Influence Map
Influence Map |
Way of viewing the distribution of control over a map. |
Grid out the world and provide a numerical estimate of the influence of every unit on the cell it is in and its neighhbouring cells. |
Influence diminishes over distance. |
The influence of all units in the game are summed in order to generate an influence map which is a representation of influence and location which can be used for strategic analysis. |
An example can be using the euclidean distance to calculate influence on each square/cell. influence = 0.5distance |
Calculation is done for every unit with positive values used for friendly units and negative for enemies. |
Front line |
Line that can be traces at the edge of positive and negative cells. |
Concentration of forces |
The areas with the highest positive values are where the influence of the friendly forces are strongest. |
Maths |
The influence falls off over distance which can be linear or exponential with distance. Influence is represented by the type of weapons for example. ie a sword is less powerful than a gun |
Because inflenuence never reaches 0, use a cut off point for very small values to avoid unnecessary calculations. |
Desirability |
A weighted sum which would change accordingly to the context or type of decision. |
Time & distance |
Even though influence diminishes over distance it can still have an impact on decisions taken by other units far away |
Time & probability |
Can suggest how we use influence maps to represent potential actions |
Interpreting Results |
Influence state decision such as combat want to choose acell in which enemy is weak but in which we are strong |
Examine the distance of units to the front-line both friendly and enemy which can help indicate areas to which we should be paying special attention to. |
Terrain |
Can increase or decrease the propagation of influence according to terrain. e.g. take obstacles into account |
Decision Trees |
A decision tree is way of representing knowledge. |
A decision tree is a way of using inputs to predict future outputs. |
It is a classification method, decision trees learn from examples using inductions. They can deal with uncertainty. thye dont use ranges because of large numbers of branching alternatives. |
Sequence |
Execute the first node that has not yet succeeded. Keep executing a task until it returns a success. Any failure in the sequence is a failure overall. Fix or continue to next sequence. |
Selector |
Selects one child node to execute. Could be random or some sort of control mechanism. |
Decorator |
Single child node. Allows for other types of operation such as repetition, filter or an inventor. |
ID3 algorithms |
Note: Look at Tree PP for method |
Production Systems
Knowledge Representation |
Knowledge is representation and the methods for manipulating it |
Procedural Knowledge |
Is operational ie what to do when |
Most common method is production rules |
Production Rules |
New knowledge is derived using various reasoning mechanisms. IF AND THEN |
A deductive argument can only bring out what is already implicit in it premises but can give rise to questions. |
Reasoning is carried out by an interpreter |
2 methods: forward chaining from assertions and backward chaining from hypotheses |
Blackboard Model
Blackboard Model |
Is a decision making method. |
Problems and all workings out are written on the blackboard. |
The insight is that a collective understanding of a problem may be better than an individual understanding. |
May be more efficient to have many experts each with a partial understading of a problem than one expert that has a full understanding. |
Specialists |
No specialist understands the whole problem |
Component that can operate on the data written p on the blackboard. The area of expertise of each specialist is narrow. A specialist may indicatate a relevance value indicating how they can deal with the problem. |
No communication allowed between experts. Everything goes through the medium of the blackboard. |
Arbiter |
Selects which of the specialists to execute |
Architecture |
2 types of architecture |
A) Multiple specialists each with their own area of expiertie. It is assumed that only one specialist at a time will be dealing with a specific problem. |
B) Specialists with overlapping areas of expertise. More than 1 specialist can signal relevance. More than one specialist can deal with a problem at a time. |
Characteristics |
Blackboard offers flexibility |
Order of reasoning not pre-determined |
At any given point that most relevant specialist will be selected |
Specialists can act in a variety of ways like requesting more data etc. |
A specialist need not know how its assertions or signals are going to be used. |
The specialist is only concerned with fulfilling a request. |
Entity IDs And Communication
Forms of Entity Identification: |
Pointers, Names, Entity UIDs (Evaluate these) |
Entity Pointers(pros/cons) |
