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Git flow Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Main branches

Main stable branche
Unstable branch
Dev's personal branches
Every developer starts it's own branch from dev. All the work done is assembled in dev. Once or two in a week dev is merged to master in stable state.

Branch flow

0. Make sure you are on dev branch *
git checkout dev
1. Update dev branch
git pull origin dev
2. Create your own branch
git branch <br­anc­h_n­ame>
3. Switch to your branch
git checkout <br­anc­h_n­ame>
4. Add changes to commit
git add .
5. Do the commit
git commit -m "­commit messag­e"
6. Switch to dev
git checkout dev
7. Update dev
git pull dev
8. Switch to your branch
git checkout <br­anc­h_n­ame>
9. Rebase to updated dev
git rebase dev
10. Switch again to dev
git checkout dev
11. Merge your branch to dev
git merge <br­anc­h_n­ame>
12. Push changes to server
git push origin dev
* Use git status to check you current branch

Starting work

Clone repo
git clone <re­po_­url>
Get branch
git fetch origin dev
Switch to branch
git checkout dev

Usefull tips

Check current state
git status .
Read history of commits
git log
Read file history
git log <fi­le>
Add one file
git add <fi­le>
Revert changes in file
git checkout -- <fi­le>
Delete untracked files
git clean -fd
Delete branch
git branch -d <br­anc­h>
Get changes in file
git diff <fi­le>
Get changes to be commited
git diff --staged
In <fi­le> you can use * to skip some parts of the path or mask your files