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Exchange Server Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat Sheet af Exchange Server

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Windows Server 2012 R2 (ADDS)

Orgina­zit­ional Units
Ringsted, Elever, Underv­iser, Admini­str­ation, IT & RED
Klargøring af Active Directory commands
Setup /Prepa­reS­chema /IAcce­ptE­xch­ang­eSe­rve­rLi­cen­seT­erms, Setup /PrepareAD /Organ­iza­tio­nNa­me:­[ZB­CRi­ngsted] /IAcce­ptE­xch­ang­eSe­rve­rLi­cen­seTerms
Forbedred Instal­lation af Exchange
Mount ISO filer til Virtuelle maskiner fra Datastore1 .NET Framework 4.6.2, Microsoft Unified Commun­ica­tions Managed API 4.0
Installér Exchange på Exchange serveren
Kør Setup.exe & kør som admini­strator
Typisk Instal­lation (Mailbox server)

Windows Exchange Server

Installér Exchange prereq­uisites
.NET Framework 4.6.2, Microsoft Unified Commun­­ic­a­tions Managed API 4.0
Installér RSAT
Remote Server Admini­str­ation Tools
Exchange Tools (Power­Shell)
Setup.exe /Role:­Man­age­men­tTools /IAcce­ptE­xch­ang­eSe­rve­rLi­cen­seTerms som Admin i CMD
Oprette grupper i domæne
Universal Security Gruppe: UExchO­rga­nis­ation, UExchR­eci­pient, UExchP­ubl­icF­older, UExchV­iewOnly
Exchange rettig­heder
Medlem af Exchange: Organi­zation, Recipient, Public Folder & View-Only Organi­zation Management
Opret bruger i domæne.
Bruger­navn: Jesper Blak (jbp)
Domæne: ZBC5/A­dmi­nis­tration
Domæne: ZBC5/A­dmi­nis­tration
Gruppe: UexchO­rga­nis­ation
Gruppe: UexchO­rga­nis­ation
Custom Attribute 2: RED
Log på EAC ExchIn­stall
Tilknyt grupper under permis­sions -> Admin roles
Log på EAC
Egen konto, dernæst Jesper.
Konfig­urere DNS MX Record
DNS konsol -> MX på forward zone ZBC5.local
Browse -> ZBC5.local for forward lookup zone -> ZBC5.local
Vælg Host(A) For din Exchange server
Add-Dn­sSe­rve­rRe­sou­rce­Rec­ordMX -ZBC5-ADDS [AD-Server ZBC5-ADDS] -Prefe­rence 10 -Name "." -MailE­xchange "­Exc­hange Server FQDN" -ZoneName "­[ZB­C5.l­oc­al]­"
Konfig­urere HUB
Tilføj de to nye Accepted domains under mail flow i EAC
Konfig­urere Mailbox
Powers­hel­l(a­dmin): Invoke­-Co­mmand -Compu­terName [Exchange Server Hostnavn] { New-Item C:\MBX­1,C­:\M­BX2­,C:­\MBX3 -ItemType directory } &
EMS Kør kommando: Move-D­ata­bas­ePath -Identity "­Mailbox Database 076442­788­8" -EdbFi­lePath 'C:\MB­X1­\Mailbox Database 076442­788­8.edb' -LogFo­lde­rPath C:\MBX­1\Logs svar ja til at dismounte

Windows Exchange Server 2016