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Previs Pro Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet by

Keyboard shortcuts for the Previs Pro storyboarding app for iOS and MacOS.

Project List

Shift + Plus
Add new project
Cmd + N
Add new project

Scene List

Shift + Plus
Add new scene
Cmd + N
Add new scene

Style Grade

Left Arrow
View previous image
Right Arrow
View next image
View original source image
1, 2, 3, 4 ... 9
View different style grade iterations

Post Mode

Left Arrow
In POST mode, go to previous shot
Right Arrow
In POST mode, go to next shot

Canvas (2D / 3D)

Deletes Selected Object
Space Bar
Toggle between 2D and 3D Canvas
(3D Canvas Only) When prop selected, moves forward through edit tools
Shift + Tab
(3D Canvas Only) When prop selected, moves backwards through edit tools
Arrows Keys
Move or rotate an object or alter its aperture depending on editing tool selected, or move canvas if no object is selected
Shift + Arrows
Same as arrows but a larger distance or angle is applied
Shift + Plus
Zoom in to 2D or 3D canvas
Shift + Minus
Zoom out of 2D or 3D canvas
Cmd + Arrows
Move or rotate an object or alter its aperture depending on editing tool selected, or zoom canvas if no object is selected
Cmd + Shift + Arrows
Same as Arrows + Cmd but larger changes
Rotate a selected object or rotate the 2D or 3D canvas
Rotate a selected object or rotate the 2D or 3D canvas
Shift + Q
Rotate a selected object or rotate the 2D or 3D canvas but with a larger angle delta
Shift + E
Rotate a selected object or rotate the 2D or 3D canvas but with a larger angle delta
Option - Up Arrow
Pitch the camera view down in 3D canvas
Option - Down Arrow
Pitch the camera view up in 3D canvas
Cmd + D
Duplicate the selected object
Cmd + Z
Shift + Cmd + Z
Perform orbit animation

Cam Mode

Translate camera forwards
Shift + W
Translate camera forwards a larger distance
Translate camera left
Shift + A
Translate camera left a larger distance
Translate camera right
Shift + S
Translate camera right a larger distance
Translate camera backwards
Shift + D
Translate camera backwards a larger distance
Option + Up Arrow
Translate the camera up
Option + Shift + Up Arrow
Translate the camera up a larger distance
Option + Down Arrow
Translate the camera down
Option + Shift + Down Arrow
Translate the camera down a larger distance
Up Arrow
Rotate the camera up
Shift + Up Arrow
Rotate the camera up a larger angle
Down Arrow
Rotate the camera down
Shift + Down Arrow
Rotate the camera down a larger angle
Left Arrow
Rotate the camera left
Shift + Left Arrow
Rotate the camera left a larger angle
Right Arrow
Rotate the camera right
Shift + Right Arrow
Rotate the camera right a larger angle
Roll the camera left
Cmd + Left Arrow
Roll the camera left
Roll the camera right
Cmd + Right Arrow
Roll the camera right
Shift + Q
Roll the camera left a larger angle
Shift + Cmd + Left Arrow
Roll the camera left a larger angle
Shift + E
Roll the camera right a larger angle
Shift + Cmd + Right Arrow
Roll the camera right a larger angle
Cmd + Up Arrow
Zoom the camera in
Cmd + Down Arrow
Zoom the camera out
Shift + Cmd + Up Arrow
Zoom the camera in a larger amount or to the next prime lens focal length when using a full frame sensor
Shift + Cmd + Down Arrow
Zoom the camera out a larger amount or to the previous prime lens focal length when using a full frame sensor


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