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Nucleic acids and their functions Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Core concepts part 5

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Both DNA and RNA are made up of monomers called nucleo­tides
Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group, a nitrog­en-­con­taining organic base, and a pentose (5-carbon) sugar: either ribose (RNA) of deoxyr­ibose (DNA)
There are 2 groups of organic bases: Pyrimi­dines (single ring) and purines (double ring)
For nitrog­enous bases found in DNA:
- Guanine (Purine)
- Cytosine (pyrim­idine)
- Adenine (purine)
- Thymine (pyrim­idine)
In RNA the pyrimidine uracil replaces thymine

Nucleotide diagram


Adenine tripho­sphate is also a nucleo­tide: it has a ribose sugar joined to the adenine base, with three phosphate groups attached.
When the high-e­nergy bond between the second and third phosphate group is broken via hydrolysis by the enzyme ATPase, 30.6Kg of energy is released for use in the cell, and adenine diphos­phate is formed.
This reaction is revers­ible, requiring energy from respir­ation of glucose to reform the bond

ATP Diagram

Structure of DNA

DNA consists of 2 polynu­cle­otide strands that are arranged into a double helix.
First a dinucl­eotide is formed when a conden­sation reaction occurs between 2 nucleo­tides:
The 5th carbon atom of a deoxyr­ibose sugar is joined to the 3rd carbon atom of the deoxyr­ibose sugar of the nucleotide above it, via the phosphate molecule.
This continues, building a single strand of DNA in the 5'-3' direction.
DNA then forms a double­-st­randed molecule from two strands: one strand runs in the opposite direction to the other (anti-­par­allel).
Both strands are held together by hydrogen bonds that form between compli­mentary nitrog­enous bases.
The double strand then twists to form a double helix.
Bases between both stands pair up in a certain way which is called the comple­mentary base pairing rule:
Guanine forms hydrogen bonds with an adjacent cytosine molecule and adenineforms hydrogen bonds with an adjacent thymine molecule.
Hydrogen bonds are weak, but the sheer number of them present in a molecule of DNA over a million nucleo­tides long, means that collec­tively they are very strong.
In fact you would need to heat DNA to over 95 degrees C to break them all.

ADP Diagram

Advantages and roles of ATP

Advantages of ATP:
Energy is released quickly from a one-step reaction involving just one enzyme (hydro­lysis of glucose takes many steps)
Energy is released in small amounts, 30.6KJ where it is needed. By contrast just one molecule of glucose contains 1880KJ which couldn't safely be released all at once.
It is the 'universal energy currency', i.e. it's a common source of energy for all reactions in all living things.
Roles of ATP in cells:
Used in many anabolic reactions, e.g. DNA and protein synthesis
Active transport
Muscle contra­ction
Nerve impulse transm­ission

Key Term

The triplet of bases in mRNA that codes for a particular amino acid, or a punctu­ation signal.
Non-coding nucleotide sequence in DNA and pre-mRNA, that is removed from pre-mRNA, to produce mature mRNA.
Nucleotide sequence on one strand of the DNA molecule and the corres­ponding mRNA that codes for the production of a specific polype­ptide.

Structure of DNA diagram

Extracting DNA

DNA can be easily extracted from cells by grinding up a sample in a solution of ice cold salt and washing up liquid.
The detergent dissolves the lipids in the phosph­olipid membranes, allowing DNA to be released, and the cold temper­ature protects the DNA from cellular DNAases.
Addition of protease will digest any remaining cellular enzymes and the histones that the DNA is wound around.
Finally, adding ethanol to the salt already present, will cause the DNA to precip­itate out from the solution.

Structure of RNA

RNA is usually shorter than DNA and single­-st­randed.
Nucleo­tides also differ in that the sugar is ribose, the one base thymine replaced with uracil.
Three different types of RNA are involved in protein synthesis.

Structure of tRNA

Types of RNA

Messenger RNA is a single­-st­randed molecule typically 300-2000 nucleo­tides long. It is produced in the nucleus using one of the DNA strands as a template during transc­rip­tion.
Ribosomal RNA forms ribosomes with the addition of protein.
Transfer RNA is a small molecule that winds itself into a cloverleaf shape. It has an anticodon at one end, and an amino acid at the other. As the name suggests, it 'trans­fers' the correct amino acid to the growing polype­ptide during transl­ation.

Process of semi-c­ons­erv­ative DNA replic­ation

The process requires ATP, free nucleo­tides and enzymes.
- DNA helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds between the bases causing the double helix to unwind and separate into two strands.
- The exposed bases bind to free floating nucleo­tides in the nucleo­plasm.
- DNA polymerase binds the compli­mentary nucleo­tides (forming the phosph­odi­ester bond).
- One strand acts as the template for the new molecule, so newly synthe­sised DNA contains one parent strand and a compli­mentary newly synthe­sised strand.

Functions of DNA

DNA has 2 main functions in organisms
1. Protein synthesis - the sequence of bases in one strand, called the template strand, determines the order of amino acids in the polype­ptide (primary struct­ure).
2. Replic­ation - when cells divide, a complete copy of the DNA in the cell needs to be made. Both DNA strands separate and each strand acts as a template to synthesise a compli­mentary strand.
Three theories for how DNA replicates have been proposed:
1. Conser­vative replic­ation: original parent stranded molecule is conserved, and a new double­-st­randed DNA molecule synthe­sised from it.
2. Semi-c­ons­erv­ative replic­ation: parental strands separate, and each strands acts as a template to synthesise a new strand. The new molecule consists of one original parent strand and one newly synthe­sised strand.
3. Disper­sive: the newly synthe­sised molecules contain fragments from the original parent strand and newly synthe­sised DNA.

