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1.7 Generating X-rays Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Contro­lling the X-ray Tube Output

Just as there are many different types of cancer and locations of tumours, there are different x-ray beams suitable to treat them.
Skin cancers, where the tumour is located in the superf­icial layers of the skin, require a beam that deposits dose in the first few millim­etres of soft tissue and less of a dose to deeper organs.
Tumours that lie deep in a patient require a more penetr­ating beam.
Adjusting the temper­ature of the filament, or cathode, by changing the current flowing in it alters the rate of electrons ‘boiled off’ the filament.
These electrons form the tube current and the number of electrons per time interval is directly related to the number of x-ray photons over that time interval.
The quantity of x-rays, the dose-rate, is directly propor­tional to the tube current, provided the potential difference across the anode to the cathode is constant. That is, the energy of the electrons as they hit the target is the same.
If this is the case the spectrum of x-ray energies emitted is also the same, as is the quality of the beam in terms of its HVL. If we think of water as an analogy, with temper­ature being analogous to quality, turning up the tube current is like opening up the tap: we get more water flowing but it's still the same temper­ature.
If we increase the potential difference between the filament and the target, cathode and anode, but keep the filament at the same temper­ature, we have the same number of electrons per time interval but they have more energy when they hit the target.
The result is the maximum energy an x-ray photon may have is increased, and, because it is possible for an electron to have more collisions before it loses all its energy, the number of x-rays per time interval also increases. Therefore, both the quality of the beam and the quantity of the beam increase.

Radiot­herapy Simulator

A radiot­herapy simulator is a specially designed x-ray machine that replicates most of the functions of the medical linear accele­rator.
The simulator has the manoeu­vra­bility and accuracy of a linear accele­rator and can provide radiation beams that are identical in size and position to those used in all treatment plans. Unlike a linear accele­rator, the simulator contains a conven­tional x-ray tube and an image intens­ifier. These combine to provide real time imaging and high quality radiog­raphs with the patient positioned for the proposed treatment plan. The simulator will always be able to provide improved image quality compared to images obtained with a linear accele­rator.
The image intens­ifier is a highly evacuated tube that contains a fluore­scent screen. This allows us to observe an x-ray image as it changes with time in a technique known as fluoro­scopy. The fluore­scent screen is contained in a highly evacuated tube known as an image intens­ifier. It converts the x-ray pattern received from the patient into a light image, which is then viewed by a camera and displayed on a TV monitor.
Conseq­uently, the use of the simulator has greatly improved the processes of tumour locali­sation, verifi­cation and reprod­uci­bility of treatment set-up. Radiation treatment planning also makes consid­erable use of the images obtained using computed tomography (CT) imaging.


Radiog­raphic noise is the undesi­rable fluctu­ations in the optical density of the image. A reduction in noise results in increased contrast resolution and therefore improved image quality.

Contrast Resolution

This refers to the ability to distin­guish anatomic structures of similar subject contrast such as liver-­spleen and grey-white brain matter.
Computed Tomography (CT) scanners and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners have excellent contrast resolu­tion.

Spatial Resolution

This refers to the ability to image two separate objects that have high subject contrast such as small, calcified lung nodules or breast microc­alc­ifi­cat­ions.
Resolution is measured by the ability to see pairs of lines and is expressed as line pairs per millimetre (lp/mm). Conven­tional radiog­raphy has excellent spatial resolu­tion.

Radiog­raphic image quality

This refers to the exactness of repres­ent­ation of anatomic structures on a radiog­raph.
A radiograph is of high quality if it faithfully reproduces structures and tissues. Radiog­raphic quality depends on a number of complex factors and is not easy to define or measure precisely.
Three important charac­ter­istics are: 1. spatial resolu­tion; 2. contrast resolu­tion; 3. noise.

