Lists [ ]
A list is an ordered an mutable (you can change it) Python container |
creating a list: [ ] |
numbers = [1,2,3,4] cities = ["Bruges", "Rome"] or mix of different types as wel as duplicated elements |
list() constructor: |
of a string: list("Karim")
--> ["K","a","r","i","m"] of tuple: list(("Bruges", "Rome"))
--> ["Bruges", "Rome"] of a dictionary list({"hydrogen":1,"helium":2})
--> [hydrogen","helium"] of a set list({"Bruges", "Rome"})
--> ["Bruges", "Rome"] of a numpy array list(np.array([1,2,3]))
--> [1,2,3] |
accessing: |
starting idex = 0; last element = -1 cities[0]
--> ["Bruges"] cities[-2]
--> ["Bruges"] |
accessing multiple elements |
[start:stop:step] start index is inclusive end index is exclusive default value for step is 1; other values can be omitted = include all |
modifying items |
replace second item: cities[1] ="Gent" replace first two items: cities[:2] = ["Paris","London"]
Removing elements (del, pop, remove) |
del[ ] keyword --> delete first element: del cities[0]
list.pop(x) methode: removes the item at the given index, and returns it --> removed_cities = cities.pop(1)
list.remove(x) methode: deletes the first matching element from a the list, and returns None --> cities.remove("Bruges")
Inserting elements |
list.insert(i,x) --> insert an element x (numbers, booleans, lists) at index i and returns none
list.append(x) --> adds an item to the end of the list - equivalent to list.insert(len(list),x) |
Sorting |
function: sorted(iterable[, key][, reverse]) --> returns a sorted list => add to variable |
methode: list.sort(key=…, reverse=) --> sorts the list in-place |
arguments: - reverse : default = False = ascending - key: sort a list based on the value returned by the function (def or lambda) provided in the key parameter |
Reversing |
function: reversed(seq) --> to get a list use the list() constructor ex.: products_reversed = list(reversed(products)) |
methode: list.reverse() --> reverses the list in-place returning None |
Concatenate list |
+ operator |
list.extend(iterable) --> extends the list by appending all the items from the iterable |
Check if an element exists in a list |
in → Evaluates to True if the object on the left side is included in the object on the right side. not in → Evaluates to True if the object on the left side is not included in the object on the right side. |
import the package |
check version |
show all rows of dataframe (None = diplay all rows or fill in a number instead) |
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
Copy data from clipboard |
df = pd.read_clipboard()
import data from csv-file ( .. = up one level) |
df = pd.read_csv("path/file.csv")
Copy a data frame |
head() - show first 5 rows (default) or X rows |
or df.head(10)
tail() - show last 5 rows (default) or X rows |
or df.tail(10)
info() - This method prints information about a DataFrame including the index dtype and column dtypes, non-null values and memory usage |
describe() - Descriptive statistics include those that summarize the central tendency, dispersion and shape of a dataset’s distribution, excluding NaN values. |
chain .round(2)
to clean up the table |
column names |
size of the dataframe |
Quantile() (like describe() but you can define your own values). Default axis = 0 => row-wise |
df.quantile([0.1,0.4,0.7, 0.8, 0.9])
Mean, Standard Deviation, Variance, Count, Median, Min, and Max on column level |
df["column name"].mean()
or other function, native or self-made |
renaming columns |
df.rename(columns={'oldName1': 'newName1', 'oldName2': 'newName2'}, inplace=True)
Using the argument, inplace = True => save dataframe into itself. If we don’t state inplace = True you need to add result to a new or same dataframe with the "=" operator |
reorder columns - pass a list as a list and index |
order we want: cols = ['col_name_4', 'col_name_2','col_name_3', 'col_name_1'] overwrite the old dataframe with the same dataframe but new column order: df= df[cols]
adding new columns |
df["new_column_name"] = ... ... = [list] or a function applied to an other column or ... |
Count unique rows |
or `df['column_name'].nunique |
Get count of (unique) values for a particular column |
transform dataframe to list |
chain with .tolist()
--> df.columns.tolist()
making a dataframe
format: df = pd.DataFrame(data,index values,column names) |
Creating df from list: |
lst = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'nice', 'cheat', 'sheet'] df1 = pd.DataFrame(lst)
Creating df form dict: |
dict= {"First Column Name": ["First value", "Second value",...], "Second Column Name": ["First value", "Second value",...], ... } df2 = pd.DataFrame (dict)
another example: |
