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Data Protection Management Programme Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

DPP Cheat Sheet - Topic 5

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Data Protection Management Programme

Helps an org. demons­trate accoun­tab­ility in data protection confidence to stakeh­olders and fosters higher­-trust relati­onships with customers and business partners for business compet­iti­veness.
1. Governance and Risk Assessment
2. Policies and Practices
3. Processes
4. Mainte­nance

Governance and Risk Assessment

Role of Senior Management
Respon­sible for org's approach to handling personal data by providing leadership to DPOs and guidance on data protection by providing leadership
Senior management should have an unders­tanding of risks and review how risks affects the organi­sation
Role of Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Ensuring that the organi­sation complies with the PDPA
Culture of Accoun­tab­ility and Staff Training
Protecting personal data is the respon­sib­ility of everyone in the organi­sation – generate awareness and foster a culture of personal data protection
Risk Assessment
Strategic - how it affects the strategic objectives of the company
Operat­ional - affects operations
Compliance - affects org's compliance with regula­tions
Financial -affects financial processes of the company

Policies and Practices

To comply with PDPA and set expect­ations for indivi­duals
What? Why? How? Contact details for any questions or concerns.
Use plain language, FAQ, UX Design and Easy Access
Data Privacy Practices
- Identifies personal data protection issues early
- Increases personal data protection awareness
- Complies with PDPA obliga­tions
Data Privacy Commun­ication
1. Notifi­cation
2. Consent
3. Policy Updates
4. Intera­ction with Users
5. Access, Correction and Complaint Handling


Risk Identi­fic­ation and Mapping
To identify and map risks relating to personal data, through using:
Data Inventory Map – catalo­guing personal data that includes, collec­tion, use, disclo­sure, storage, disposal
Data Flow Diagram – depicts the movement of that data through internal systems and external transfers
Risk Register – records risks associated with the personal data and how it is used, likelihood and conseq­uences of risk occurring
Risk Remedi­ation and Controls
To implement of system­s-based or process controls
• Identify where personal data is stored
• Determine level of security controls required
• Apply controls on system­s/i­nfr­ast­ructure that stores personal data
• Implement process controls to approve, review and manage access rights
• Build data protection measures during the software develo­pment lifecycle
Risk Reporting
Constant monitoring of risks and reporting risks to senior management
Breach Management
Containing the breach
Assessing the risk
Reporting the incident
Evaluating the response and recover to prevent future breaches