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Burns Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Nursing School education on burns

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

What are burns caused by?

- Burns are injury caused by direct damage to tissue from exposure to:
1. Sun
2. Chemicals
3. Thermal (e.g.. Fire or burning liquids)
4. Electr­icity

Thermal Burns

Due to exposure to dry heat (flames) or moist heat (steam, hot liquids)
Severity depends on how hot it was and how long it was in contact with skin.

Chemical Burns

Dangerous chemicals are found in homes and busine­sses.
Acid, chem. to unclog sinks, cement, cleaners
May cause local tissue damage or system tox.
Remove chemical from contact with the skin ASAP
1.Remove nonadh­erent clothing.
2. Flush chem from wound ASAP.

Electrical Burns

"­Iceberg effect­" {Severity is diff to determine since most damage occurs under the skin.
Priority: Manage Airway
Affects & Assess­ments...
Life threat­ening dysrhy­thmias or Cardiac Arrest.... Heart monitor
Muscles and Bones
Fractures. Electrical current can cause muscle contra­ctions strong enough to fracture long bones and vertebrae ______­___­___­_______ Stabilize Cervical Spine to prevent further injury. Assessment of extremity movement will provide baseline data.
Rhabdo­myo­lysis: Muscle tissue breakdown that results in the release of a protein (myogl­obin) into the blood which can damage kidney
Kidney Failure
Myoglo­binuria due to Rhabdo. {Damaged muscles release myoglobin and damaged RBCs release hemoglobin Myo & Hemo block tubules. AKI, acute tubular necrosis.
Myoglo­binuria indicated w/ dark urine.
Rhabdo > Myoglo­binuria > AKI & ATN
Monitor Urine output (Kidney Function) ______­_____Adequate U/O during emergent phase: 0.5 to 1 mL/kg/­hr_­___­___­___­___­______ IV Fluids
Renal failure can occur in full-t­hic­kness burns as well
Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic acidosis due to cellular hypoxia and increasing breakdown in renal and hepatic function. Can lead to shock or death. Can treat w/ IV sodium bicarb­onate.

Classi­fic­ation of Burn Injury:

Depth of burn
% of TBSA
Assoc. Injuries

Degrees of burns (depth of burn damage)

1st Degree (super­ficial)
affects the top layer of the skin (epide­rmis)
2nd Degree (parti­al-­thi­ckness)
can be superf­icial or deep partia­l-t­hic­kness affecting various layers of the dermis.
3rd Degree (Full-­thi­ckness)
all skin layers are damaged along with the hair follicles, sweat glands, and nerves.
4th Degree (deep full-t­hic­kness)
worst of all. All layers are destroyed but it extends to the muscles, bone, and ligame­nts... all sensation of pain is gone.
Eschar is another name for full-t­hic­kness nonviable burn tissue.

Lund-B­rowder chart (more accurate)
Rule of Nines (Used for initial assess­ment)

Risks with locations of burns

Face, neck, circum­fer­ential torso
-May interfere w/ gas exchange. (Leathery eschar, edema) - Circum­fer­ential extremity burns can impair fusion distal to the injury. (Monitor Pulses)
Hands, feet, joints
-Limit mobility and function.
Ears, nose, buttocks, perineum
-High risk for infection

Risks with Preexi­sting Health Issues:

Pre-ex. heart, lung, or chronic diseases
- contribute to poorer prognosis
DM & Peripheral vascular disease
- high risk for delayed healing

Prehos­pital & Emergency Care

1. Scene safety is a priority.
2. Remove from source of burn and stop burning process.
- Flushing wounds w/ copious amounts of water minimize depth of injury.
3. Wrap in dry, clean sheet or blanket.
- This prevents wound contam­ination and provides warmth. Moist dressing can reduce pain but may cause hypoth­ermia.
4. Pt. may have other injuries that are priority over burn!
5. EMS must fully explain injuries.
- Any hazardous chemicals involved or any Traumatic injuries (e.g., fall)

Stages of Burn Assess­men­t/Care

1. Emerge­nt/­Res­usc­itative Phase
24-48 hours.
2. Acute Phase
48-72 hours/­wound starts to heal.
Starts w/ diuresis - Ends w/ closure of wound
3. Rehab Phase
May be years.
Begins w/ wound closure - ends w/ patient at highest level of functi­oning.