Use atomic CSS classes to styles the page
<body class=".bg-washed-yellow pa2">
<h1 class="f2 lh-solid f3-nslh-copy-ns">...
Those classes have this generic form
-mqx] where
base: letter(s) for that class family
modifier: option for this clas
mqx: Media Query eXtensions for screen sizes
. [-ns -m -l] -> (not-small medium large)
. [...]: optional one of the list
. {...}: mandatory one of the list
<h1 class="f2 lh-solid f3-ns lh-copy-ns
f lh: base for (font size | line height)
. 2 3: size modifiers (2.25rem 1.5rem)
. -ns: option valid for not small screen.