Problems occur when entities are destroyed. For example when an entity high up in the chain dies, therefore, making the pointer invalid. Can lead to exceptions |
Entity UIDs(Unique Identifier |
+ Holds a UID instead of a pointer |
+ Uses a function to safely convert into pointer |
+ An error is returned when resource doesn't exist. A lot easier to handle than invalid pointers. |
+ Hash tables are used which provide efficency. Keys are converted into integers. |
- Collisions can occur in hash tables |
Entity Messaging |
Better to send messages to entities than to use getters and setters |
+ Entities only need to know messaging types |
+ Can make interactions more complex, by having replies for example. |
Need a system messenger class. Avoid using new and delete. Use statics |
- Finding the position of another entity can be clumsy |
- There is latency between responses |
+ Entity UIDs can be converted to pointers to access generic or commonly used data |
+ Could implement an ImmediateMessage function where message is sent directly to entity and return value is response |
Tools Programming
Tool Chain |
Sequence of tools needed to convert raw assets through to usable game data. |
Camera Projection/Picking
Model Space |
Entity's mesh is defined in its own local coordinate system |
World Space |
Transforming a model in the world |
World Matrix |
Transforming model from model space to world space with a matrix. |
Camera Space |
The scene as view from the camera's position. |
View Matrix |
Transformation from world space to camera space is done with the view matrix. |
Camera to Viewport space |
Project camera space into 2D. |
This is done with the projection matrix |
Projection Details |
Near clip distance is from camera position to viewport. |
Far clip distance is furthest we can see from camera position. |
FOV - field of view |
Component-Based Entities
Problems with OO |
Tight couping between parent and child. Features of parents affect or limit the features of children |
Hierarchies are static, games need more flexibility |
Multiple inheritance can be use but causes confusion |
Component-based Architecture |
Entity holds a dynamic list of components |
Each component has an update function called when entity is updated |
Messages to entity passed to each component. e.g. health component reacts to a damage message |
Send messages to components/entities within the same entity |
+Litte coupling between components |
+Easy to add/remove functionality |
+Simple to conceptualise |
+Easily built from script/data files |
-Much more message passing |
-May be too flexible |
Concurrent Programming
Concurrent Program |
Simultaneously executes multiple interacting computational tasks. Not the same as parallel program |
Processes/threads |
The tasks may be separate programs or a set of processes/threads created by a single program. |
Focus of concurrent programming is the interaction between tasks and the coordination of shared resoruces. |
Parallel Programming |
Simultaneously exutes a single task across several processors |
Processes |
A program is just a passive set of instuctions whereas a process is an active instance of a program, acually being executed |
Each process has a distinct set of resources. A section of memory (RAM, cache). System Resources. Security settings (perms), processor state |
Threads |
A program may in turn contain several threads of execution |
Threads conatin process resources Look Above ^^ |
Processes can be single threaded or multi-threaded |
Multi-threaded can be more efficent if done right |
Multi-threaded processes are more efficient than multi-process programs due to less setup and communication since threads share resources. |
Data Coordination |
Major issue with concurrent is preventing concurrent processes from interfering with eachother. |
Resource Coordination |
Preventing sharing of resources from interfering. e.g. One process rewrites content of the file while another is in the process of reading it. |
Race Conditions |
2 processes racing to complete their task first |
A flaw in a concurrent system where the exact sequence or timing of events affects the output. |
Hard to track down due to shared data/resources being accesses almost simultaneously. |
Locking |
A resource, piece of data or section of code can be locked to a single process or thread. |
Critical Section |
A section of code that can only be accessed by a single thread at a time.. The section of code is aasumed to be accesing data that needs careful synchronisation. Only locks code not data. |
Mutex |
An object that can only be owned by a single thread on a single process at a time. |
Semaphore |
An obkect that can be held by up to N threads simultaneously. Section can be shared by a few processes but not an unlimited number, which limits the number resources that can be opened simultaneously. |
Timers |
Can pause a thread until a certain time or repeatedly wake/sleep a thread. |
Blocking |
