Curve fitting: Higher order Polynomials
The formula: ax + by + cz = 1
A= [-1 -1 -3;1 0 0;2 1 2;2 3 6];
b = [1;1;1;1];
x = A\b;
NOTE: A x = b... backslash(\) to solve for a, b, c
Curve fitting: linearization
Exponential linearized function
The formula is y = bemx:
x = [1 2 3 4]; y = [6 3 2 1]; Given
a = polyfit(x,log(y),1)
>>a = -0.5781 2.3411;
m = a(1)
>>m = -0.5781;
b = exp(a(2));
>>b = 10.3923;
The final product: y = 10.39e-0.5781x
Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors
A=[2 -1 0;-1 2 -1;0 -1 2]; a=eig(A);
[V,D] = eig(A) V - eigenvectors
: get 1st column
v1 = V(:,1);
v1 = v1/v1(1);
: normalise eigenvector
ODEs using ode45
a = 0.1; b = 0.002; c = 0.0025; d = 0.2;
f = @(t,x) [-ax(1)+bx(1)*x(2);
X0 = [20; 100];
Tspan = linspace(0,150,1000);
[T,X] = ode45(f,Tspan,X0);
ODEs using ode45
a = 0.1; b = 0.002; c = 0.0025; d = 0.2;
f = @(t,x) [-ax(1)+bx(1)*x(2);
X0 = [20; 100];
Tspan = linspace(0,150,1000);
[T,X] = ode45(f,Tspan,X0);
Gauss Integration
Gauss 2-pt rule |
Gauss 3-pt rule |
f=@(x) 1/2*sqrt(16+(x+3).^4)./(x+3)^2;
>>G2= 1.1289;
>>G3= 1.1319;
ODEs: Boundary-value problems (BVPs)
y0=1;y1=2; % N = 1/h;h = 0.2
i = [1:N-1]';
xi = i*h; % Interior nodes
A=(h^2-2)*eye(N-1); % Diagonal part of A
A=A+diag(1-0.5hxi(2:N-1),-1);% Add sub- and superdiagonal
A=A+diag(1+0.5hxi(1:N-2),+1);% Add sub- and superdiagonal
b = 2h^2xi;% RHS refined formula
b(1)=b(1)-(1-0.5hxi(1))*y0;% Add boundary contributions
b(N-1)=b(N-1)-(1+0.5hxi(N-1))*y1;% Add boundary contributions
y = sparse(A)\b; % Solve
Finite Difference: Laplace&Poisson PDEs
You then use backslash after you have the equations
Multiple Integrals
f = @(x,y) x.^2-y.^2-1;
a = 0; b = 3; g = 0; p = 1;
>>ans = 5.000000000001309;
f = @(x,y) y;
a = 0; b = pi/4;
g = @(x) sin(x); p = @(x) cos(x);
m = integral2(f,a,b,g,p);
>>m = 0.250000000000013;
Curve fitting& Interpolation
Least Squares: Backslash & Polyfit |
y = a0 + a1x + a2x2:
x = [1; 2; 3; 4]; y = [6; 3; 2; 1];
A = [ones(4,1) x x.ˆ2]; a = A\y
a = 9.5000 -4.1000 0.5000
a2 = polyfit(x,y,2)
xx = linspace(0,5);
y2 = polyval(a2,xx);
Error,Residual,Norms,Condition number
x = [1; -1; 3; -5];
||A||2 = (||A x||2)/(|| x||2)
~ cond(A) = (||A||)(||A -1||)
~ cond(A)
>> 1:ill-conditioned&close singular matrix
~ cond(A)
≈ 1:well-conditioned
~ decimals digits that trustworthy = 10 -a = 10 c x 10 -d