Magnif­ication Effect

All radiog­raphs will demons­trate magnif­ication since the three-­dim­ens­ional structure of the human body is being displayed in the two-di­men­sional format of the image.
Additi­onally, the magnitude of this magnif­ication varies through the thickness of the patient being a maximum at the beam entrance surface and a minimum at the exit surface.
Since a radiograph displays 3-dime­nsional structures on a 2-dime­nsional image it is impossible to tell the depth of any structure from one image. At least one additional radiograph taken orthogonal to the original would be required to gain this inform­ation.
Although you may appreciate that the resulting image obtained with conven­tional radiog­raphy is magnified when compared to the original object, it may not be so clear that the magnitude of this magnif­ication varies through the thickness of the patient (depth within the patient), being a maximum at the beam entrance surface and a minimum at the exit surface.
In the more tradit­ional forms of radiation therapy planning, patients were radiog­raphed with lead markers of known dimensions placed on both the anterior and posterior parts of their body (often a circle in one location and a cross in the other for easy identi­fic­ation on the film) so that the magnif­ication at the front and the back could be determ­ined. This then allowed the magnif­ication at any relevant depth (perhaps the site of a tumour) to be determined by interp­ola­tion.

Radiog­raphic Image

X-rays are extremely penetr­ating radiations and the degree of penetr­ation in a given medium depends in part on the density of that medium.
In the human body, four distinct types of tissues are present each providing a different degree of attenu­ation to the x-ray beam:
1. air tissue (lung) which is the least dense or radiol­ucent
2. bone tissue which is the most dense or radiopaque
3. adipose tissue (fat)
4. liquid tissue
In x-radi­ogr­aphy, these differ­ences in attenu­ation are utilised to provide shadows of varying density on the radiog­raphic image.
A well-e­xposed radiograph will demons­trate sufficient overall blackening or density, good contrast between the various structures imaged and sharply defined detail with a minimum of distor­tion.


Basic features of parallel radiog­raphic grid


Radiog­raphic imaging is not only an important modality for detecting the presence of abnorm­alities in the body, but in cancer therapy it plays a critical role in identi­fying the extent of disease and its accurate locali­sation for radiation therapy.
As well as utilising inform­ation obtained from x-ray equipment readily available in the radiology depart­ment, radiation therapy techno­logists operate specially designed equipment that can image the patient in set-ups that simulate the proposed treatment position.
For obvious reasons, this equipment is in fact called a simulator.
Additi­onally, many treatment procedures are checked directly on the treatment machines in processes known as electronic portal imaging or on board imaging.
Radiog­raphic Grid
When x-rays pass through the patient, they are attenuated by the processes of absorption and scatte­ring.
The contrast produced in a radiograph is the result of photoe­lectric attenu­ation.
his is dependent on the atomic number and the density of the tissue. However, Compton scattered radiation is also present and this degrades the quality of the image by randomly irradi­ating the whole area, increasing the fog level and reducing the contrast.
Scattered radiation can be reduced by the use of a grid which is composed of thin equally spaced lead strips in the range of 20 to 40 strips per centim­etre.
Focused grids are often used in which the strips of lead are angled from the centre to the outside border to accomm­odate the divergence of the x-ray beam.
The grid, which is placed between the patient and the film, allows x-rays travelling from the tube focus to pass through unimpeded to the film.
However, the passage of scattered radiation is substa­ntially limited although not completely elimin­ated.


Radiog­raphic imaging is not only an important modality for detecting the presence of abnorm­alities in the body, but in cancer therapy it plays a critical role in identi­fying the extent of disease and its accurate locali­sation for radiation therapy.
As well as utilising inform­ation obtained from x-ray equipment readily available in the radiology depart­ment, radiation therapy techno­logists operate specially designed equipment that can image the patient in set-ups that simulate the proposed treatment position.
For obvious reasons, this equipment is in fact called a simulator.
Additi­onally, many treatment procedures are checked directly on the treatment machines in processes known as electronic portal imaging or on board imaging.
Radiog­raphic Grid
When x-rays pass through the patient, they are attenuated by the processes of absorption and scatte­ring.
The contrast produced in a radiograph is the result of photoe­lectric attenu­ation.
his is dependent on the atomic number and the density of the tissue. However, Compton scattered radiation is also present and this degrades the quality of the image by randomly irradi­ating the whole area, increasing the fog level and reducing the contrast.
Scattered radiation can be reduced by the use of a grid which is composed of thin equally spaced lead strips in the range of 20 to 40 strips per centim­etre.
Focused grids are often used in which the strips of lead are angled from the centre to the outside border to accomm­odate the divergence of the x-ray beam.
The grid, which is placed between the patient and the film, allows x-rays travelling from the tube focus to pass through unimpeded to the film.
However, the passage of scattered radiation is substa­ntially limited although not completely elimin­ated.

