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Alexander the Great and Hellenism Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Alexander the Great

-son of phillip 2, the king of macedon. Phillip 2 conquered most of greece
-alexander establ­ishes empire from Greece to Eqypt and up to the edge of India
-he adopts greek culutre and spread of Hellenism thorughout his empire

Culture & City

Hellen­istic Culture
-a blend of Greek culture with eqyptian, persian, and indian influences
-an african city
-center for trade and hellen­istic culture
-city became intern­ational communty with a mix of customs and traditions

Ancient Library of Alexandria

-contained a coolle­ction of 500,000 papyrus scrolls and master­peices of ancient literature
-was the first true research library in the world
-scholars produced commen­taries on ancient worlds of literature


Science & technology
Math & Physics
-astro­nom­y:a­ris­tarchus estimated that the sun was 300 times bigger than the earth and that the sun was center of universe
-Euclid: opened school for geometry in Alexandria
-Stoicism believed that there was a divine power that controlled the universe; everyone should live in harmony with natural laws
-nobody accepted his theory and thought earth was center was universe
-Archi­medes accuratley estimated the value of pi
-Epicu­reanism taught that universe was made of atoms and ruled by Gods who didnt care about humans