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C++ Class Objects Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Class objects made with C++

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


#include <iostream>
#using namespace std;

Structure Example

Declare Structure
struct Order {
    int modelN­umber;
    string phone;
    float cost;
Main Function, define the structure variable
int main( ) {
    Order item1;
Give values to structure variables
 ­ ­ ­ ­ite­m1.m­od­elN­umber = 10; = "­Samsung Galaxy S";
    item1.cost = 1099.99;
Displa­y/O­utput structure members
 ­ ­ ­ cout << "­Order, " << item1.p­hone << item1.m­od­elN­umber;
    cout << "This item costs: $" << part1.cost << endl;
Order, Samsung Galaxy S10
This item costs: $1099.99
Whenever finished with output or line,
place 'end line' indicator: endl

Class Example: point.h

Declare class with the class name
class Point
{  ­ ­ ­ 
Provide the class specif­iers, set as private
    double x;
    double y;
Set x as the first variable, y as the second variable
void set (double first, double second)
    x = first;
    y = second;
Provide the class properties and methods, set as public
No-parameter constr­uctor, when an object for this class is created, the Point class values (x and y) will be set to 0

    Point( ) : x(0.0), y(0.0)
        cout << "New Point object create­d/i­nst­ant­iat­ed."­ << endl;
Altern­ati­vely, the above constr­uctor can also be written as:
 ­ ­ ­ ­Point( )
        x = 0.0;
        y = 0.0;
A two parameter constr­uctor, set the x and y values
 ­ ­ ­ ­Point (double first, double second) : x(first), y(second)
        cout << "New object, values (x,y) are << x << "­," << y << endl;
For returning individual values of x and y
 ­ ­ ­ ­double getX( ) { return x; }
    double getY( ) { return y; }
Display the current values of x and y
 ­ ­ ­ void display ( ) {
        cout << x << "­," << y << endl; }
Overlo­ading the function with two new doubles as input parameters
void add(double first, double second) {
    x += first;
    y += second; }
Overlo­ading the function with another Point object as the input
void minus(­Point pp) {
    x = x - pp.x;
    y = y - pp.y ; }
Add the destructor
~Point ( ) {
 ­ ­ ­ cout << "­Point object for x,y values of " << x << "­," << y << "­des­tro­yed." << endl; }
Overload the function with another Point object and return the result
Point mult(Point pp1) {
    Point pp2;
    pp2.x = x * pp2.x;
    pp2.y = y * pp2.y;
    return p2;

Class Example: point.cpp

#include "­poi­nt.h­"
Main Function
int main( ) {
    Point ptA;
    Point ptB(1.0, 3.0), ptC (5.0, 8.0);
    ptA = ptC;
    Point ptD =­lt(­ptA);
    ptA.display( );
    return 0;
Object Values:
ptA = (0.0,0.0); ptB(1.0, 3.0); ptC(5.0­,8.0);
ptB.add(6.0,2.0)= (1.0+6.0, 3.0+2.0);
ptC.minus(ptB)= ((5.0-­1.0­),(­8.0­-3.0)) = (4.0,5.0);
ptA = new ptC value = (4.0,5.0);
ptD =­lt(ptA) = ((4x7)­,(5x5)) = (28, 25);


About Properties and Classes
A property is a defined attribute of the object, for example properties for object Point include 'x' and 'y'
A member, often a function, is an action that is performed on the object and its proper­ties.

class myClass {
 ­ ­ ­ ­pri­vate: property = value;
 ­ ­ ­ ­public: method { (action on value); }
main { myClass newObject; }

Internal and External Class Methods

If the Class methods are written extern­ally, a prototype must be declared within the class first.
Point (double first, double second) : x(first), y(second);
­double getX( );
double getY( );
void display ( );
External syntax for returning class:
className :: classN­ame(any parame­ters) { }
Point :: Point (double first, double second) : x(first), y(second) {
    cout << "­Object made with values x,y of " << x << "­," << y << endl;
External syntax for returning variable (or void):
return­Dat­aType className :: method­Nam­e(any parame­ters) { }
double Point :: getX( ) { return x; }
double Point :: getY { return y; }
void Point :: display ( ) {
    cout << "­point x,y : " << x << "­," << y << endl; }

Class Operator Overlo­ading: Vector.h

Declare class with private array variable as property
class Vector {
    double num[3];
Set initia­liz­ation values for class property
    Vector ( ) : num{0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } {}
    Vector (double no1, double no2, double no3) {
        num[0] = no1; num[1] = no2; num[2] = no3; }
    void display ( ) {
 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ cout << "­[" << num[0] << ", " << num[1] << ", " << num[2] << "­]" << endl; }
Create prototypes for external class methods
 ­ ­ ­ ­Vector operator++();
    Vector operator++(int);
    Vector operator--();
    Vector operator+(Vector);
    Vector operator-(Vector&);
    friend Vector operator *(Vect­or&, Vector&);
    double& operat­or[­](int);

Class Operator Overlo­ading: Vector.cpp

#include "­Vec­tor.h"
Vector Vector :: operator ++(){
    return Vector­((n­um[0] + 1), (num[1] + 1), (num[2] + 1)); }
Vector Vector :: operat­or+­+(int) {

    return Vector­(nu­m[0], num[1], num[2]); }

Vector Vector :: operat­or--(){
    return Vector­((n­um[­0]-1), (num[1­]-1), (num[2­]-1)); }

Vector Vector :: operator + (Vector v) {
 ­ ­ ­ ­return Vector­((n­um[0] + v.num[0]), (num[1] + v.num[1]), (num[2] + v.num[­2])); }

Vector Vector :: operator - (Vecto­r& v) {
    return Vector­((n­um[0] - v.num[0]), (num[1] - v.num[1]), (num[2] - v.num[­2]));

Vector operat­or*­(Ve­cto­r& v1, Vector­& v2) {
    return Vector­((v­1.n­um[1] * v2.num[2]) - (v1.num[2] * v2.num­[1]), (v1.num[2] * v2.num[0]) - (v1.num[0] * v2.num­[2]), ((v1.n­um[0] * v2.num[1]) - (v1.num[1] * v2.num­[0]))); }

double& Vector­::o­per­ato­r[](int index) //friend operator {
    if (index >= 3) {
        cout << "­Array index is out of bounds, exiting the progra­m" << endl;
    return num[in­dex]; }

Class Operator Overlo­ading: Main.cpp

Create Object and use class methods
int main(void) {
 ­ ­ ­ ­Vector a, b(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);

 ­ ­ ­ a[0] = 11.0;
 ­ ­ ­ a[1] = -15.0;
 ­ ­ ­ a[2] = 3.0;

 ­ ­ ­ ­Vector c(2.0,­4.0­,7.0);

 ­ ­ ­ ­(++­c).d­is­play();
 ­ ­ ­ ­(c+­+).d­is­play();
 ­ ­ ­ ­(--­c).d­is­play();

 ­ ­ ­ ­Vector d = a + b;
 ­ ­ ­ ­d.d­isp­lay();
 ­ ­ ­ d = a - b;
 ­ ­ ­ ­d.d­isp­lay();
 ­ ­ ­ d = a * b;
 ­ ­ ­ ­d.d­isp­lay();
 ­ ­ ­ d[5] = 5.0;

 ­ ­ ­ ­return 0;
