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Precision Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Help ask good questions

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Social Intell­igence

Maintain tone of curiosity. Remind yourself that you can learn from this person.
One question at a time - adjust if you sense misund­ers­tanding or anxiety.
Use short phrases that explain intent and awareness of difficult terrain.

Focus | Maximise Opport­unity

Partic­ipating be best use of time/e­nergy? Which stakeh­olders should be involved? Who should be notified or included?
Commun­ication Channel
Can discuss over email instead of meeting time? Would be better face to face/via video? Can we mitigate downsides of video call?
Discussion Direction
What is desired outcome? What is big picture? Getting to heart of matter? Too deep into details?
Consistent with our mission? Align with strategic prios? Import­ance, given other tasks? Passionate about this?
Mental Ecology
Clear headed enough for right now? Attention focused? Need break?

Evidence | Assess Strength or Credib­ility of Data

Credib­ility of Source
Area of expertise? experts agree? bias seen in the past? benefit financ­ially, or other way?
Weighing Reasons
strongest reasons, pro and con? reasoning consis­tent?
sample size? repres­ent­ation?
Data Collection
Method? When? Is typical qualit­ative research design? Control group?
Data Analysis
What does this mean? Standard Deviation? Normal Distri­bution? Outliers? Sample size signif­icant for meaningful conclu­sion?

Effect | Explore Outcomes

Impact on stakeh­olders (clients, customers, vendors, collea­gues, other projects, community)
Time Span
Short/­Med­ium­/Long term effects
Multiple Scenarios
best/w­ors­t/most likely case?
Unintended Conseq­uences
unexpected downsi­des­/up­sides? Range of side effects - desira­ble­/un­des­irable?
leading indica­tor­/first sign of change? Lagging indica­tor­s/late signs of change? small wins to watch for and celebrate?
Risk Assessment
Possib­ility of something -ve happening? If occurs, what is the harm?

Commun­ication Lifecycle

Hear the whole question. Note key points. Paraph­rase.
Core Answer First. [Yes OR No, Number OR Date], I don't know and..., # of bullets].
Pause (up to 5 sec before speaking). Keep it essential to vital points.
Do not oversi­mplify. [Curre­ntl­y..., Most reliable data shows..., Best answer right now...]

Assumption | Surface what we've taken for granted

Safe to assume there actually is a problem to the solution?
Are we assuming there is only one process
Safe to assume we can know that we've solved the problem?
Assuming we have enough time?
Assuming problem is worth solving?
Assuming we share the same pers[e­ctive?
Assume we grouped things correctly?
Assuming these are more alike than different?
Time Constancy
Assuming situation hasn't changed since we started?

Action | Plan or Manage Activity

Who is accoun­tab­le/­man­aging? Who signs-off? Who should be reviewer?
Contai­nment vs Prevention
Intent to contain problem? Intent to fix root cause?
Goal Analysis
What are goals? Measur­able? Consis­tent? Feasible, given constr­aints?
Strategy? Tactical plan? Next steps? Timeframe?
Risk Assessment
HMW reduce probab­ility of event happening? If event happens, HMW minimise -ve impact?


Right, Absolu­tely, Defini­tely, Sure, I like that, I'm with you, that rocks, that's great, excellent, nice, keep going, for sure, I'm onboard
No way, not now, I don't think so, that feels like a stretch, I have concerns with that, the data doesn't support that, that doesn't sync with my experi­ence, I don't see it that way
I Don't Know +
we don't know, no one knows, we haven't decided yet, the data is unclear, we aren't sure
Difficult Terrain
I'm thinking of...

Clarif­ication | clarify meaning

Do you mean X or Y?
To what extend? At what rate? In what percentage of cases? Over what timeframe?
Slippery Terms
For term X, do you and I mean the same thing?
Mental Graph
Units of measur­ement? Baseline? Change over time? Current level/­rate?
Mental Pivot Table
Can we break that down by X? What does it look like broken out by X? (age, location, type, time, period, market etc).
Difficult Concepts
Defini­tion? Example? Types?

Cause | Why something happened

Sequence of Events
Order? What else was happening at the time?
Trigger / Condition
Tigger event? Background conditions in place?
How does it work? Parts? Intera­ction of parts?
Root Cause
Root cause? More than one root cause?
Driver / Inhibitor
Forces in action? Drivers? Inhibi­tors?
Non-linear causality
interd­epe­nde­ncies in system? Adaptive capabi­lities? Main feedback loops? Tipping point?