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WHAP Period 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Period 1 Review for WHAP

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Paleol­ithic and Neolithic Eras

Paleol­ithic (250,000- 10,000 BCE)
**Neol­ithic (Began roughly 8000 BCE)
- aka Old Stone Age
- aka Stone Age
-create fire
- Agricu­ltural Revolution
- egalit­arian*
- warmer climate → crop growth
- nomadic
- irrigation
- hunting and gathering
- rise in population
- tools of stone, bone, antler, wood
- regional trade
- axes, spears, arrows, fishing pole
- river valley civili­zations
- clothing of animals
- astronomy and calendars for seasons
- cave art
- writing, math, and record keeping

Charac­ter­istics of a Civili­zation

Advanced Cities
- population size (10,000s)
- trade centers
- religious centers
Specia­lized Workers
- surplus food
- artisans, shopke­epers, soldiers, officials, rulers, priests
Social Classes (in descending order)
- Rulers­/Pr­iests
- Nobles
- Artisans and Merchants
- Farmers
- Slaves
Complex Instit­utions
- Government
- Religion
- Education
- Military
- Record Keeping
- events, time, business, religious rituals
Advanced Technology
- monuments
- art
- tools