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2.5.2 Reflective practice and communication Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is an essential element of demons­trating your continuous develo­pment as a profes­sional, your profes­sional accoun­tab­ility and your engagement in best practice.
Practising reflec­tively can assist the practi­tioner to monitor aspects of their practice, encourage profes­sional develo­pment, personal growth and to evaluate the currency of their skills
Reflective Practice Theory – learning by experi­ence.
Reflection in action is the process of reflection that occurs while you are engaged in the task.A problem occurs and you are required to find a solution by reflec­ting, testing, and evaluating while in the midst of the problem.
Reflection on action in contrast is the use of reflection after the event. Reflection after an experience can be a useful learning tool to consider the unders­tanding and knowledge that were evident in order to solve the problem, to analyse practice in order to improve future practice.
Reflective Practice Models can be useful tools to guide the reflective process
Three key stages in the reflective process:
Stage 1 is ‘triggered by an awareness of uncomf­ortable feelings or thoughts,’ it is realised the situation is beyond the current knowledge of the practi­tioner.
Stage 2 is the analysis of the situation, to examine thoughts and feelings, knowledge learnt and knowledge gaps.
Stage 3 is learning from the situation, the develo­pment of a change in knowledge and practice to enhance future profes­sional practice.
Reflection is cyclical: In applying your learning to future profes­sional practice, it is recognised that the reflective process commences again.
In choosing an approp­riate model it is important to return to WHY it is important to reflect.

The Commun­ication Process

Commun­ication with patients and within the multid­isc­ipl­inary team is vital.
The commun­ication process can be divided into 5 steps:
1) The sender has a message to commun­icate
2) The sender encodes the idea in a message (verbal, written, hand gestures, body movement, facial expres­sions)
3) The message travels over a channel
4) The receiver decodes the message
5) The receiver unders­tands the message and sends feedback to the sender