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Reperfusion Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Reperf­usion Therapy

Reperf­usion therapy should be admini­stered to eligible patients with STEMI and symptom onset within the previous 12 hours
PCI is considered the primary method of reperf­usion, unless the patient has an absolute contra­ind­ica­tion. In patients with STEMI who undergo PCI, the recomm­ended goals for first medical contact to device time are 90 minutes for persons presenting to a PCI-ca­pable hospital and 120 minutes for those presenting to a non–PC­I-c­apable facility



Fibrin­olytic Therapy

In the absence of contra­ind­ica­tions, it should be admini­stered to patients with STEMI at non–PC­I-c­apable hospitals if the antici­pated first medical contact to device time at a PCI-ca­pable hospital exceeds 120 minutes
tenect­eplase (TNK-tPA)
reteplase (rPA)
alteplase (tPA)