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Fallout Vehicles Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A cheat sheet for easy references for vehicles combat

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Vehicular movement

The vehicle moves to anywhere within close range.
Careful Piloting
The vehicle moves a number of zones equal to half its speed, rounding up. If required to make a terrain test, reduce the difficulty of that test by 1.
Hasty Piloting
The vehicle moves a number of zones equal to its speed. All tests made by crew or passengers are made at +1 difficulty until the start of the pilot's next turn.
Defensive Piloting
The vehicle moves a number of zones equal to its speed -1. The pilot then makes an Agilit­y+Pilot test with a difficulty equal to the vehicle's size; if it succeeds, the vehicle's Defense increases by +1.
Focused Piloting
Make an Agilit­y+Pilot test, with a Difficulty of 1. On a success, the vehicle moves a number of zones equal to its speed plus an additional zone for each AP spent. All tests made by crew or passengers are made at +1 difficulty until the start of the pilot's next turn.
The following movement Actions are available to the pilot role. These movement actions are distinct from the movement actions the character can attempt, but, like a character, a vehicle may only take a single movement action each turn.

Vehicle profile

A vehicle's Speed shows how quickly it can move, measured in a number of zones. Also listed is the vehicle's average overland speed in miles per hour.
A vehicle's Scale is a repres­ent­ation of its size. Scale 0 refers to any vehicle which is approx­imately the same size as a human. Scale 1 covers vehicles around twice the size of a human, and each additional increase in scale approx­imately doubles the size of the vehicle. On any test where the vehicles size or mass would be a problem, increase the difficulty by an amount equal to its Scale.
Physic­al/­Energy DR
The vehicle's Physical DR or Energy DR is subtracted from damage inflicted on the vehicle by physical attacks or energy attacks, respec­tively.
The vehicle's Cover indicates how much cover resistance it grants its passengers if they are exposed. Characters cannot target passengers enclosed inside a vehicle unless they spend 2 AP to do so,
A vehicle's Impact is a damage rating in combat dice (CD), measuring its weight and the force with its ramming attack. This always inflicts Physical damage.
The passenger entry shows how many passenger spaces are inside the vehicle.
The weapons entry on a vehicle lists the weapons it has mounted or incorp­orated into its design.

Vehicle Qualities

Cargo X
The vehicle may carry up to X lbs of additional cargo.
The vehicle is bulky and unresp­onsive and increases the difficulty tests to move by +1.
The vehicle is completely enclosed, protecting crew and passengers within. Crew and passengers cannot be targeted by attacks from outside the vehicle, but also cannot use their own weaponry. Passengers and crew inside of Enclosed vehicles do not suffer Radiation damage from enviro­nmental effects.
The passenger and crew of an exposed vehicle can be targeted by attacks from outside the vehicle and may attack with their own weapons.
The vehicle is powerful and finely­-tuned. The pilot may spend 2 AP after a successful test to move the vehicle to move 1 additional zone. Any test to repair the vehicle increase in difficulty by +1, due to its finely­-tuned nature.
Operate tests to repair Rugged vehicles are reduced by difficulty by 1.
A single­-seat vehicle is designed to be operated by a single pilot also assuming the role of a gunner without the normal penalty.
The vehicle flies through the air, through "­emp­ty" zones above the ground level of the battle­field. If the vehicle goes out of control, roll 1 CD – it falls a number of zones equal to the number rolled, and will crash if that would bring it to ground level or if an Effect is rolled. It will also crash if the vehicle's Speed is reduced to 0. If the aircraft crashes, it suffers 8 CD Piercing 2 Physical damage.
The vehicle travels only on water and cannot travel along the ground at all. If this vehicle suffers a Chassis critical hit, it begins to take on water, and will sink after a number of rounds equal to twice the vehicle's Scale.

Out of Control!

Jarring Stop
The vehicle comes to an immediate halt, losing the rest of its movement from that action. Each character in the vehicle immedi­ately suffers 3 CD Stun Physical damage.
The vehicles moves in a random direction (roll a d6: 1-2 the vehicle skids left, 3-4 the vehicle skids forward, 5-6 the vehicle skids right based on the vehicle's direction of travel). If the vehicle collides with an object that would make it stop, inflict 1 CD Piercing 1 Physical damage, +1 CD for each zone the vehicle moved.
The vehicle loses the rest of its movement from the action, and it is turned to face a different direction. The next vehicle movement action increases in difficulty by +1, or it needs a test if it didn't before.
The vehicle loses the rest of its movement from the action, and it is held in place by the terrain. While this trait persists, the vehicle moves one fewer zone than normal with any pilot action, and it cannot move as a free action.
The vehicle, if an aircraft, descends in a rapid and uncont­rolled manner towards the ground. The aircraft moves one zone forwards and three zones down, and crashes if it reaches a ground­-level zone before then. If the aircraft crashes, it suffers 4 CD Piercing 2 Physical damage, +2 CD for each zone it moved before crashing. All passengers on board suffer this damage as well.
The most common outcomes of a failed vehicle terrain test are below Some of the results above cause the vehicle to stop, it comes to a halt in that zone. If the pilot performed an action to move the vehicle during the previous round, and it was not stopped (either by the pilot, or by crashing) then the pilot must make another vehicle movement action or the vehicle goes out of control.

