an effect­ively larger field size.
To achieve this, the SSD is typically set (known as fixed SSD) to 120 or 130 cm. (Compare this to having an isocentric technique with 100 at the isocentre and an SSD of approx­imately 90 cm.

Management Strate­gies: Radiation Therapy

Palliative radiation therapy is aimed at relieving local symptoms of advanced disease.
When deciding on the dose to be prescribed to a patient the following points are some to be considered by the radiation oncolo­gist:
ECOG status
proximity to services
social circum­stances
carers and support services
side effects
patient wishes
Radiation Oncologist prefer­ences
Overlap of the area to be treated with previous areas of irradi­ation is of concern for any patient.
It is a regular occurrence that patients who have developed bony metastases require ongoing radiation treatment as further metastases arise. The details of previous treatment need to be known and mapped out to determine potential overlap.
This will help to establish if the patient can safely receive further treatment, partic­ularly with metastases to vertebral bodies where the underlying critical structure is the spinal cord.
For most palliative treatm­ents, side effects from the treatment should be minimal.
Patients rarely experience erythema due to the lower doses being below skin tolerance. Most patients will experience tiredness. However, it is difficult to distin­guish between radiation induced symptoms and those associated with the disease itself.
There will be a range of dose prescr­ipt­ions, incorp­orating these consid­era­tions:
30 Gy in 10 fractions, 5 fractions per week
20 Gy in 5 fractions, 5 fractions per week
8 Gy in a single fraction
Radiation therapy is a proven effective palliative treatment option for many tumour sites and metastatic disease symptoms.
Treatment and Planning consid­era­tions
Radiation Therapy for metastatic disease covers many anatomical sites. However, there are some underlying principles that can be applied to all sites. To meet patient positi­oning principles it is important that the patient is as comfor­table as possible.
Simulation for all treatment sites, inform­ation to be recorded is as follows:
-patient position including: vertical baselines (VBL); reference lines (RL)
-stretches (the distance between two anatomical landma­rks);
-CT slice at 'zero' location or imaging centre, referenced to an anatomical landmark;
-position of tattoos or skin marks
It is important to record the isocentre position relative to bony struct­ures.If there is a query about where the isocentre is when the patient is about to be treated, you can always refer to the anatomical references to avoid discre­pan­cies.
The baselines and reference lines selected should be perpen­dicular to each other and any measur­ements from those lines to CT reference points or isocentre should be perpen­dicular also.

Lung metastases Management Strategies

The following criteria should be applied to achieve good pallia­tion:
-prompt relief of symptoms
-minimal toxicity from treatment
-simple treatment technique
-minimal number of treatment fractions
Patients with metastatic cancers often have multiple symptoms including; pain, anorexia, vomiting, weight loss, dysphagia, dyspnea, fatigue, depres­sion, anxiety.
Pain is the most important symptom of patients with metastatic cancer, as pain interferes with mobility, sleep and psycho­logical issues.
80-90% of pain can be succes­sfully controlled with oral analgesia or adjuvant medica­tion. 10-20% of patients have pain which is difficult to control and resistant to opioid analgesia.
Patients with metastatic disease may experience pain crises, charac­terised by acute onset of a new pain quality. This may be due to a pathol­ogical fracture, spinal cord compre­ssion, intestinal obstru­ction or perfor­ation, vascular compli­cation, other compli­cations or acute breakt­hrough of pre-ex­isting constant pain.
A thorough history and clinical examin­ation can suffic­iently classify the main patho-­phy­sio­logical type of pain. These pain types may be neurop­athic, nocice­ptive, visceral or somatic pain.
This differ­ent­iation may aid selection of adequate analge­sics, comedi­cation, and help assessment of the underlying cause and the most approp­riate treatment options.
Some compli­cations such as spinal cord compre­ssion require urgent assessment and treatment of neurol­ogical function is to be improved or retained. The three factors that can assist in the choice of treatment management for metastatic disease include:
1. The tumour: the site, size, spread, operab­ility, radios­ens­iti­vity, chemo-­sen­sit­ivity, and histology all need to be consid­ered.
2. The patients factors include; age and general condition (physical and mental), morbidity and mortality, function and cosmesis, reliab­ility of follow up after treatment, patient prefer­ence.
3. The resources available: Most oncolo­gical treatments require technical expertise, experience and specialist equipment. The availa­bility of these resource requir­ements may influence treatment management options when patients are unable to travel, or are living in rural or regional areas where specialist treatment may not be available.