Superf­icial and Orthov­oltage Radiot­herapy

Superf­icial and Orthov­oltage radiot­herapy utilise low energy ionising radiation to treat cancer and other conditions that occur either on or close to the skin surface.
Superf­icial radiot­herapy utilises x-ray energies of between 50 and 200 keV, having a treatment range of up to 5mm, and Orthov­oltage radiot­herapy utilises 200 to 500 keV x-rays penetr­ating to a useful depth of 4 – 6cm.
The shallow penetr­ating power of both techniques means that they are often superior to megavo­ltage external beam radiation for the treatment of superf­icial lesions.
Orthov­oltage and superf­icial treatment machines are becoming less common, with much of the treatment that was previously delivered with them now being delivered using linear accele­rators.
Orthov­oltage units use x-rays with energies of 200 - 500 keV. They have a similar design to standard x-ray tubes, but also include:
Extra shielding around the target anode to absorb the higher energy scattered photons.
Increased voltage between the cathode and the anode to increase the energy of generated photons
Jaws may be used to alter the beam shape and size as it emerges from the tube.
Orthov­oltage Unit
The radiation from orthov­oltage units is referred to as x-rays, generated by bombarding a metallic target (tungsten) with high-e­nergy electrons. This is a relatively low energy radiation source; typically operated at 250 kV.
The maximum dose is deposited at the skin surface and dose falls to 90% at ~2 cm of depth in the tissue. As a result the acute effects to the skin can be severe, but it is difficult to treat deep-s­eated tumors due to the limita­tions of the radiation tolerance of the overlying tissues; the skin dose becomes prohib­itively large when adequate doses are to be delivered to deep-s­eated tumors.
Additi­onally, there is differ­ential absorption of dose in bone versus soft tissue and there is some risk of bone damage or necrosis.
Orthov­oltage irradi­ation is primarily suited for treatment of superf­icial tumors that do not involve adjacent bone. Applic­ations include primarily skin tumors, and nasal cavity tumors after cytore­ductive surgery.
Orthov­oltage units are operated at a relatively short source­-to­-skin distance (usually 50 cm) limiting the size of the treatment field; the field size is defined by the use of different sized/­shaped attach­ments or cones (recta­ngular, circular, slanted). Orthov­oltage units are relatively inexpe­nsive machines, relatively easy to repair and maintain, and less shielding and space is required for operation.

Filtra­tion: contro­lling quality of the x-ray beam

Increasing the accele­rating potential of an x-ray tube increases the quality of the beam.
There is a physical limit to how far one can increase the accele­rating potential using a transf­ormer before technical diffic­ulties start to arise.
High electric fields can break down the insula­tors, especially air, and lead to arcing or sparking.
The practical limit for x-ray tubes with length of the order of a metre is around 400-500 kV. The altern­ative method of increasing the quality of the beam is by filtra­tion.
Filtration relies on the property of prefer­ential absorption of low-energy x-rays compared to high-e­nergy ones. If we put an absorber in the beam the spectrum of the beam is altered, with the low-energy x-rays being absorbed more rapidly than the high energy ones and the effective energy of the beam increases.
At the same time the overall dose-rate decreases, because some of the beam has been absorbed, but its quality, as expressed in its half-value layer, increases.
Many studies have shown that materials like aluminium, tin and copper make excellent filters and when used correctly can optimise the loss in output with the best possible gain in quality.
To control the energy spectrum produced by a kilovo­ltage machine, filters are placed in the path of the beam. These filters select­ively attenuate the desired part of the beam spectrum; this usually hardens the beam (removes low energy photons).
Filtration has two major roles in kilovo­ltage radiot­herapy:
1. Filtration hardens the beam, attenu­ating low energy photons and shifting the spectrum towards higher energy photons. The low energy photons are not needed, as they would simply excess dose to the most superf­icial parts of the skin.
2. Filtration smoothes the beam spectrum, partic­ularly with relation to the charac­ter­istic radiation produced in the target. This prevents excessive photons with unwanted energies from contri­buting to the dose.
Hence, the dose reduction rationale for filtra­tion: only higher­-energy x-rays remain in the beam, these are more penetr­ating and less likely to be absorbed by tissues …. dose reduction!
If filtration is absent, very-l­ow-­energy x-rays (<2­0keV) are most likely being totally absorbed by tissues, increasing the patient dose. These x-rays do not contribute to image formation, as they are being almost totally absorbed. Hence, filtration is a MUST.
The upper limit in beam quality for a conven­tional x-ray tube is about 4 mm Cu HVL. This can be achieved with a reasonable dose rate using ~ 300 kV and a combined aluminium, tin and copper filter.
In terms of depth dose in tissue this corres­ponds to ~65% at a depth of 5 cm for a 10 cm by 10 cm beam, i.e. 65% of the beam incident on the patient's skin reaches a depth of 5 cm. To treat deeper tumours than this requires multiple beams from different angles of incidence to ensure the skin tolerance is not exceeded.
Clearly, this is neither very deep nor very efficient and to treat deep tumours more energetic beams are required.