When a thread or process is prevented from accessing data or executing code due to synchronisation object is said to be blocked. |
When a thread is blocked wait for the code/data to become available by allowing the thread to stall (sleep) , which loses the advantages of concurrency. And can add a timeout to help limit how long to wait. Or simply skip the task that requires the blocked data/code |
Deadlocks |
When 2 threads try to lock 2 resources they stall waiting for eachother causing a deadlock and each thread will wait forever for the other. Can only be resoved by better synchronisation of objects. ie associate a single mutex to the ownership of any part of the group. |
Text-based Game Data
Hard-coding |
Embedding of data in program code |
- Requires recompilation to change data which can be slow for large project. |
- Cannot be done at runtime |
To improve this we can use data files. |
+ Hard coded data is stored in a text format which means it is human readable/writable. |
Text based data will need to be parsed at run-time. |
Binary data files |
Can help in large data sets as it's quicker to parse but they're not human readable |
Issues with Text-based data |
Slower than using hard-coding |
Text need more storage than binary |
Need good test cases to have good text validation. |
Additional code development required |
XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language |
Structured data |
Not a programming language |
Stream-oriented parsing - Uses callbacks as tags that are opened and closed |
Tree-traversal parsing - Reads entire document and passes back as a complete hierarchical structure |
XML Disadvantages |
The redundancy of syntax causes higher storage making parsing take longer. |
XML is less readable compared to other text-based document formats such as JSON. XML doesn't support arrays. |
XML files are usually larger due to being verbose therefore it totally depends on who is writing it. |
Advantages XML |
XML is platform and programming language independent therfore can be used by any system and supports hardware and software change. |
Support Unicode and international encoding standard for use with different languages and scripts. |
The data stored and transported using XML can be changed at any point of time without affecting the data presented. XML allows validation using DTD and Schema. This validation ensures that the XML document is free from any syntax error. |
XML simplifiesdata sharing between various systems because of its platform independent nature. |
STRIPS (Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver) |
Formal language that assumes that all conditions not stated to be true are false |
Planning is a process of divising a sequence of actions to achieve a goal. |
Pathfinding is an example of planning |
Uses actions, states and goals |
In language can be expressed as logical statements like At(B). They can be combined like At(door) AND holding(key) |
Actions can be specified in terms of preconditions. Like Move(A, B), Preconditions: At(A), Postconditions: not At(A), At(B) |
Precondition = entry state |
Postcondition = exit state |
Finite State Machines (FSM)
FSMS model states, transitions and actions |
Probablistic FSM |
Describe any FSM which includes probabilities |
Probabilities are placed on transitions out of states |
Can have an output state which has a probability associated with it. |
Multiple output states with probability scores used to select between them |
Probabilities could be fixed or could change over time. Can extend probabilities in lots of ways e.g. trigger functions. |
Stack-(based FSM) |
Track past states using a stack |
Stacks are pushed on and popped off the stack at transitions. This means that an agent can be interrupted and later return to a previous state. |
Stack based FSM can produce a simple FSM than a standard FSM but not always appropriate tor return to a previous state. |
Hieracrchical FSM |
A state may link to another FSM or set of FSMs |
Transition from a state leads to a brand new FSM. Use the stack to store the initiating state. |
If control is passed down the hierarchy then the new FSM starts at its own initial state. Allow you to identify and separate out behaviour or tasks. Helps reduce size and complexity of a FSM |
Record the original state and any associated data because control may pass back at some point. |
- May lead to code re-use since a task could be used in several different situations |
To avoid code repitition allow the re-use of FSMs. |
The hierarchy of states can produce behaviour unique to an agent even if states are shared with other agents. |
It is possible to swap FSMs in and out. |
This can be done with any one of the FSM layers. |
Hence an agent could exhibit different implementations of a task in different situations, e.g. different combat FSMs. |
A state could have sub states |
This can bypass the need to have a new FSM but avoid doing it too much or else it can lead to the FSM becoming broken. |
Subsumption FSM |
