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Health and Society Partial 2 exam Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Health and Society partial 2 exam review

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Muscul­osk­eletal System

- Provides form, stability & movement
- Bones protects organs, support bodywe­ights & gives the shape to the body
- Muscles are attached to bones which allows body movement

Made up of
- Bones
- Muscles
- Tendons
- Ligaments
- Joints
- Cartilages
- Connective tissues

Skeletal system
Axial skeleton:
- Skull: protects brain & facial structure
- Vertebral column: protects spinal cord & supports facial structre
- Thoracic cage: protects organs inside the ches. Eg: heart and lungs.
Apendi­cular skeleton
- Pectoral girdle (shour­lders)
- Upper & lower limbs (arms & legs)
- Pelvic girlde (hips)
- Joints: connects bone - bone, can be fixed, slightly moveable or movable
- Cartilage: shock absorber
- Ligaments: stablizes joints
- Tendons: Connects bones to muscle

Muscular system*
Three types of muscle:
- Skeletal: voluntary & striated, provides movement
- Smooth: involu­ntary & non-st­riated, found in organs
- Cardiac: involu­ntary & striated, the heart

Muscul­osk­eletal diseases

- Loss of bone mass
- Occurs when creation of new bones can't keep up
- Bone becomes weak and brittle

- Most common form of arthritis
- Occurs when cartilage wears down over time
- Produces pain, loss of flexib­ility in joints, etc.

- Stretch or tear of ligaments

- The position of bone is forced to move from original place

- Break in the bone

Bone cancer
- Cancerous cell grows & destroys normal bone tissue.

Muscular dystrophy
- Progre­ssive weakness & loss of muscle mass.

Digestive system

- Ingestion: consuming food
- Digestion: mechanical &c­hemical break down of molecules
- Absorp­tion: nutruients absrobed in small intestine and water in large intestine
- Elimin­ation: disposing non-di­gested food

Consists of
- Oral cavity: ingesting food trhough mechanical & chemical digestion
- Pharynx: transition from mouth to esophagus
- Epigoltis: cartilage that seals windpipe during eating
- Esophagus: moves food downwards by perist­alsis (swall­owing)
- Stomach: breakdown of food by acids & enzymes -> turns into a liquid called chyme
- Small intestine: duodenum is the first segments & takes it down further, jejunum & ileum absorbs nutrients into the bloods­tream by the intest­ine's wall
- Large intestine: absorbs water & then helps with the elimin­ation process
- Rectum: holds the stool
- Anal: controls whether it realses it or holds it

Accessory organs
- Liver: produces bile for fat digestion, & filters toxins & chemicals
- Gall bladder: biles is stored & relased when fatty food is absorbed
- Pancreas: releases digestive enzymes into the duodenum to help digest fats, protein and carbs

Digestive system system diseases

- Inflam­mation, irritation or reosion in the stomach's lining
- Caused by bacterial intection & can be spread from person - person
- Signs & symptoms are abdominal pain, nasuea, loss of appetite, frequent burping, bloating & weight loss.
- Treatment: antibi­otics & acid suppre­ssing drugs

- Inflam­mation and uclers in the digestive tract
- Caused by weak immune system, diet & stress
- Signs & symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, weight loss, fatigue & fever
- Treatment: drugs or surgery

- Inflam­mation of appendix
- Caused by infection in the appendix because of a blockage in the lining
- Signs & symptoms are pain in lower right abdomen, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fever, consti­pation, diarrhea & abdominal bloating
- Treatment: surgery

- Late stage of scarring of the liver.
- Caused by many forms of liver diseases & conditions
- Signs & symptoms are fatigue, easy bleeding & bruising, swelling in the lower extrem­ities, weight loss, jaundice, fluid accumu­lation in abdomen, spiderlike blood vessel & redness in palms
- Treatment: depends on the severity

- Hardened deposits of digestive fluids ion gallbl­adder
- Caused by too much choles­terol in bile, excess bilirubin or gallbl­adder doesn't empty correctly
- Signs & symptoms are sudden intense pain in upper right abdomen, back pain, nausea or vomiting
- Treatment: surgery

Stomach cancer
- Cancer cell in stomach
- Caused by cancerous cell in the stomach
- Signs & symptoms are difficulty in swallo­wing, bloating, heartburn, nausea, stamich pain, weight loss
- Treatment: surgery, chemot­her­aphy, readiation theraphy

Pancreatic cancer
- Cancer in pancreas
- Caused by cancerous cells in the pancrea
- Signs & symptoms are abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice, light colores stools, cark coloured urine, blood clots & fatigue
- Treatment: surgery, chemot­her­aphy, readiation theraphy

Respir­atory system

- Pulmonary Ventil­ation (