df3 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 4), index = list('abcdef'), columns = list('ABCD'))
get index values (strings) - rows ("0", "1", "2" , ...) |
df.index >>> RangeIndex(start=0, stop=32561, step=1) |
get column index values |
naming index (rows) | = "name_of_choice"
reset index |
df_new = df.reset_index()
(the df has already been sliced otherwise the old and new index will be the same) |
Resetting the index will make it a column and recreate another default index. Parameters: drop = True (default = False) paramater won’t create that as column in the dataframe. inplace = True (default = False) |
crosstabs has also index values |
cross = pd.crosstab(df_new.col_name_1,df_new.col_name_2) cross.index >>> Index(['value_1_of_col_1', 'value_2_of_col_1', ...], dtype='object', name='col_name_1')
individual items can be accessed like: cross.loc["value_?_of_col_1"]
using the old index (index befor reseting) to access initial dataframe |
--> index_old (see before name_of_choice where we give our index a name) |
Filtering a complementary set from the data |
df_new =df[df.index.isin(df_sub.index)]
--> tilde sign :negate data (True becomes False ...) |
slicing = getting and setting of subsets of the data set (3 ways) |
.loc is primarily label based .iloc is primarily integer position based .loc, .iloc, and also [ ] indexing can accept a callable as indexer |
--> : is the null slice |
selecting column(s): |
df['colname'] or through a list of columns df[['colname1', 'colname2']]
or directly as an attribute df.colname
swapping columns |
df[['B', 'A']] = df[['A', 'B']]
swapping column values on a subset (you have to swap the raw data !) |
df.loc[:, ['B', 'A']] = df[['A', 'B']].to_numpy() |
create new column A with value 0 --> length of df |
df['A'] = list(range(len(df.index)))
slicing using the [ ] operator --> [ ] slices the rows |
[start:end:step] -->[2:5] --> starts at row 3 (row 2 not included); stops at row 5 (included); default step = 1 If step is negatief = start from the last element |
.loc - Selection by label (labels can NOT be integer values) |
--> index_labels are row labels. When slicing with .loc both the start bound AND the stop bound are included |
Select all rows starting from row d, select all columns A to C |
df3.loc['d':, 'A':'C']
--> red square |
getting values with a boolean array |
df3.loc[:, df3.loc['a'] > 0]
--> all rows and columns where row a >0 --> green square |
select numeric columns (column names) |
df_numeric = df.select_dtypes(include = [np.number]) numeric_cols = df_numeric.columns.values
select non numeric columns (column names) |
df_non_numeric = df.select_dtypes(exclude=[np.number]) non_numeric_cols = df_non_numeric.columns.values
setup environment
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib"ggplot")
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12,8)
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
dropping and filling
drop columns |
1) focus on columns to keep (add columns to a new dateframe) |
df_new = df[['col_1_to_keep', 'col_2_to_keep', ... ]]
2) focus on columns to drop |
df_new = df.drop(['col_1_to_drop','col_2_to_drop','col_3_to_drop', ...], axis=1)
fill NaN with some value x |
Import statement |
from datetime import datetime
--> python's default library for handling date and time |
Creating datetime object |
datetime(year=2020, month=4, day=11)
>>> datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 11, 0, 0) arguments: year;month;day;hour;minute;second;millisecond |
Now() |
current_time =
Converting: string to datetime object |
datetime.strptime("11-04-2020, 20:58:15", "%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S")
>>>datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 11, 20, 58, 15) |
Converting: datetime to string object |
datetime.strftime(datetime(year=2020, month=4, day=11), "%d/%m/%Y") >>> '11/04/2020' |
Data range in Pandas |
pd.date_range(start=datetime(year=2020, month=4, day=11),periods=3,freq='D')
>>>DatetimeIndex(['2020-04-11', '2020-04-12', '2020-04-13'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D') |
start argument can also be like: '2020-04-11' or '2020/04/11' or '2020, may 11' |
missing data
heatmap |
cols = df.columns[:30]
--> select first 30 columns (names) colours = ["blue","yellow"]
--> missing data will be displayed as yellow lines in the heatmap sns.heatmap(df[cols].isnull(),cmap=sns.color_palette(colours))
--> isnull() returns a df with true's and false's. If value is NA then isnull() returns true = 1 |
data percentage list |
missing = {} for col in df.columns: pct_missing = np.mean(df[col].isnull()) missing[col] = round(pct_missing*100) missing_sorted = {key: value for key, value in sorted(missing.items(), key=lambda item: item[1],reverse=True)}