Requisites for Generating X-rays

X-rays are produced when high-speed electrons are decele­rated.
This is the fundam­ental principle used for the generation of x-rays, whether for diagnostic or therapy purposes. To generate x-rays you need three things:
1. a means to produce electrons; 2. a means to accelerate the electrons to high speed; and 3. a means to stop them abruptly.
The tube cathode (filament, eg. tungsten) is heated with a low-vo­ltage current of a few amps.
The filament heats up and the electrons in the wire become loosely held.
A large electrical potential is created between the cathode and the anode by the high-v­oltage generator.
The electrons that break free of the cathode are strongly attracted to the anode.
The stream of electrons between the cathode and the anode is the tube current.
When the electrons are slowed or stopped by the intera­ction with the atomic particles of the target, x-rays are produced.
With most x-ray tubes used in diagnostic radiology, electrons are accele­rated towards a tungsten anode (target) by applying a large accele­rating voltage between the anode and the cathode. After accele­ration at impact with the target, the electron will have an amount of energy that is directly propor­tional to the instan­taneous applied voltage. However, very few electrons acquire a kinetic energy numeri­cally equivalent to the kVp applied to the tube.
Therefore, even fewer x-rays are emitted with this energy since the bremss­tra­hlung process generally involves the production of a large number of low energy photons rather than the emission of a single photon with energy equal to the incident electron. Thus, the bremss­tra­hlung spectrum will be continuous with all energies present up to a maximum energy determined by the maximum accele­rating voltage applied to the tube.

Summary of Properties of an X-ray Beam

The beam from an x-ray generator comprises a spectrum of energies - it is polych­rom­atic.
The minimum energy is determined by self-a­bso­rption in the target and tube.
The maximum energy is determined by the maximum energy of the electrons - the tube kV.
While it is possible to quantify a beam by its spectrum, a more useful way is by its HVL.
One of the quantities that determines the depth dose curve in soft tissue is the quality of the beam (others include the area or field size of the beam, and the treatment distance, to be dealt with later).

Properties of Kilovo­ltage Beams

Maximum dose occurs at the surface
A variable rate of dose fall off, depending on beam energy (sharper for lower energy beams)
Very sharp penumbra at the surface
High atomic number inhomo­geneity causes markedly increased attenu­ation
Kilovo­ltage beams are typically only useful for superf­icial lesions, as they deposit 100% of their dose on the skin surface; this limits their applic­ation for deeper treatm­ents. For energies under 150 keV, treatments are limited to lesions of < 0.5 cm thickness due to rapid dose fall off. Orthov­oltage treatments are usually limited to lesions of < 2 cm in thickness.

