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1. Get project inform­ation from Program Manager, Senior PM, Account, Managers
2. Create basic plan about timeline & resource
3. Request resource from Managers: Team Leaders (TL), Architect, BE, FE, QC
4. Request working enviro­nment & GIT from IT
5. Kick off with team
Work with TLs to have detail pplan
How to work internal (team rule, team setup)?
6. Kick off with client
Get agreement about scope, timeline, milestone
How to deliver?
How to report (daily, weekly)?
7. Setup Project
Check if project exists on our system? if not, request IT to create
Update project inform­ation: Start date, End date, Sold numbers
Create tasks for team timing
8. Setup JIRA
Agree with client to use client's system or our system
Request IT create JIRA for project if need
9. Setup Confluence
Agree with client to use client's system or our system
Request IT create Space for project if need
If you feel something wrong, you can scroll down for useful tips


1. Scope - Planning - Progress
How many phases/ delivery?
How many delivery done? Next delivery time?
Client's UAT time & When to close the project
How to do UAT?
2. Quality
Internal bug status? Overview status is good or bad?
3. Centralize & Track all project inform­ation
Share server: sm-file (for internal document like estima­tion)
JIRA/ Confluence or other system for specific project
4. Rule to remember
Always use group chat for Skype - No private chat
For internal emails: Always include Line Manager
For external emails: Always include Program Manager, Line Manager, Account, relevant Manager & TL
5. Report
Follow daily report, weekly report
Prepare Production report every week
6. Delivery
Always send email to IT for delivery
Team is not allowed to deliver by them selves
Well, the above list is enough for executing/ following the project. One rule for all:
Always understand clearly project status (both overview & detail), be ready for all questions relating to project in any situation especially production meeting

Okay, how to do this? You can read below to "Get your hands dirty" when you are ready.


1. Get clear inform­ation as much as possible
Know who are the contact points (respo­nsible account, client contact)
Understand the project's big picture, what is the product
Understand project's feasib­ility, try to detect all risks
2. Risks/ Issues checklist
Proactive in warning about project issues & Risks in production meeting, report
Is there any issue/ risk with the scope/ requir­ement?
Is the timeline feasible?
Is the budget feasible? Is there risk about over budget?
Is there any issue/ risk with the resource? Enough resource assigned? Resouces' skill?
Is there any issue/ risk from client?
Other issues/ risks like upcoming holida­y,...
3. - If you see there is no group chat with client or project team, need to check the list
Internal - Account: Account, Managers, TLs
Internal - Team: Managers, TLs & Team members
External: Client, Account, Managers & TLs
This list is recomm­ended to read if you feel "­som­ething wrong" when starting the project


1. Scope - Planning - Progress
What is team doing?
Is there any blocker? If have, team has solution yet?
Is there any "­hot­" topic in the project? Any solution or steps to solve it?
How many CRs do we have now? CRs status: approve or not?
Is there any impact to the plan? Have it been shared with client?
How is the project being tracked? Are all status/ inform­ation updated on tracking tools?
2. Quality (always quality)
Is there any feedback from client? How many feedback?
What is the overview quality status with current bugs/ feedback?
Do we need to improve the quality? Solution, people need to involve?


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