Basic Operations
type(x) |
int/float/bool/str/complex |
bin(x) |
binary |
hex(x) |
hexadecimal |
1e8 |
1*108 |
inf |
infinity |
NaN |
not a number |
abs(x) |
absolute value |
x//3 |
floor division |
x *= 2 |
x = x*2 |
3 % 2 |
remainder |
a ** x |
ax |
& |
and |
| |
or |
^ |
xor |
== |
check for equality (->bool) |
!= |
not equal |
range(start, finish, stepsize) |
includes start, excludes finish |
f = open('file.txt', 'w') |
opens the file 'w' = write&read 'r' = read |
f.write('This is a file') | |
f.close |
f.flush |
can be removed safely now |
f.readline() |
reads first line |
f.readline(x) |
reads first x positions |
f = open( <path>, 'w') for line in f: code
f.close() |
control structures
if x = y: command elif: else: |
if condition |
break |
ends innermost loop |
if x=y and y<z: |
two conditions |
for i in range(10): |
for loop |
while i < 5: |
while loop |
my_iter = my_list.__iter__() |
creates an iterator |
next(my_iter) my_iter.__next__() |
gets next element from iter |
vectors & matrices
import numpy as np |
v = np.array([[3, 2]])
note: np.array([3, 2]) is a rank 1 array, NOT a math. vector |
Vectors are lists of lists |
v.T |
transpose |
v.shape |
returns dimensions |
np.linalg.norm(v){{nl]]or math.sqrt(dot(v.T,v)) |
length of vector |
A = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) |
creates a matrix |
np.random.rand(2,2) |
random matrix values normal distribution 0 to 1 |
np.random.randn(2,2) |
normal distribution (mean 0, variance 1) |
A.dtype |
specifically for np |
A.ndim |
number of dimensions |
np.arange(x) |
range as array with x elements |
np.identity(x) |
identity matrix |
np.zeros((x,y)) |
zeros matrix |
A[0] |
first row |
A[0][0] or A[0, 0] |
first element of first row |
A[:, 0] |
first column |
A[1:4, 0] |
slicing |
A[1:, 1:3] = 9 |
assigning to parts of the matrix Slicing in python creates copy In numpy it doesn't! |
np.full((2, 3), x) |
2by3 matrix filled with x |
view = A[0:3,2:4] |
writing into a view changes underlying data |
view1 = A[0:3,2:4].copy |
writing doesn't change data |
np.where(A<0, 0, A) |
condition, then, else |
np.c_[A[:, 0:1], A[:,2:6]] |
stack slices horizontally |
s = input("enter here") |
prompts input |
s = 'x'; s = "x" |
are both strings |
s[0] |
returns character at first position |
s[0:5] |
slicing |
s = 'I\'m fine' |
escape |
s = """long string"""" |
enables linebreak |
print(s) |
\n |
linebreak |
+ |
links strings (creates a copy) |
s = '{0}, beautiful {1}!'.format('Hello','World') |
s.find('x') |
returns postion of first occurance |
s.replace('l','p') |
replace all |
s.split |
returns list of words |
len('string') |
length |
s[i] |
retrieves character at position i |
s[-1] |
retrieves last character |
s[i:j] |
range i:j |
Same functions as strings |
l = [index0, index1] |
create list |
l[i] |
retrieves index i |
l[i] = x |
stores x to index i |
l.insert(index,'string') |
doesn't remove |
l.append |
add to end |
l.sort |
smallest to largest |
l.reverse |
l.remove('string') or del l[i] |
removes first occurance |
b = a.copy() |
change in a doesn't effect b |
b = a |
change in a effects b |
t = ('super', 'man') |
create tuple |
len(t) |
returns number of items |
t.count(3) |
returns number of 3s |
x,y = t |
tuple unpacking x = t[0]; y = t[1] |
tuples are immutable lists
tuples can't have one number, (1) is a math operation
def my_fct(var_a, var_b): |
defines function |
return(result) |
outputs result for further use |
No typechecking in functions (ducktyping)
Keep scope in mind ( var_a and var_b are local variables and are destroyed after functions runs
If local variable has same name as global variable, the local one will be referred to when name is used
Pitfall: print = 5
-> predefined functions can be overwriten
lambda & mapping
lambda a, b: a + b |
small nameless function that can be applied to lists etc. e.g. sorted(list, key=lambda x: x[1])
map |
e.g. list(map(lambda x: x + 10, values))
filter |
for filtering lists, e.g.: list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, values))
operations for Vectors & matrices, w) |
dot product |
np.linalg.norm(v) |
length of vector |
is3 = (A == 3) A > 0 |
returns boolean matrix |
A[A < 0] = 0 |
replaces entries where conditions is met (true) |
np.linalg.solve(A, b) |
solves system of linear equations |
np.mean(v) A.mean(0) |
0 for col max, 1 for row max
np.maximum(v, w) |
v.std() |
standard deviation |
v.sort() |
np.vstack(A, B) np.hstack(A, B) |
vertically/horizontaly stack arrays |
numpy analytics
np.minimum.accumulate(array) |
minimum up until an entry |
np.argmax(array) |
index of max |
math basics
a = 2 + 3j |
complex num |
from math import pi |
Ï€ |
from math import exp |
ex |
np.abs(v) |
np.sqrt(v) |
np.exp(v) |
np.log2(v) |
np.sin(v) |
d = {'x' : 'y', 'a' : 'b'} |
key:value |
d['x'] |
returns 'y' |
'y' in d |
returns bool |
d.keys() |
returns ['x', 'a'] |
d.values() |
returns ['y', 'b'] |
d.items() |
returns [('x':'y'), ('a':'b')] |
d['tea'] = 'Tee' |
add item |
d[('super', 'man')] = 'Supermann' |
tuples as immutable lists |
del d[k] |
key can only occur once, values can occur multiple times
(keys need to map to one value)
key: must be immutable (int, float, str, tuple (not list))
value: any data type
s = {1, 2, 3} |
create set |
s | s2 or s.union(s2) |
all elements of both sets |
s ^ s2 or s.symmetric_difference(s2) |
elements that are in either s or s2 |
s & s2 or s.intersection(s2) |
common elements |
s <= s2 or s.issubset(s2) |
test if all elements of s is in s2 (bool) |
s - s2 or s.difference(s2) |
elements in s but not in s2 |
no order
identical items are combined to one item
import logging |
from logging import debug |
logger = logging.getlogger() |
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) |
activates logger |
debug('Start') |
returns message with some stats |
logging.disable() |
all loggers (incl debug) turned off |
logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) |
all loggers reactivated |
try: command
except: print('oops') orexcept IndexError: print('Index not found') |
dealing with exceptions |
raise Exception ('message') |
creates an exception |
assert x>0, 'No neg. numbers' |
returns error if assertion not met |
np.repeat(1, 10) |
array with ten 1s |
np.asarray(list) |
converts list to array |
np.polyfit(x_array, y_array, degree) |
fits a polynomial the points (x/y), minimizing the squared error |
np.polyval(coeff_array, x_eval_array) |
evaluates a polynomial with given coefficients (sortet highest degree to lowest!) at a number of x-point |
reverse_a = a[::-1] |
general numpy
np.random.randint(low=0, high=10, size=20) |