Intelligent behaviour can be built from a collection of simple machines. |
Decompose complex behaviour into simple modules, operations or tasks. |
The modules are implemented as layers of FSMs |
Thje layers of FSMs all operate at the same time. |
Lower layers deal with short-term goals and higher layers deal with long-term goals. |
Lower layers have priority |
Entity Update and Rendering
Entity Update |
Each entity has its own update function |
Can be called every frame or less frequently |
Recieves/processes messages |
Send messages |
Decision making |
+ Entity behaviour and state collected together |
+Easy to maintain |
+ Easier to comprehend behaviour |
- Overall game behaviour is distributed, can get unexpected interaction |
- Messaging between entities can be long-winded |
Scene Update |
In the TL-Engine a single global update function is used |
Can become bloated/hard to maintain |
No attempt to encapsulate behaviour |
Using entity-based update still uses Scene Update to do certain global update work |
+ Global function easy to work with |
- Model state tends to become a set of globals |
Entity Rendering |
Each entity gets its own render function. A function that's called every frame to update animations, positions, textures etc. |
Pre/Post Rendering |
Called for entities before and after the main rendering calls. E.g. Calculating camera view matrix |
Dot Product Formula |
X.T = |X||T|cos(B) |
Scripting for Games
Why Scripting |
Ease of development - Less prone to erros and less intricate |
Much easier to change and test |
No recompilation, change at runtime |
Think about Unity - Use scripts to control entities(game objects) player as an example |
Scripting (pros/cons) |
- Performance - Scriping language often interpreted. Can be 10x slower than C++ |
- No control of memory management can cause issues |
- Limited tool support |
- Hard to spot errors |
- Need to write interface to our c++ |
Don't neccessarly need to use scripting languages |
Consider language based on performance needs and memory footprint, feature set etc. |
Python |
Portable, interpreted, OO programming language |
Dynamically typed |
Automatic garbage collection |
Blocks are defined by indentation |
Lua |
Lightweight scrupting language |
Not OO |
Small/Simple feature set |
Small memory |
Small but powerful feature set |
Dynamically typed |
Only one kind of data structure - the table |
Simple integration with C API |
Less high level than Python |
Rather niche language outside games |
Better performance, less memory use |
Simple interface for C and C++ |
Lends itself well to game entity scripting |
Interfacing LUa with C++ is fairly simple since Lua is itself a C program and has a direct C API. |
Cellular Automata
Cellular Automata |
Are machines which model problems as a set of discrete cells. |
Game of Life |
John Conway |
Uses a 2D grid as a map to lay out the actions of the game. |
Binary cells used to represent entities on the map with either alive or empty where empty is dead. |
Each cell only considers its 8 neighbouring cells: orthogonal and diagonal |
All cells are examined simultaneously |
Each cell considered in its own right. |
Game of life rules |
A live cell with less than two live neighbours dies. Analogous to loneliness or underpopulation. A live cell with more than three live neighbours dies. Analogous to overpoulation or crowding. A live cell with two or three live neighbours survives. It becomes part of the next generation of cells. An empty cell with three neighbours becomes a live cell. |
Need to seed the system with alive cells to start the game otherwise nothing happens. |
Rules |
1. A live cell with less than two live neighbours dies. Analogous to loneliness or underpopulation. A live cell with more than three live neighbours dies. Analogous to overpoulation or crowding. A live cell with two or three live neighbours survives. It becomes part of the next generation of cells. An empty cell with three neighbours becomes a live cell. |
2. A live cell with more than three live neighbours dies. Analogous to overpoulation or crowding. |
3. A live cell with two or three live neighbours survives. It becomes part of the next generation of cells. |
4. An empty cell with three neighbours becomes a live cell. |
Refer to lecture powerpoint for game of life examples |
Terrain Analysis
Applicability |
Wide variety of approaches. From Team based games, squads, enemy AI, moving into cover, adopting to a good firing position etc. |
Specific Requirements for terrain analysis |
Representation of terrain |
Reason about that representation |
Difficult to generalise |
Typically custom built |
General points can be made |
Initial Analysis |
Need to decide the attributes being used in the reasoning. Cannot recognise a choke point unless you hae already decided that these are of use to your game. |
Waypoints |
Reasoning using waypoints |
Need a representation of the world. |
For each waypoint calculate its offensive and defensive value |
