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VV Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Virtual Visit

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

• Beginning of Your Appoin­tment

o Be sure to review the patient’s:
o Location & Adequacy for Privacy
o Phone Number
o Device Type
o Blood Glucose (email for next time?)

• Waiting Room

o As a reminder, the patient is currently viewing Dr. Adam Licurse’s VidScrip videos on Diabetes. On desktops and laptops, the videos play in sequence without interr­uption, but on tablets and phones patients must manually click play to view subsequent videos. The external link to Dr. Licurse’s VidScrip can be viewed at http:/­/ww­w.v­ids­cri­p.c­om/­drl­icu­rse­/vi­dsc­rip­tio­n/c­ond­iti­on-­dia­bet­es/­?vi­deo­_id=6

• Tools

o User Status:
o Available for a call
o In a call
o Not ready for a call (this usually means program did not open properly and the program, or even the comput­er/­device should be restarted)
o Applic­ation Status:
o Logged into Video Client
o Not Logged into Video Client (if this appears, usually restarting the program by exiting out and reopening the SBR applic­ation, or restarting the whole computer will resolve it)