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Swift Progress Bar and Spinner Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Progress Bar Introd­uction

Progress bar, formally known as
in swift 4.1, is a common element of a page. It is used to indicate the progress of a computable process, such as downlo­ading a file. It should not be used for incomp­utable process, such as attempting to establish Internet connection or searching for a content (for such use, please see
to the right.)

Image of Progress Bar

Useful Class Method

func setPro­gre­ss(­Float, animated: Bool)

A function to set progress of the progress bar.
The first positional argument is within range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, indicating the progress of the task.
The second argument
indicates whether the change in progress should be animated. When set to
, the progress bar will "­jum­p" to the updated progress. Otherwise, it will be filled­/un­filled gradually to the updated progress.

Useful Instance Variables

var isHidden

determines whether the progress bar is hidden or not.

var progress

within range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, indicating the progress.

MCVE (Minimal Complete Verifiable Example)

/*\ to run this example, simply create up a new project, then
| | copy and paste the code below to ViewController.swift
| | create a button and a progress bar in the storyboard, then
| | create a reference outlet from the progress bar to
| | progressBar variable, then create
| | an action outlet from the button to startTask() function

import UIKit 
class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var progressBar: UIProgressView! 
    //outlet of the progressBar
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        //set the progressBar to 0, default value is 0.5
        progressBar.setProgress(0, animated: false) 
       //hide the progressBar

   var t:Timer!
    @objc func updateProgress(){ 
    // an example function to increase the progress of the task by 1%
    // only called by timer in the following function
    //@objc decorator exposes the function to timer
        progressBar.setProgress(progress.progress+0.01,animated: true)
        if progressBar.progress>=1.0{
            t.invalidate() // stop the timer
            progressBar.isHidden=true // hide the progress bar
            progressBar.setProgress(0, animated: false) // reset the progress bar

    @IBAction func startTask(_ sender: Any) { // outlet of the button that activates this function
        // an example function that increases the progress of 
        // progress bar by 0.1 every 0.05 second (simulating a 
        // task that takes 5 seconds to complete)
        progressBar.isHidden=false // display the progress bar
        t=Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.05, target: self, selector: #selector(updateProgress), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) // set the timer

Spinner Introd­uction

Spinner, formally known as
in swift 4.1, is a common element for an applic­ation. It is used to indicate that there is an ongoing process (either executing in the front or backgr­ound) that consumes unknown amount of time, such as searching for a specific content or making comput­ation.

Image of Spinner