Operating a vehicle

When a character is inside a vehicle, they are referred to as a passenger. Some passengers take on specific roles within the vehicle, referred to as crew.
Each character inside a vehicle can take a specific crew role related to that vehicle. Assuming a role requires a minor action to move into that position.

Splitting Focus

A single character can attempt to simult­ane­ously assume the roles of both gunner and pilot, but their attack rolls and tests to pilot the vehicle are both made at +1 difficulty unless it has the Single­-Seat quality.

Vehicle AP spends

Ram Through
After failing a terrain test, continue moving forward as if the terrain test had not failed. The vehicle suffers damage determined by the GM.
Target Passenger
After a successful attack, you can target a passenger inside of an exposed vehicle instead of the vehicle.
Attacks with the Blast quality, against exposed passen­gers, will hit both the vehicle and passen­gers. Attacks with the Arc or Burst damage effects (or similar abilities which may hit additional targets) which target an exposed vehicle can treat the passengers as additional targets.

Vehicular zones

Vehicles move in combat zones like any other combatant in an action scene, from Reach to Extreme range. Vehicles, however, do not maneuver like characters do and some zone effects may affect different Vehicle types differ­ently:
The terrain only affects vehicles of a specific scale or higher, like terrain that can easily be navigated by smaller vehicles.
The terrain only affects vehicles of a specific scale or lower, like obstacles that large vehicles can just power through or over unhind­ered.
The terrain only affects vehicles with a specific quality, such as wheeled vehicles.
The terrain has a difficulty of 1, and thus can be ignored by those moving slowly and carefully, such as tight street corners.

Vehicular attacks

Vehicle's gunners can make attacks with mounted weapons in the same way as a personal weapon, using whatever skill applies to the weapon (typically Agility + Small Guns, Perception + Energy Weapons, or Endurance + Big Guns). You cannot carry these weapons normally or fire them without being mounted on a stand or vehicle first. All weapons mounted upon a vehicle are treated as if wielded in two hands, and ignore the Recoil (X) quality.
If the vehicle has the exposed quality, then passengers may make attacks with their own weapons normally.
When an attack is made against a vehicle, it is always considered to be Defense 1 if it is moving, or Defense 0 while statio­nary.


The pilot of a vehicle that moves during its turn can attempt a melee attack against a target within reach, using the pilot's Endurance + Pilot, with a difficulty of 1. If the attack is succes­sful, it deals the vehicle's Impact rating as damage. When a vehicle rams another vehicle or building, the attacking vehicle suffers half the impact rating, rounding up, in Physical damage.

Bumps and Bruises

Whenever a vehicle is damaged, it's possible the passengers will be hurt as well. Whenever a vehicle suffers one or more Critical Hits, each passenger suffers 4 CD Stun Physical damage.
If a vehicle is reduced to 0 HP, each passenger suffers 8 CD Stun Physical damage.
Passengers riding in a cargo space add +2 CD to these damage values.

Health Points

A vehicle reduced to 0 HP suffers a critical hit and also stops working, going out of control if it moved in the previous turn.
When a vehicle suffers damage from an attack, add its scale to the amount of damage needed to inflict a critical hit; for a scale 1 vehicle, it takes 6+ damage from a single attack to inflict a critical hit, instead of the normal 5+ damage.
A vehicle stops working when it reaches 0 HP. At this point, the vehicle can no longer be used. Vehicles can be repaired in the same way as robots. If a vehicle has been reduced to 0HP and has more injuries than its Scale, then the vehicle is destroyed, and cannot be repaired. At best, it can be stripped for parts and materials. If one of those injuries was to the Engine, then the vehicle will explode at the end of the next round, inflicting 21CD Energy damage [Breaking, Radioa­ctive, Vicious] to everyone within it's zone.


Add +2 CD to the damage of attacks against a vehicle after it has suffered a Chassis critical hit.
The vehicle suffers 3 CD Energy damage at the end of each subsequent turn, ignoring its damage resist­ance. For each effect rolled, the damage also affects a single random passenger.
A vehicle critical hit prevents the weapon hit from being used.
Pilot tests to operate the vehicle increase in difficulty by +1, and the vehicle's Speed is reduced by 1.