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Geography definitions Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat sheet for my geography test

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Enviro­nmental Factors

Factors that make up the Enviroment and Biomes
common factors: temper­ature, food, pollut­ant­s/i­nvasive speices, population density, sound, light, and, fauna, flora, parasites
Factors also include the stresses that are destroying a habitat

Enviro­nmental Changes

Changes found in an eviroment, includes good and bad change.
Humans are most likely to change an enviroment
Major changes include: climate change, habit altera­tion, water quality, population growth­/loss , large bodies of water disape­ari­ng/­flo­oding, invasive speices

Land Degrad­ation

distru­ction of the land, caused primarily by humans and invasive burrowing speices

test block
