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Rice CHEM 122 Formula/Info Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Units 1-4 of Chem 122 at Rice University

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Formula Name
Boyle's Law
PV = k (N,T)
Charles's Law
V/T = k (N,P)
Avogadro's Law
V/n = k (T,P)
Ideal Gas Law
V = nRT/P or PV = nRT
Dalton's Law
Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3....
1 atm, 0 Celsius
Gas Density
d = m/V = PM/RT = N/V
Partial Pressure
P1 = X1 * Ptotal
Root Mean Squared Speed
v = sqrt(3­RT/M)
Collision Frequency
f = vrms / mfp (mean free path)
Average Kinetic Energy
KE = 3/2 nRT
Effusion - Graham's Law
rate1/­rate2 = sqrt(M­W2/MW1)
General Rate Law
rate = k[A]m*[B]n
Zeroth Order Integrated Rate Law
[A]t = [A]0 - kt
First Order Integrated Rate Law
ln[A]t = ln[A]0 -kt
Second Order Integrated Rate LAw
1/[A]t = 1/[A]0 + kt
Zeroth Order Half Life
t = [A]0/2k
First Order Half Life
t = ln2/k
Second Order Half Life
t = 1/k[A]0
Arrhenius Equation
Logari­thmic Form of Arrhenius Equation
ln(k2/k1) = (-Ea/R) * (1/T2 - 1/T1)
Michae­lis­-Menton Enzyme Kinetics
rate = k2 [E]T [S]/[S] + km


Formula Name/S­ubject
Equili­brium Constant (conce­ntr­ations)
Kc = [produ­cts­]/[­rea­ctants]
Equili­brium Constant (press­ures)
Kp = P(prod­uct­s)/­P(r­eac­tants)
Equili­brium Equation (with rates)
K = kf/kr
Q = K
At equili­birum
Q < K
reaction shifts in forward direction
Q > K
reaction shifts in reverse direction
Keq is large (10^3)
kforward > kreverse
Keq is small (10^-3)
kforward < kreverse
Keq = 1
kforward = kreverse
Kc and Kp Relation
Kc = Kp * RT^Δn
L'C: add more reactants
reaction shifts forward
L'C: add more products
reaction shifts reverse
L'C: increase pressure
reaction shifts towards fewer moles
L'C: decrease pressure
reaction shifts towards greter moles
L'C: increase volume
reaction shifts towards greater moles
L'C: decrease volume
reaction shifts towards fewer moles
Endoth­ermic (T) Phase Transi­tions
Melting, Sublim­ation, Evapor­ation
Exothermic (P) Phase Transi­tions
Freezing, Deposi­tion, Conden­sation
S = kB ln(W)
Change in Entropy for Change in Volume
ΔS = nR ln(V2/V1)
Change in Entropy ofSurr­oun­dings
ΔSsurr = -ΔH/T
Gibbs Free Energy
Nonsta­ndard Gibbs Free Energy (1)
ΔG = ΔG0 + RTlnQ
Standard Gibbs Free Energy
ΔG0 = -RTlnK
Nonsta­ndard Gibbs Free Energy (2)
ΔG = RT ln(Q/K)
Clausi­sus­-Cl­aperyon Equation
ln(P2/P1) = -ΔH/R (1/T2-­1/T1)


Formula Name/Info
Molarity (M)
mol solute/L solution (mol/L)
Molality (m)
mol solute/kg solution (mol/kg)
Mole Fraction (X)
mol solute/mol solution (mol/mol)
Vapor Pressure (two volatile chemicals)
Pvap = PaXa + PbXb
Boiling Point Elevation
Tb = kb m i
Freezing Point Depression
Tf = -kf m i
Osmotic Pressure
pi =iMRT
S = mol dissolved / L solution
CIE: add in species already present
decrease solubility
Hender­son­-Ha­sse­lbach Equation
pH = pKa + log(conj. base/acid)
K value for Neutra­liz­ation
Kn = Ka*Kb/Kw
Equiva­lence Point
mol base added = mol acid originally present
pH = pKa
Solven­t-S­olvent Intera­ctions
endoth­ermic, overcome IMFs
Solute­-Solute Intera­ctions
endoth­ermic, overcome IMFs
Solven­t-S­olute Intera­ctions
exothe­rmic, release energy through attractive forces
To relate Ka to Kb
Kw = Ka * Kb
Strong Acids
H2SO4, HNO3, HCl, HI, HClO4, HClO3, HBr
Strong Bases
LiOH, NaOH, KOH, RbOH, CsOH, Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2


Formula Name/S­ubject
Current (I))
charge­/time (Amperes)
Voltage (V)
energy­/charge (Volts)
Power (W)
energy­/se­conds (Watts)
Oxidation Reaction
Lose electrons
Reduction Reaction
Gain electrons
Site of reduction, e- flow to cathode
Site of oxidation, e- flow from anode
Cell Potential (E)
Ecell = Ecathode + Eanode = Eredcat - Eredan
Gibbs Free Energy (standard)
ΔG0 = -nFE0
Faraday's Constant
96,500 C/mol e-
Nernst Equation
E = E0 - RT/nF lnQ
Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE)
2H+ + 2e- -> H2(g)
Standard Cell Potential
E0 = RT/nF lnK
Total Charge (Z)
Z = I * t (in seconds), in coloumbs
Moles of Electrons Produced
n(e-) = Z/F
Moles of Metal Produced
n(metal) = n(e-)* mol(me­tal­)/mols e- needed
Mass of Metal Produced
m(metal) = n(meta­l)/­MWmetal
Nernst Equation with pH
E = E0red + 2.3RT/F logQ