Lung metastases

The lungs are a common site for metastatic disease.
Primary tumours that commonly spread to the lungs include: breast, colore­ctal, lung, testic­ular, pancre­atic, oesoph­ageal, stomach, ovarian, renal cell and prostate carcin­omas, osteogenic and soft tissue sarcomas, and melanoma.
Metastatic cells from both local and distant sites can reach the lungs via haemat­ogenous pathways, developing into secondary tumours within the parenc­hyma, large airways, hilar and medias­tinal lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels or pleura.
Pulmonary haemat­ogenous spread occurs most commonly from tumours that have direct venous drainage into the lungs, such as head and neck, kidney, testis, melanoma, and osteos­arc­oma’s.
Lymphatic metastasis occurs as tumour cells travel via lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels.
Tumour emboli may become trapped in an individual lymph node, or may bypass certain nodes and become establ­ished in distant nodal sites called "­ski­p" metastasis.
Metastatic cells from primary lung tumour sites often spread to hilar and then medias­tinal nodes, thus resulting in a higher disease stage with fewer therap­eutic options and a poorer prognosis.
Diagnostic invest­iga­tions for metastatic lung cancer may include: chest x-ray; CT; bronch­oscopy; sputum cytology (examines a sample of sputum (mucus) under a micros­cope); CT guided needle biopsy; thorac­oscopy; medias­tin­oscopy
Symptoms of pulmonary metastasis are uncommon and are related to tumour size and location: cough; wheezing; haemop­tysis (coughing up blood); dyspnea (shortness of breath); fatigue and; chest pain.
Palliative laser therapy can provide rapid relief for dyspnea and haemop­tysis if due to disease in the trachea or main bronchi.
In certain circum­stances single or multiple pulmonary metastases can be surgically removed, surgery does depend on the tumour size, location, nodal involv­ement, the patients ECOG perfor­mance status and other co-mor­bities.
Treatment with chemot­herapy and/or biological agents is used when a patient is not an optimal surgical patient or when surgery would be ineffe­ctive in removing all the cancer, such as in instances of medias­tinal, lympha­ngitic, or pleural metast­asis.
External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) is helpful in relieving symptoms from metastatic lung disease. Studies have shown a single fraction of endobr­onchial high dose rate (HDR) brachy­therapy to be as effective as EBRT.
Generally radiation therapy is used infreq­uently to treat pulmonary metast­asis, except in lung cancer, and is reserved for palliation for cough, haemop­tysis, or pain.
Obstru­ctive lesions may shrink with radiation therapy, depending on tumour histology. Shrinking of a lesion may relieve dyspnea or facilitate drainage of a post-o­bst­ructive infection.

Management strategies of brain metastasis

Radiation therapy is the treatment of choice includes: Whole brain irradi­ation; Stereo­tactic irradi­ation
Chemotherapy – limited use
There are several factors to consider in determ­ining the best treatment for each individual patient. These factors are: the extent of systematic disease, the patients’ general condition or ECOG status, the number and site of the metast­ases, the patients’ age and the patients’ neurol­ogical status at diagnosis.
If the patient is terminally ill, relief of intrac­ranial pressure by steroids alone (dexam­eth­osone 4mg orally) may be all that is approp­riate.
Whole Brain Irradi­ation Treatment and Planning
Depending on the patient’s condition, the radiation oncologist will prescribe either 20 Gy in five fractions or 30 Gy in 10 fractions prescribed to midplane.
The skull is treated with opposing lateral photon fields to deliver an even dose throughout the brain.
The intent of the treatment is palliative to relieve the patient of their neurol­ogical symptoms. Their prognosis remains poor.
Median survival post-whole brain radiot­herapy ranges from three to six months for patients with multiple metast­ases.
An oncologist may prescribe a boost when the patient has demons­trated a good response and there is a solitary metast­asis. This boost may be treated with external beam, or the other option is stereo­tactic radiation therapy.
An anatomical baseline of SOM (superior orbital margin) to ITN (inferior tragal notch) will ensure that the base of skull is vertical.
If this baseline is not achievable the jaws can be rotated so the inferior beam edge remains the same, or an alternate baseline can be chosen and MLC collim­ation employed to shield the eyes and oral cavity.
ATN (anterior tragal notch) levels are equiva­lent. A non-di­vergent inferior field edge is desirable to ensure the lens dose is kept to a minimum.
These patients have a limited prognosis, but if they live long enough to develop cataracts, their quality of life will usually be poor.
The radiation field will include the entire brain, so the anterior, posterior and superior field edges will overshoot the patient’s profile.
If the isocentre is on the vertical baseline (VBL), ATN and ML, asymmetric collim­ation can be used to achieve this. Two opposing lateral fields ensure that an even dose is delivered throughout the skull. If the patient has metastases in the cerebe­llum, the lower level of the field needs to be increased by a few centim­etres, which would then irradiate the eyes and some of the nasal cavity. If this is the case, the eyes will need to be shielded.
Verifi­cation images will be taken on the first day, or daily pre-tr­eatment (centre dependent) to ensure adequate treatment of the brain. The patient may experience some headaches during treatment due to swelling of the brain. The patient may be already experi­encing these, in which case the oncologist would have prescribed a steroid drug such as Dexame­tho­sone. Other side effects are tiredness, slight erythema and alopecia (hair loss).

Brain metastases

A number of cancers develop metastases that migrate to the brain. (i.e lung, breast, melanoma and sometimes renal)
Brain metastases may be detected at the same time the primary tumour is diagnosed (synchr­onous presen­tation) or as is the case for over 80% of cases, the brain metastases develop after the primary is diagnosed (metach­ronous presen­tation).
Most tumours reach the brain by haemat­ogenous spread, usually through arterial circul­ation.
Intrac­ranial metastases may occur in the meninges, brain or the skull. 80% of brain metastases occur in the cerebral hemisp­heres and 16% in the cerebe­llum. Rarely deposits may occur in the basal ganglia, brainstem, pituitary gland and the choroid plexus.
Diagnosis: The patient will normally present with symptoms such as headaches, raised intrac­ranial pressure, physical weakne­ss/­par­alysis, vision and speech diffic­ulties.
physical examin­ation testing reflexes; a neurol­ogical examin­ation; CT; Contrast enhanced MRI; Arteri­ography (radio­graphy of an artery); Biopsy
The treatment of brain metastases is virtually always pallia­tive.