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Neuromuscular Disease Patient Management Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A cheat sheet describing the management of Neuromuscular patients from a ventilation standpoint.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Types of Neurom­uscular Diseases

Myasthenia Gravis
Chronic Disorder, Acute events of muscle weakness and fatigue. Descending paralysis.
Guillain Barre
Ground up, Ascending paralysis. Usually triggered by an acute infectious process.
Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis. Progre­ssive neuro-­deg­ene­rative disease
Muscular Dystrophy
Rare group of genetic diseases. Duchenne MD is the most common form among children and Myotonic is the most common in adults
Multiple Sclerosis
A slow progre­ssive CNS disease, charac­terized by dissem­inated patches of demyel­ination in the brain and spinal cord. Patients usually experience exacer­bations and remiss­ions.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Disorders
A group of hereditary disorders charac­terized by skeletal muscle wasting due to progre­ssive degene­ration of anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and of motor nuclei in the brain stem
Post-Polio Syndrome
A group of symptoms that develops years or decades after paralytic poliom­yelitis and usually affects the same muscle groups as the initial infection
Diaphr­agmatic Paralysis
May be unilateral where only one side of the diaphragm is affected.

Clinical Presen­tation

Muscle weakness and fatigue
Exercise intole­rance
Myopathic face (drooping face)

Pathop­hys­iology of NM Disease

Inspir­atory Muslces
Weakness of these muscles lead to decreased Vt, VC and FRC. May cause atelec­tasis and alveolar collapse
Expiratory Muscles
Weakness of these muscles lead to decreased ability to cough and move secret­ions. Increased risk of pneumonia.
Airway Muscles
Weakness of these muscles lead to decreased ability to protect the airway from aspiration and to speak/­swa­llow. Risk of airway collapse and aspiration pneumo­nitis

Lab Findings

On arrival, these patient may present with acute ventil­atory failure with hypoxemia.
These patients present with decreased lung volumes, decreased MIP and MEP. VC is the most commonly measured parameter for these patients.
Creatinine Kinase
Increased in many myopat­hies. Sign of muscle fiber necrosis.

Ventil­ation Strategy

20/30/40 rule: VC < 20 ml/kg, MIP <-30 cmH2O and MEP <40 cmH2O or pH <7.3­5/­PaCO2 > 45 mmHg
Main concerns
Typically these patient's lungs are healthy. Our main concern here is protecting the airway and preventing pneumonia.
Target Gas
Since the lungs are not the issue we would expect these patients to have a normal gas.
Type of Ventil­ation
These patient benefit from both positive pressure and negative pressure ventil­ation. Although PPV is seen most often in the hospital setting. PPV can be invasive or noninv­asive
Typically VC-CMV will be used in these patients.
Normal parameters would be used such as: VT 6-8ml/kg, RR 8-12, flow greater or equal to 60 LPM, Ti 1.0, PEEP 5 and FiO2 0.21. Pplat should be <30­cmH2O.

Adjuncts and Other Treatments

Inline Suction
Because these patient's muscle are weak they often cannot generate a cough and bronchial hygiene may become difficult. To prevent discon­nection with with ventil­ator, inline suction should be used.
Cough Assist
Helps the patient generate a strong cough and improve bronchial hygiene. Cough assist can be used in the long term trache­ostomy patient.
Incentive Spirom­etr­y/H­ype­rin­flation Techniques
Helps mobilize secretions and prevents infection. Breath stacking is often used in these patients.
Steroids for MG, plasma­phe­resis, pain manage­ment, sedative and anxiolytic may be required.

Challenges With Patient Management

Most NM diseases have no treatment or have a long process leading to long term care. These patients would be ventilated for a long duration of time likely resulting in the use of a trache­ostomy.

Be sure to check cuff pressures regularly and change trach as needed. Normal cuff pressure is 20-30c­mH2O.