a = d-c
~r = b - A x
det (A) = 0; No A -1; Singular matrix
test singularity: cond,condest,rank
Built-in Functions
y=[0 0.3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5];
v=[0 0.4 0.5 0.56 0.6 0.63 0.66 0.68 0.71 0.72];
Euler's Method
f=@(x,y) -x*y; % Define rhs
N=100; % Number of steps
a=1; b=2; % Interval
h=(b-a)/N; % step size
x(1)=1; y(1)=4; % Initial values
for i=1:N
y(i+1)=y(i)+h*f(x(i),y(i)); % Euler
Runge-Kutta Methods
f = @(x,y) -x*y; %Define rhs
N = 100; % Number of steps
for i = 1:N
K1 = f(x(i),y(i));
K2 = f(x(i)+0.5h,y(i)+0.5h*K1);
K3 = f(x(i)+0.5h,y(i)+0.5h*K2);
K4 = f(x(i+1),y(i)+h*K3);
x(i+1) = x(i)+h;
y(i+1) = y(i)+(1/6)h(K1+2K2+2K3+K4);
Runge-Kutta Methods
f = @(x,y) -x*y; %Define rhs
N = 100; % Number of steps
for i = 1:N
K1 = f(x(i),y(i));
K2 = f(x(i)+0.5h,y(i)+0.5h*K1);
K3 = f(x(i)+0.5h,y(i)+0.5h*K2);
K4 = f(x(i+1),y(i)+h*K3);
x(i+1) = x(i)+h;
y(i+1) = y(i)+(1/6)h(K1+2K2+2K3+K4);
Numerical Differentiation
x = 0;
f = @(x) sqrt(1-2*sin(x));
h = [0.002 0.001 0.0005 0.00025];
D2f = @(h) (f(x)-2f(x+h)+f(x+2h))./h.^2;
D2f(h) = -1.0040 -1.0020 -1.0010 -1.0005;
*error decreases by factor 2 thus n = 1
Composite Simpson's Rule
f = @(x) sqrt(1+x.^4)./x.^2;
a = 1; b = 2;
N = 100; h = (b-a)/N;
x = a+[0:N]*h;
fx = f(x);
L = h/3(fx(1)+4sum(fx(2:2:N))+2*sum(fx(3:2:N-1))+fx(N+1))
w = ones(size(x)); w(2:2:N) = 4; w(3:2:N-1) = 2;
L = h/3sum(w.f(x))
>>L = 1.132090394695845;
Composite Trapezium Rule
f = @(x) sqrt(1+x.^4)./x.^2;
a = 1; b = 2;
N = 100; h = (b-a)/N;
x = a+[0:N]*h;
fx = f(x);
L = h3( 0.5fx(1) + sum(fx(2:N)) + 0.5*fx(N+1) )
w = ones(size(x)); w(1) = 0.5; w(N+1) = 0.5;
L = hsum(w.f(x));
>>L = 1.132101672788808;
Numerical Partial Differentiation
x = 0; y = 0;
f = @(x,y) sqrt(1+2x-3y.^2);
h = [0.2 0.1 0.05 0.025];
Lapf = @(h) (f(x+h,y)+f(x-h,y)+f(x,y+h)+f(x,y-h)-4*f(x,y))./h.^2;
Lapf(h) = -4.1505 -4.0356 -4.0088 -4.0022;
Modified Euler
f = @(x,y) -x*y; % Define rhs
N = 100; % Number of steps
a = 1; b = 2; % Interval
h= (b-a)/N; % step size
x(1)=1;y(1) = 4; % Initial values
for i = 1:N7
yeu = y(i)+h*f(x(i),y(i)); % Euler
x(i+1) = x(i)+h;
y(i+1) = y(i)+0.5h(f(x(i),y(i))+f(x(i+1),yeu));
x = [22 35 48 61 74];
y = [320 490 540 500 480];
yy = spline(x,y,42); not-a-knot
>>yy = 531.1971;
xx = linspace(20,80,1000);
*clamped conditions: [0 y 0]
ss = spline(x,y,xx);