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abcdefg train hijklmnop Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

adsf mer machine language what fun

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Training Process

1. Initialize the model weights randomly
2. Predict a few examples with the current weights
3. Compare prediction with true labels
4. Calc how to change weights to improve predic­tions
5. Update weights slightly
6. Go back to 2.

Generate a Config­uration File for Training

python -m spacy init config ./conf­ig.cfg --lang en --pipeline ner
This will allow training for the ner pipeline
init config: the command to run
config.cfg: output path for the generated config
--lang: language class of the pipeline, e.g. en for English
--pipeline: comma-­sep­arated names of components to include

Create Training Data (with DocBin)

from spacy.t­okens import DocBin

# Create and save a collection of training docs
docs train_­docbin = DocBin­(do­cs=­tra­in_­docs) 
# Create and save a collection of evaluation docs
dev_docbin = DocBin­(do­cs=­dev­_docs) 
(via Sypder or Jupyter using DocBin)

Training the Data with CLI

# if used a base_c­onf­ig.cfg file
python -m spacy init fill-c­onfig base_c­onf­ig.cfg config.cfg
# if config­ura­tions entered in config.cfg (namely the dev/train paths)
python -m spacy train config.cfg --output ./output
# overwrite config file and train
python -m spacy train ./conf­ig.cfg --output ./output --path­s.train train.s­pacy --path­ dev.spacy
# other way to overwrite config file settings (ex.)
in config file:

.eval_­fre­quency 10

.max_steps 300

config file to cmd line:
python -m spacy train config.cfg --output ./output  --trai­nin­g.e­val­_fr­equency 10 --trai­nin­g.m­ax_­steps 300

Train from Python Compiler

from spacy.c­li.train import train as spacy_­train
config­_path = "./c­onf­ig/­con­­g" 
output_model_path = "­out­put­/"
        "paths.train": "./t­rai­n.s­pac­y",
        "": "./t­est.sp­acy­",
        "training.eval_frequency" : 10,
        "training.max_steps" : 300
ℹ Saving to output directory: output\
ℹ Using CPU
ℹ To switch to GPU 0, use the option: --gpu-id 0
========= Initia­lizing pipeline ========

✔ Initia­lized pipeline

======­===== Training pipeline ==========

ℹ Pipeline: ['tok2­vec', 'ner']
ℹ Initial learn rate: 0.001
E   #       LOSSTO­K2VEC  LOSSNER  ENTS_F­ ­ ­ENT­S_P­ ­ ­ENT­S_R­ ­ ­SCORE 

--- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ------- ------ ---- --- ---

 0    0   0.00­ ­ ­ ­69.09  ­ ­ ­13.42    ­ ­ ­10.0­9   2­0.0­0   0.13

 0   10­ ­ ­ ­0.9­6   855.31  ­ ­ 3.59  ­ ­ ­42.8­6   1.88  ­ ­ 0.04


✔ Saved pipeline to output directory


Trainable Components

tagger­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 

Config­uration File (Defaults - sample)

python -m spacy init config ./conf­ig.cfg --lang en --pipeline ner
train = null
dev = null
vectors = null
init_tok2vec = null
lang = "en"
pipeline = ["tok2vec","ner"]
batch_size = 1000
disabled = []
before­_cr­eation = null
after_­cre­ation = null
after_­pip­eli­ne_­cre­ation = null
tokenizer = {"@t­oke­niz­ers­"­:"sp­acy.To­ken­ize­r.v­1"}
dev_corpus = ""
train_­corpus = "corpora.train"
seed = ${system.seed}
gpu_al­locator = ${system.gpu_allocator}
dropout = 0.1
accumu­lat­e_g­radient = 1
patience = 1600
max_epochs = 0
max_steps = 20000
eval_f­req­uency = 200
frozen­_co­mpo­nents = []
annota­tin­g_c­omp­onents = []
before­_to­_disk = null
@schedules = "compounding.v1"
start = 100
stop = 1000
compound = 1.001
t = 0.0

vectors = ${paths.vectors}
init_t­ok2vec = ${path­s.i­nit­_to­k2vec}

enter in path for train.s­pacy and test.spacy in train and dev for [paths] respec­tively
enter in trained pipeline in vectors for [path]
custom rules initia­lized near bottom

config file with annota­tions: