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ICT for second monthly Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

kulang paaa dissfdsfasdfsd

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Advanced spread­sheet

It is the leading spread­sheet software program.
These are for calcul­ating numerical functions just like a calcul­ator.
Types of formula
contains only one operation.
contains one or more operations
Formulas can be created by applying cell refere­nces.
Cell References
is the cell or set of cells involved in a formula. Using cell references will make your formula more accurate,
Cell address
is a combin­ation of a column letter and a row number.
To create a formula
Select a cell
Type the equals sign (=).
type the cell address
Type the mathem­atical operator
Type the cell address
Press Enter on your keyboard.
A function is a predefined formula in excel that performs calcul­ations for a specific value using reference cells.
Parts of a Function (=SUM : (A1:A2))
A function consists of the equal sign (=), the function name (ex. SUM), and one or more arguments.
examples of functions
will add all the values of cells in the argument
will get the average of all the values of the cells in the argument
count the number of cells with numerical data in the argument
gets the highest cell value included in the argument
gets the lowest cell value included in the argument
Function Library
under the Formulas Tab.;g­rouped per type of data they manipu­late.
The Insert Function Command
Allows you to search for functions using keywords.
Types of sorting
Sort Sheet
sort all data in your worksheet by one column.
Related inform­ation is kept together when sorted.
Sort Range
sorts the data in range of cells, which can be helpful when working with a sheet that contains several tables.
One of the features of Excel is to narrow down data in your worksheet, allowing you to view only the inform­ation you need.
Advanced Filter
it allows you to manipulate numbered data in different ways.
is a graphical repres­ent­ation of your workbook data that’s easier to visualize for comparison and trends..
Types of Charts
This chart uses vertical bars to represent data. They are most frequently used for comparing inform­ation.
This chart is ideal for showing trends. The data points are connected by lines, making it easier to see the increase or decrease of value over time.
This chart is used to compare propor­tions.
This chart is just like the Colum chart but uses horizontal bars instead.
This chart is like the Line chart, except the areas under the lines are shaded.
This chat allows you to display data in 3D landscape. It lets you see variety of inform­ation at the same time. This works best with large data sets.

microsoft powerpoint

Microsoft PowerPoint
is a presen­tation progra­m,c­reated by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company named Foreth­ought Inc.
It is a presen­tat­ion­-based program that uses graphics, videos, etc. to make a presen­tation more intera­ctive and intere­sting.
Keep it simple.
Complex designs tend to distract your audience
Limit bullet points and text.
Lots of text will strain the eyes and bore the audience.
Limit transi­tions and animat­ions.
Keep it profes­sio­nal.; because these could tire your audience out.
Use high quality graphics
Use high quality photos instead of clip arts.
Have a visual theme, avoid using PowerPoint template
Creating a theme gives your presen­tation a sense of unity and consis­tency.
Use approp­riate charts
Use approp­riate charts
Use color well
Correct use of color in the right place and in the right time will increase audience interest
Choose your fonts well.
Do not use more than two font faces and choose compli­mentary fonts which would look together.
Use video or audio
Videos and audios help increase the audience interest in
Spend time in the slide sorter
PowerPoint help break up large chunk of inform­ation into smaller ones. Slide sorter will help you see the logical flow of the presen­tation.
predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organi­zat­ional or structural in nature.