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Definition of done Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Before review

The project is documented using a in github and diagram (later Conflu­ence)
Purpose and general descri­ption of the project
The business logic has to be tested (Unit and IT are passing)
There are no new blocker, critical or major sonar issues (encou­raged to solve old issues but not mandatory)
Dependency conver­gence is 100% (if it is less, there has to be a reason)
REST endpoints are documented in a swagger file (OpenAPI v3) in the contracts github repository
There are valid test urls in the swagger file
Only necessary metrics are pushed to monitoring systems (e.g. datadog)

After review

There are no SNAPSHOT depend­encies
The change has been deployed or there is a deployment story
Infras­tru­cture that is no longer needed has been deleted (message queues, config files and folders etc.)
There is a DataDog dashboard for the corres­ponding system
At least the service you worked on should be in this dashboard
There are alerts on the most important metrics
For services, there is logging to Kibana and/or local files
If not all points could be finished, there is create technical debt issue with the label "­dp-­tec­h-d­ebt­" to do it


Developer is respon­sible for closing the feature branch (not the reviewer unless it was decided)
Applies to anything that has to be done (e.g. Epic, Story, Bug, etc.)