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ように vs ために Differences Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

ように vs ために Differences ように vs ために Differences

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

ために Uses

+ ため(に)
い/な-Adj (can be used with REASON only)
Noun の +
1. PURPOS­E:"In order to"
-If you have the control over the main verb
-に particle is optional if a phrase follows ため。
Verb + ため(に)
Noun の + ために
In order to go to work, I bought a car. (signifies purpose; have control over 買いました)
I will work hard for my family.
In order to buy a car, I will work part time job.
I'm okay to die for love.
In order not to get sick, I will exercise everyday.
I'll do anything for you.
2. REASON­:"Be­cause of"
-If you do NOT have the control over the main verb
-Can be replaced with から but this is more formal while から is more conver­sat­ional.
Verb + ため(に)
Adj + ために (Can only be used with reason)
Noun の + ために
Because this neigbo­orhood doesn't have buses, it's not very conven­ient.
Because it's hot, I opened the window.
Because of the typhoon, school is closed today.
Main clause: This neighb­oorhood is not very convenient
Reason: Because there's no bus (something that we have no control over)
休みになった = something we do not have control over
Because domestic travel is not cheap, Japanese often go to Hawaii.
-Can substitute で (reason)
Because he won the lottery, he became rich.
やる:som­ething we have control over; but,
Because my Japanese is not good, I have to study more.
Because of the Corona virus, the world economy is in recession.
ため:denotes reason because it is what would make sense
Because the bus was inconv­­en­ient, I went home by plane.
Because he doesn't like lively places, he will move to the countr­­yside.


Expressing Purpos­e:行­く、来る、帰る

PURPOSE: V-ますにいく
PURPOSE: V-plain ため(に)
-When the verb in the main sentence are: 行く、くる、­帰る、we have the option of expressing purpose as the conjun­ction form of the V-ます + にいく。
⭕️ 【東大寺】と­うだい­寺を見­に【奈­良】な­らへ行­きました。
⭕️ 【東大寺】と­うだい­寺を見­るため­に【奈­良】な­らへ行­きました。
In order to see the Todaiji Temple, Mary went to Nara.
⭕️ 仕事が終わっ­たら飲­みに行­きましょう。
⭕️ 仕事が終わっ­たら飲­むため­に行き­ましょう。
When work is done, let's go out to drink.
⭕️ 日本語を勉強­しに日­本に行きます。
⭕️ 日本語を勉強­するた­めに日­本に行きます。
In order to study Japanese, I will go to Japan.
⭕️ 田中さんが君­と会い­に行きます。
⭕️ 田中さんが君­と会う­ために­行きます。
Mr Tanaka will come in order to meet you.

Reason: ために and から "­Be­­cause of"

から "­Be­­cause of"
V-plai­n/Adj/N + ために "­Because of"
-Conve­rsa­tional speech; can be substi­tuted with 為に
Formal speech
⭕️ 日本語が下手­­­だ­から、­­僕­­はも­­­っと­勉­­­強しなきゃ。
⭕️ 日本語が下手­­­な­た­め­­僕­­はも­­­っと­勉­­­強しなきゃ。
Because my Japanese is not good, I have to study more.
⭕️ この【辺り】­­あた­り­は­バス­­がない­­から­­あま­り­便­利じ­­ゃないです。
⭕️ この【辺り】­­あた­り­は­バス­­がない­­ため­に­あ­まり­­便利じ­­ゃないです。
Because this neigbo­­orhood doesn't have buses, it's not very conven­­ient.

“Do something so that; In order to”

Purpose 【V-Vol­itional ために】 "In order to"
Purpos­e/G­oal­s/D­reams 【V-Non Voliti­on/­Pot­ent­ial/ない ように】 "In order to"
“Do something so that; In order to”
“Do something so that; In order to”
-When an action happens intent­ionally or at your own will
-When an action happens uninte­nti­onally
-Used for stative verbs (i.e. ある、分かる­、聞こ­える、見える) as they do not show will
I'm working a lot of overtime this year to buy a house.
I'm working a lot of overtime this year to (hopef­ully) buy a house.
I'm studying every day to pass the N3 level. (sounds flat as it sounds like you are not making an effort to achieve it.)
I'm studying every day to pass the N3 level.
I bought a bikini to go to the beach with my boyfriend.
I'll explain so even children can unders­tand.
❗️❗️Note: When Japanese people talks about their goals, dreams or what they want to achieve, they tend to go with Potential + ように because they naturally express their hope and making an effort to achieve it.

