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RAM - Project Terms Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

RAM terms about projects

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Project Related Terms

Point of Common Coupling - the point in a power system where the electric utility and the customer interface occurs.
Feasib­ility Study
An assessment of a proposed plan or method.
Frond End Engg Design - basic engine­ering after completing the feasib­ility study.
Issued for Review
Issued for Constr­uction
Issued for Inform­ation
Issued for Tender
The activity of obtaining goods and services for a project.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control - to measure and assure the quality of a product.
Energy Management Services
ATCO Infras­tru­cture Services
ATCO Energy Services
A system that is connected to a utility grid. Ensures you have enough electr­icity even if your system does not produce enough electr­icity.
A system that is not connected to the utility grid. this means that the system is completely reliant on the sun and the energy that is stored in batteries.
Transm­ission System Operators - carries electr­icity from power plants to different distri­bution networks or to consumer. Long distances.
Distri­bution System Operators - distri­butes energy to final consumers. Smaller distances.
Request for Inform­ation

Other Terms

Maximum Power Point Tracking - an algorithm that is used by charge controller to maximize the available power from the PV module.
DC/AC Ratio
The ratio between the PV to inverter power.
Clipping Loss
When the DC/AC ratio is too high, the PV array will produce more power than the inverter can handle, resulting ins loss of power or clipping.
AC Coupled System
DC energy is converted into AC energy. This energy is then converted into Dc energy to be stored in a battery and converted into AC again to be used. (3 Conver­sions).
DC Coupled System
DC energy is stored directly into the batter where it is converted into AC only when it needs to be used.
The flux of radiant energy per unit area.
Means the power distri­bution is 3 phase with neutral connec­tion. 120V represents voltage phase to neutral, 208V represents voltage between two phases.
Common voltage in a typical home. They have 2 hot wires and a neutral. 120V from hot wire to neutral, 240V from hot wire to hot wire.
Peak Load Shaving
A strategy for avoiding peak demand charges. This is done by reducing consum­ption or using batteries.
Short Circuit Current - the maximum voltage that a solar panel can produce with no load on it.
Short Circuit Current - measured when the string is discon­nected from the inverter.
Used to design and simulate designs with solar panels.
Soiling Loss
When dust and grime accumu­lates on solar panels, lowering the sunlight that reaches the solar panels.
Townsend Model
A calculator that predicts monthly snow soiling losses based on snow conditions such as snowfall amount, snow events, air temper­ature and insola­tion. Less sensitive to regions with lower snowfall.
Marrion Model
Uses hourly air temper­ature and plane-­of-­array irradiance values to predict when and how far snow slides off and array to calculate the system's fractional energy output.
Andrews Model
A purely empirical model tuned using data collected from similar sites. Can use data from fielded systems with this model to predict snow losses for new sites.