Key Term

Silent Mutation
A change in the sequence of nucleotide bases without a subsequent change in the amino acid.

Mesels­on-­stahl experiment

1. Grow bacteria on a 15N is a heavy isotope of nitrogen so all DNA produced would be a heavier weight than normal. When DNA was extracted by centri­fuging in caesium chloride, the DNA band appeared low down in the tube.
2. Bacteria were then grown on a 14N medium (normal weight nitrogen), and after one generation the DNA extracted formed an interm­ediate band half way up the tube. This is because the DNA molecule contained one strand from the heavy parent and one newly synthe­sised light DNA strand. (Because one band was produced this rules out conser­vative replic­ation).
3. The bacteria were grown for a further generation using 14N medium. The DNA extracted formed an interm­ediate band half way up the tube, and a lighter band towards the top of the tube. Because half of the DNA was interm­ediate weight and half light, this rules out dispersive replic­ation.
4. DNA therefore replicates semi-c­ons­erv­ati­vely.
5. If grown for further genera­tions using 14N medium, whilst interm­ediate weight DNA would remain, the proportion of light DNA produced would increase.

Mesels­on-­stahl experiment diagram

DNA replic­ation theories

The Genetic code

The sequence of nucleotide bases forms a code.
Each 'code word' has 3 letters called a triplet code or codon, which codes for a specific amino acid.

Genetic code examples:

DNA codon
mRNA codon
Amino acid that is coded for
Amino acid abbrev­iation

The Genetic code part 2

There are 20 amino acids that are coded by 4power3 bases, i.e. 64 different combin­ations of A, G, C, T(U).
Therefore, there are 'spare' base codes.
This is referred to as degeneracy or the 'degen­erate code'.
This code is universal, i.e. it is the same in all living things.
One codon acts as a START codon, marking the point on the DNA where transc­ription begins - this is AUG on the mRNA and codes for methio­nine.
Each gene found on the DNA will code for a different polype­ptide: this is called the one gene, one polype­ptide hypoth­esis.

Post-t­ran­sla­tional modifi­cation

Transl­ation produces a polype­ptide, but further modifi­cation is needed in order to produce a protein with a secondary, tertiary or quaternary structure.
This modifi­cation occurs within the Golgi body.
Modifi­cation also occurs to produce molecules such as glycop­rot­eins, lipopr­oteins, and complex quaternary structures such as haemog­lobin.
To form haemog­lobin, 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains (coded by 2 different genes) need to be assembled together with iron as a prosthetic group.

Protein Synthesis

Transc­ription occurs in the nucleus.
Transl­ation occurs at the ribosomes.
Post-t­ran­sla­tional modifi­cation occurs in the Golgi apparatus prior to packaging of the protein into vesicles.


DNA acts as a template for the production of mRNA.
DNA helicase acts on a specific region of the DNA molecule called the cistron, breaking the hydrogen bonds between both DNA strands, causing the strands to separate and unwind, exposing nucleotide bases.
Free RNA nucleotide pair to exposed bases on the DNA template strand and RNA polymerase joins them by forming the phosph­odi­ester bonds between the phosphate group on one nucleotide and the ribose sugar on the next.
This continues until the RNA polymerase reaches a STOP codon, when the RNA polymerase detaches and production of mRNA is complete.
The mRNA strand leaves the nucleus via the nuclear pores and moves to the ribosomes.

Transc­ription diagram

Introns and Exons

In eukaryotes, introns are present within many genes so are also transc­ribed producing pre-mRNA.
The coding regions are referred to as exons.
The pre-mRNA is spliced to remove the non-coding regions before passing to the ribosomes. In prokar­yotes, the DNA does not contain introns, and so the mRNA is produced directly from the DNA template.

Splicing of pre-mRNA


Involves another specific RNA molecule called transfer RNA (tRNA).
At one end of the tRNA molecule there are 3 exposed bases called the anticodon, these are compli­mentary to the mRNA codon.
At the opposite end of the tRNA molecule is an amino acid attachment site where the relevant amino acid is found.
The attachment of the relevant amino acid to the attachment site is called amino acid aviation and requires ATP.
Transl­ation involves converting the codons on the mRNA into a sequence of amino acids known as a polype­ptide.
Each ribosome (found free in the cytoplasm, or attached to the rough endopl­asmic reticulum) is made up of 2 subunits made from ribosomal RNA and protein.
The mRNA binds to the smaller subunit, whilst tRNA to one of 2 attachment sites on the larger subunit.

The process of transl­ation

Initiation: ribosome attaches to the START codon.
tRNA molecule with a compli­mentary anticodon to the first codon to the first codon, binds to the first attachment site on the ribosome.
A second tRNA molecule joins to the second attachment site, and a ribosomal enzyme catalyses the formation of a peptide bond between the 2 amino acids. This is known as elonga­tion.
The first tRNA molecule is released and the ribosome now moves one codon along the mRNA, which exposes a free attachment site and another tRNA molecule joins and the process is repeated.
This repeats until a STOP codon is reached, when the polype­ptide is released. This is called termin­ation.
Usually several ribosomes bind to a single mRNA strand at the same time. This is called a polysome.

Transl­ation Diagram