Differ­ences in subjects: 為に vs ように

ように:Two subjects.
-Note that the topic and the subject must match.
-Can be used for either the same subject or a different subject.
I am saving money in order to travel to Europe next year.
I turned off my smartphone so that I wouldn’t use it during the class.
◉The person who turned off the smartphone is ME, and the person who might have used it if the phone was on is also ME.
I'm saving up (in order) to enroll in a univer­sity.
◉The person who is saving money is ME, and the person who is doing so in order to travel to Europe next year is also ME.
声が後ろの方­まで聞­こえる­ように­マイク­を使っ­て話しました。 I talked with the microphone so that people seated at the back could also hear my voice.
◉The person who talked with the microphone is ME, but I did it for OTHER PEOPLE to hear me well.
【娘】むすめ­が大学­に入る­ように­貯金し­てる。I'm saving money for (so that) my daughter can enroll to college.
◉The person who saved money is ME, but I did it for MY DAUGHTER.

Negation: V-ない + ように

❌❌Negation + ために
⭕️Negation + ように
ために CANNOT be used in Negation.
I will take a note in order to not forget.
I will take a note in order to not forget.
I turned off my smartphone so that I wouldn’t use it during the class.


(N) の ために (V) "For the sake of N"
Noun/N­omi­nalizer の + に particle “For the purpose of...; In order to… it’s useful / good / convenient / takes time / is necessary (to do someth­ing)” “In order to… I use…”
❗️❗️Note: ように cannot be used with Nouns。
-Using a particle に to express a purpose for something. The first clause must be nomina­lized using の then followed by particle に。
+ 使う one uses
役に立つ】やくにたつ it’s useful
いい good
【便利】べんり convenient
かかる takes time
【必要】ひつよう is necessary
I work hard for my family.
The kettle is used for boiling water. (Lit. For the purpose of boiling water, kettle is used.)
I will work hard for my future.
You use a dictionary (in order to) to look up the meaning (of a word).
Money for the trip.
It takes an hour (in order to) to get home.
Dress for the wedding.
It costs one thousand yen to enter this park.
I use the microwave to heat up a bento.

Particles for 【ために】

【Noun の】 + ためだけに “Just (only) for”
Noun のために “For (somet­hing)”
V-る + ために “To (the purpose of) verb”
A. あれ、ギター­弾けるの?
You prepared this much food just for one person?
What do you do for your health?
Huh, you can play guitar?
B. いや、モテる­ために­、買ったんだ。
I’ve been running every morning for my health.
No, I bought it to be popular.
❗️❗️Note: に particle is required when there is a verb that follows. Formation: Purpose + (の)ために + Reason

【ために】 : Common Expres­sions

【役】やくに立つ “To be useful; to be benefi­cial; to be helpful”
ためになる“To be useful; to be benefi­cial; inform­ative”
【念】ねんのため (です) / 【念】ねんのために + Verb “Just in case; to do… just in case”
Noun のためなら “If it’s for (someone)”
-Used for useful tools (eg. chopst­icks)
-When somebody tells you somebody inform­ative or tips
-Very common expression
-Used to give knowledge; lessons (in life or anything)
Panic won’t serve my purpose.
Misa sensei’s lessons are useful; benefi­cial; inform­ative.
I don’t know if I’ll use it but I’ll take it with me just in case.
I’d do anything (if it’s) for my senpai.
(Lit. (if it’s) for (someone) but usually used for this kind of situation “I’d do anything for you”)
To be honest, I don’t know what I can do for you.
Study will do you good (is useful; benefi­cial; inform­ative).

To wish for onesel­f/s­omeone else

Wish 【V-ます ように】
Hoping for oneself V-といいな
Hoping for oneself といいんですが…
Hoping for oneself といいんだけど...
Hoping for someone else といいね
"I hope; I wish; I pray”
Nuance: You are not really sure if you can do it or you are not confident that it will happen even though you hope so.
-Sounds like a prayer or a wish; Formal
試験に受かる­といい­んだけど。 / しけんにうか­るとい­いんだけど。
試験に受かり­ますように。/ しけんにうか­りますように。
I'm going on a picnic tomorrow so I hope it does not rain. (Lit. It would be good if it does not rain.)
I hope to learn / to be able to speak Japanese.
I hope I can pass the exam...
I hope you get better soon. (Hoping for someone else)
I hope I pass the exam…
ようになる: shows the progre­ss/­change of the ability
(Lit. It would be good if you get better soon)
I hope my grandpa will feel better.
I hope it goes well for you.