X-ray spectrum for a tungsten anode

Properties of an X-ray Beam

Produced by the type of generator discussed here.
The first thing to note is that the beam contains a complete spectrum of x-radi­ation with energy ranging from very low to the maximum possible, that is the full energy of the electron that produced it.
The energy of an x-ray photon is equal to the amount of energy lost by the electron in its decele­ration.
The decele­ration of the electron is a result of its intera­ction, or collision, with the atoms of the target. There is an enormous range of intera­ctions - from a near miss to a head-on collision - and the amount of energy transf­erred from the kinetic energy of the electron to the resultant photon ranges from almost none to all.
The photons with very low energy are less likely to leave the target.
All the photons that are absorbed in the target contribute nothing to the x-ray beam, they merely heat it up. This represents the vast majority of the photons produced. The x-ray production process is only about 1% efficient; the remaining 99% of the energy of the electrons is converted to heat or infrared radiation.
The spectrum of radiation emitted from an x-ray tube extends from x-rays with sufficient energy to escape from the target and tube housing, to those with energy equal to the maximum electron energy.
The majority of the x-rays have an energy between these extremes.
These have a range or spectrum of energies and this is usually displayed as a graph of the number of x-ray photons as a function of their energy. The highest x-ray energy is determined by the peak voltage (kVp) applied between the anode and cathode.
The lower energy x-rays are prefer­ent­ially absorbed by the x-ray tube and added filters so that no x-rays are seen below about 10 keV. The most probable x-ray energies are typically about one-third to one-half of the maximum energy.
Superi­mposed on the X-ray spectrum for a tungsten anode are sharply defined radiation lines. These are obtained when the incident electrons remove an electron from a given shell of the atoms within the anode. Once the electron has been removed, a charac­ter­istic x-ray is produced when another atomic electron fills the vacancy and emits the energy difference as the charac­ter­istic x-ray photon.
The x-rays that emerge through the exit window of the insert and housing ultimately pass through the patient to form the radiog­raphic image.
While it is possible to obtain the precise distri­bution of energies in the emitted spectrum, this is not the most useful inform­ation for the radiot­herapy clinician. Of more value in radiot­herapy is a knowledge of how the dose of radiation is distri­buted in the patient. For that we need to know how rapidly it is absorbed in soft tissue: its depth dose curve.
One way of charac­ter­ising a beam is by its attenu­ation in various materials:
How much of a particular type of absorber will reduce its intensity by half, called the half-value layer (HVL).
The HVL of a beam is a measure that indicates how penetr­ating a beam is. Common materials used for expressing the HVL are tissue, aluminium, copper and lead.
The standard practice is to quote the HVL in terms of a material that gives convenient numbers of mm, for example 4 mm of Al or 2.5 mm of Cu. There is an equiva­lence between the different materials and of course to the absorption in soft tissue, which is the most important quantity when it comes to treating a tumour. The HVL is called the quality of the beam.

Schematic of a transf­ormer

Design of a Practical X-ray Generator

To accelerate electrons we need a way to produce a high voltage or potential differ­ence. It goes without saying that using 100,000 AA cells (1.5 volt batteries) to get 150 kV is hopelessly imprac­tical, but fortun­ately we don't have to resort to those sorts of measures. It is possible to transform the normal household AC supply, 240 Volts in Australia, to the levels we need.
The transf­ormer consists of a primary coil of wire and one or more secondary windings. Altern­ating current is applied to the primary and this induces a changing magnetic field. The changing magnetic field in turn induces an electric field in the secondary winding/s.
One of the properties of a transf­ormer is that the ratio of the voltage in the primary winding to the voltage in the secondary is equal to the ratio of the turns in the two windings.
To improve the efficiency of the transf­ormer it is usually wound on a ferro-­mag­netic core comprised of thin metal sheets laminated together. Transf­ormers are used both to step-up and step-down the input voltage. A step-down transf­ormer is used to supply the low voltage to heat the filament and a step-up transf­ormer to supply the large voltage to accelerate the electrons.

Rotating Anode

There are two categories of x-ray anodes: stationary and rotating.
As you might guess from the names, one anode stays still (stati­onary) while the other spins around a fixed point (rotat­ing).
The reason for this difference is primarily related to dispersing heat. A rotating anode promotes cooling between exposures by distri­buting the intense beam from the cathode over the surface of the anode - the heat is dispersed evenly across the entire surface of the anode.
This enables rotating anode users to perform longer scans and at higher doses. A rotating anode tube lasts a lot longer than a stationary x-ray tube.

