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Marching Basics Cheat Sheet by

Calling Cadence

Called in sets of 2 to make an eight-­count.
Keeps the flight on step, which allows you to call commands on the correct foot


Alignment with the person to the right of you
Alignment with the person in front of you
Distance (40in) with the person to your right
Distance (40in) with the person in front of you

Positions Within a Flight

Flight Commander
Calls all commands for the flight
Guidon Bearer
Holds the guidon, the flight falls in off them
Element Leaders
Next to fall in after the GB, performs all of the movements first
Formation of at least 2 elements but no more than 4
Falls in the rear of the flight to maintain accoun­tab­ility

Falling into a Flight

Fall in at Line Formation
GB stands 3 paces away, facing the flight commander
1st element leader falls in 40in to the left of the GB, then the second EL falls in 40in from the back of the first and so on as many elements are in the flight
The next cadet will fall in 40in to the left of the last EL and will fill in towards the FLT/CC
As the flight falls in, the FLT/CC should move to remain centered on the flight when at Line formation
The deputy will be in the very rear, behind the 3rd EL
In order to move, the flight must perform a right face to be in column formation

Mark Time

Command: "Mark Time, MARCH"
Can be given as either foot hits the ground
One more 24in step is taken then mark time is begun
Steps continue in place by raising each foot 4in off the ground, mainta­ining normal arm swing
To resume marching, "­For­ward, MARCH" is called as the left foot hits the ground, and the next left step will be stepping forward

Full Column Right (Left)

Command: "­Column Right, MARCH"
Call the prepar­atory and execution command on the same foot as the direction you want to go
Third EL and GB takes one more 24in step then pivots to the right 90 degrees on left foot. 1 more 24in step then into Half Steps.
2nd EL takes one more step as well, pivots 45 degrees on ball of left foot, takes two 24in steps (back on left foot), and pivots another 45 degrees to the right. 1 more 24in step then goes into Half Steps.
1st EL takes a 24in step, pivots 45 degrees on ball of left foot, takes four 24in steps (back on left foot), and pivots another 45 degrees to the right. 1 more 24in step then goes into Half Steps.
FLT CC waits until flight has regained DCID, then calls "­For­ward, MARCH".
GB remains at full step, pivots to get back in front of EL then goes into half steps
Suspend arm swing during pivots

Column Half Right (Left)

Command: "­Column Half Right, MARCH"
All ELs pivot 45 degrees to the right simult­ane­ously, take one 24in step and go into Half Steps. Once the rank is re-ali­gned, full 24in steps will resume.
The GB will perform two extra pivots if necessary to get back to their place.
There is no need to call "­For­ward, MARCH" with column half movements, the ranks should do that once they are properly aligned.


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