Directional information needed |
Can take various factors into consideration including cover, lack of target etc. |
Static and Dynamic - Preprocessing |
Some static analysis is comparatively easy. Hills shore etc. |
This can be pre-processed |
More difficult with dynamic terrain though |
Clustering |
A strategory game needs to be able to recognise dynamic areas like towns and forests. |
The region is complex. Better to convert into convex hull. |
Convex Hulls |
Easy to reason with. |
eed to know what points are inside the convex hull. |
Choke points |
Use an influence that can grow.Each region is surrounded by a uniform area. Arny areas that overlap are considered to be choke points. |
Choke points can be extended to show where to hide. This is done by tracing along the edge of a region going away from the choke point until there is no direct line of sight to the choke point. |
Influence maps have been used for terrain analysis to identify locations such as resource points, building routes for attack or staging areas for attack. |
Cover behind objects |
Simplest case is single opponent firing at you and you track a line of sight to the edges of the object. Any point in between the two edge points is in cover. Can be used for multiple opponents. Perfect location for cover can be calculated by calculating the centre of gravity of the object. Assume that the object is 2D and that mass is evenly distributed. |
Simply trace a line from centre to oppoent or opponents |
Resource Management
Resource/Asset |
Any file that is loaded and used by elements in the game |
Asset Management |
PRogramming involved in loading and working with asset files |
Resource Template |
Template that stores the information about the assets in the game. |
Resource loading issues |
System automatically loads all the level resources at setup time. No hard coding |
Repeatition of resource loading. Therefore, need to identify resources that have already loaded. |
Could load resources on demand when entity is needed |
Shared Resources |
Find if resource has already been loaded. Can serach the entire list but may be slow |
Use hash map instead for efficency. Could use UIDs like with entities. |
Resource Destruction |
Could destroy all objects at the end of level |
Could destroy exlicitly so each entity has a delete function. |
Track Resources |
Track resources and delete them when they're not being used. |
Smart Pointers |
Pointer that manages its own memory and atomatically detect the reference count which is increased/decreased according to the reference count. |
Reference count issues |
If reference count reaches 0 they are deleted and may need to be used later on |
Reloading can cause stutter in game, which we want to avoid. |
To deal with this issue we can store a single persistent reference throughout the game. |
Turing Machine
Turing Aproach |
Turing defined a class of abstract machines now called Turing Machines |
Turing is breaking maths down to its most basic operations. |
Turing Machine |
Recasts this idea as a machine he supposes can perform all of the functions that the man does. |
Turing defined a class of of abstract machines now called Turing Machines. |
A mathematical model of computation that defines an abstract machine which manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rows. |
Relevance to computers |
Turing machines can do recursions, add and do functions. You can create any mathematical operation we know about using these basic operations. |
Universal TM |
A basic TM can compute only one particular function. Where Universal TM is one which can simulate any other machine. |
Turing's Thesis |
The definition of computation is "something which can be done by TM". |
Church |
Demonstrated that any computation can be done using Lambda calculus. |
Issues with TM |
The halting problem: the determination of whether a TM will come to a halt given a particular program. Disproof by showing a contraction. It posits the existence of a program to solve the Halting Problem and then demonstrates that it would lead to a contradiction. |
Proof |
Testing proves in general halting problem cannot be solved. The reason is that it gives rise to an inherent contradiction. |
Humans |
Human minds might be Universal TMS as it has been argued that a Universal TM should in principle be capable of intelligence. |
Real computers |
Universal TM is comparable to real computer. Anything that a real computer can compute a TM can compute. It is easier to describe certain algorithms using a TM than using a real computer. |
Universal TM are unbounded with infinite space, where computers are bounded both time and space are limited. TM express algorithms in general terms where as a real computer needs to consider other things such as precision and error conditions. |
A TM uses a sequential tape. A real computer uses registers and random access storage. TMs do not model concurrency easily i.e. different tasks performing at the same time. |