Figure 7.3 Spatial distri­bution of x-rays

Decele­rating High Speed Electrons: X-ray Targets

An electron that strikes the target with a given kinetic energy will undergo several different intera­ctions with target atoms before it comes to rest and dissipates all of its kinetic energy in the target.
Two classes of electron intera­ctions with a target atom:
1. with orbital electrons of the target atoms
2. with nuclei of the target atoms
Incident electron intera­ction with orbital electron of a target atom results mainly in collision loss and ionisation of the target atom that may be accomp­anied by an energetic electron referred to as a delta ray.
The collision loss will be followed by emission of charac­ter­istic x-rays and Auger electrons.
Incident electron intera­ction with the nucleus of a target atom results mainly in elastic scattering events but may also result in radiative loss accomp­anied with bremss­tra­hlung produc­tion.
As can be seen in Figure 7.3, the peak x-ray intensity occurs at a charac­ter­istic angle θmax that depends on the kinetic energy of the incident electrons:
1.In the diagnostic energy range (50 kVp to 120 kVp), the photons are emitted approx­imately equally in all direct­ions. The θmax is 90°, and so the x-ray tube is constr­ucted with what is called a reflective target so that the useful beam is at 90°to the direction of the electrons.
2. However, the direction of the x-ray beam becomes more forward peaked as the energy of the electrons reach the mega-e­lectron voltage range. In the megavo­ltage radiot­herapy range θmax is 0°, and the target is referred to as a transm­ission target, where the generated x-ray photons continue in the same directions as the bombarding electrons.
Electrons are light negatively charged particles and interact readily with any atom that they encounter, due to the positive charge of the nucleus.
The larger the charge of the nucleus, in other words the higher the atomic number, the stronger the intera­ction.
For this reason materials with high atomic number are chosen for the target of the high-e­nergy electrons. As the atomic number of the target material increases, the efficiency of the continuous spectrum x-rays increase.
The discrete spectrum also shifts to the right repres­enting higher energy charac­ter­istic radiation.
Unfort­unately the production of x-rays is not very efficient with most of the energy of the electrons being converted to heat (infrared radiat­ion).
It is therefore an advantage if the target has a high melting point and is a good conductor of heat.
Suitable materials for the target include metals like tungsten, gold, lead, etc. either in the pure form or as alloys. Tungsten is used for general radiog­raphy, although some specialty tubes use gold. Molybdenum is used for mammog­raphy as it has a lower atomic number so the discrete spectrum is of a lower energy. This is ideal for soft tissue studies such as mammog­raphy.

Accele­rating Electrons to High Speed

There are two common ways to accelerate electrons to high speed.
The first and simplest is to use a large electric field to supply the force needed - in a process analogous to a mass falling under the influence of a gravit­ational field.
The second method is to use the electric field associated with electr­oma­gnetic radiation. The latter method is analogous to a surfer on a board riding a wave.
Using the first method, it is possible to give electrons energy up to about 500 keV. With the second method the energy attainable can be much higher, with energies of 25 MeV and more achiev­able.

Schematic of an x-ray tube

Producing Electrons

Thermionic emission is the name given to the process whereby a hot metal gives off low energy electrons.
At room temper­ature the electrons in an atom occupy orbitals around the nucleus and these are usually the lowest energy, most stable orbits closest to the nucleus with the strongest binding energy.
If an atom is heated, the extra energy can result in the electrons moving into higher energy orbitals, further from the nucleus and with lower binding force.
If the temper­ature of the atom is suffic­iently high it is possible for the electron to break free of the nucleus altoge­ther.
The standard way of obtaining electrons is from a metal filament, like that in a light globe, which is heated by passing an electric current through it.
The temper­ature of the filament governs how many electrons are produced and this is controlled by the magnitude of the electric current.
The x-ray output depends directly on the number of electrons emitted and so contro­lling the filament current is one way of contro­lling the x-ray output.
The higher the temper­ature of the filament, the larger the number of electrons that leave the cathode and travel to the anode, the greater the intensity of the X-ray output.
The high-v­oltage between the cathode and the anode affects the speed at which the electrons travel and strike the anode.
The higher the kilovo­ltage, the more speed and, therefore, energy the electrons have when they strike the anode.
Electrons striking with more energy results in x-rays with more penetr­ating power.
The high-v­oltage potential is measured in kilovolts, an increase in the kilovo­ltage will also result in an increase in the intensity of the radiation.