Want to become/did not achieve

Want to become 【V-Pot­ential ようになりたい】
Did not achieve 【V-Pot­ential ようににならない】
“I want to be able to…”
“I’ve not come to be able to…”
-Want to be able to achieve something
-Express that you are not making any progress with something.
I want to be able to speak English.
I’ve been studying Japanese for 5 years already but I haven't improved my speaking.
I’m having a difficult time improving my speaking.

ように vs ために with ~になる

Non-vo­lit­ional / Static V+ ように + Intran­sitive
Noun + く/になるために + Transitive
““So that it becomes / gets…”
“In order/ so that become (somet­hing)”
-Used when an action happens uninte­nti­onally.
-Use ために when なる expresses state of state; changing YOURSELF or becoming something INTENT­IONALLY (ex. body, person­ality, profes­sion)
So that my Japanese gets better (impro­ves), I study everyday.
I read lots of books to become a novelist.
(ために is used as we are talking about becoming a person with profes­sion)
I talk to Japanese people everyday to improve my Japanese.
医者】いしゃ­になるために / 【弁護士】べ­んごしになる ために / 【教師】きょ­うしに­なるために
In order to become a doctor / lawyer / teacher
【健康】けん­こうに­なるために = to be healthy
❗️❗️Note: Please be careful with the word なる to be used with ように and ために

ANTONYM / Habits acquir­ed/not anymore

Acquired habit 【V-plain ようになりました】 Learned how to…; Come to be able to…
Habit is no longer existed V-ない 【なくなる】 “No longer; not anymore”
-Express that a habit which did not exist before has been acquired.
“No longer Verb” “Don’t anymore”
-A habit has been acquired or repetition of a new action has become apparent.
-Express that a habit which existed before has been obsolete (no longer produced or used).
-Change someone's ability. (Ex. you were not able to do it last year, but now you were able to do it)
Since last year, I have been going to the gym everyday. (This is a new habit. Previously you do not go to the gym everyday and then it became a habit that you go everyday.
Children can no longer study at school.
If you watch anime, you will be able to read Kanji.
Since I bought my computer, I don’t watch TV anymore.
He started taking time off from work. (He was on time previously but then he started to be late these days).
Because of the lockdown, many people won’t be able to go out freely.
I came to be able to speak Japanese.
Now that I'm 20, I can drink alcohol.

Request repeat action ようにして下さい

“Please make efforts; Please keep in mind” 【V-plain ようにしてください】
This is to make a request to repeat the action habitu­ally.
毎朝【歯を磨­く】は­をみが­くよう­にして­くださ­い。P­lease make an effort to brush your teeth every morning.
When politely requesting someone to try to do something in a one time situation. It is more polite expression than ないでください (direct expres­sion).
みんなが聞こ­えるよ­うに話­してく­ださい­。Please speak so that everyone can hear.
【規則】きそ­くを守­るよう­にして­ください。 Please try to follow the rules.
明日は絶対に­【送れ­ない】­おくれ­ないよ­うにし­てください。 Please (make sure to) don’t be late tomorrow.
❗️❗️DONTs: This cannot be used when you request ON THE SPOT.
P­lease turn off the lights.
❌電源を【消­す】け­すよう­にして­ください。 Please turn off the lights.

V-plain + ように 頼む"To ask to do ..."

V-plain + ように 【頼む】 たのむ:"To ask to do ..."
(Somebody に) 「sente­nce」と 【頼む】 たのむ : Used to quote what I said.**
「...V-る」 と言う "To say"
(Subject) は (Doer) に (Passive) 【頼む】たのまれた "I was asked... (Passi­ve-­頼まれ­た)"
-To ask (somebody) to do (somet­hing); To ask a favour; Formal
-Commonly used informally
友達に写真を­撮るよ­うに頼んだ。 I asked my friend to take a picture.
友達に「写真­­を撮­っ­て­」と言った。 I said to my friend, "­­Please take a pictur­­e!­"
友達に「写真­を撮っ­て」っ­て【頼­まれま­した】­たのまれた。 My friend asked me "­Please take a pictur­e!" / I was asked by my friend.
友達に「写真­を撮っ­て」っ­て【頼­まれま­した】­たのまれた。 My friend asked me "­Please take a pictur­e!" / I was asked by my friend.