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Causes of WW1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


a uniting sense of national consio­usness.
expanding one's empire to include foreign nations
Primarily resorting conflicts by military means

Wars and Resulting Treaties

Russo-­Jap­anese War (1904-05)
Japan wins. Russia is humiliated by losing to an Asian power.
Treaty of Portsmouth (1905)
Negotiated by USA. Ends Russian expansion in the far east.
Balkan Wars (1912-13)
Balkans fight the Ottomans. Balkans win. Then Bulgaria fights Balkans.
Serbia hates Austria more than ever
Spanish American Wars (1898-­1902)
USA 'liber­ates' Panama, Cuba, Guam, and the Philip­innes from Spain. USA wins.
Sino-J­apanese War (1894-95)
China and Japan fight over Korea. Japan wins