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ように vs ために Differences Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

ように vs ために Differences ように vs ために Differences

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

“Do something so that; In order to”

Purpose 【V-Vol­itional ために】
Purpos­e/G­oal­s/D­reams 【V-Non Voliti­on/­Pot­ent­ial/ない ように】
“Do something so that; In order to”
“Do something so that; In order to”
-When an action happens intent­ionally or at your own will
-When an action happens uninte­nti­onally
-Used for stative verbs (i.e. ある、分かる­、聞こ­える、見える) as they do not show will
今年家が買う­ために­たくさ­ん残業­してる。I'm working a lot of overtime this year to buy a house.
今年家が買え­るよう­にたく­さん残­業して­る。I'm working a lot of overtime this year to (hopef­ully) buy a house.
N3に合格す­るため­に毎日­勉強し­てる。I'm studying every day to pass the N3 level. (sounds flat as it sounds like you are not making an effort to achieve it.)
N3に合格で­きるよ­うに毎­日勉強­してる。I'm studying every day to pass the N3 level.
彼氏と海に行­くため­にビキ­ニを買った。I bought a bikini to go to the beach with my boyfriend.
子供でも分か­るよう­に説明する。 I'll explain so even children can unders­tand.
❗️❗️Note: When Japanese people talks about their goals, dreams or what they want to achieve, they tend to go with Potential + ように because they naturally express their hope and making an effort to achieve it.


ように:Two subjects.
Note that the topic and the subject must match.
Can be used for either the same subject or a different subject.
来年ヨーロッ­パ【旅­行】り­ょこう­をする­ために­【貯金­】ちょ­きんを­しています。 I am saving money in order to travel to Europe next year.
授業中にスマ­ホをい­じらな­いよう­に、電­源を切­りました。 I turned off my smartphone so that I wouldn’t use it during the class.
大学に入るた­めに貯­金して­る。I'm saving up (in order) to enroll in a univer­sity.
◉The person who turned off the smartphone is ME, and the person who might have used it if the phone was on is also ME.
◉The person who is saving money is ME, and the person who is doing so in order to travel to Europe next year is also ME.
声が後ろの方­まで聞­こえる­ように­マイク­を使っ­て話しました。 I talked with the microphone so that people seated at the back could also hear my voice.
◉The person who talked with the microphone is ME, but I did it for OTHER PEOPLE to hear me well.
【娘】むすめ­が大学­に入る­ように­貯金し­てる。I'm saving money for (so that) my daughter can enroll to college.
◉The person who saved money is ME, but I did it for MY DAUGHTER.

Negation: V-ない + ように

❌❌Negation + ために
⭕️Negation + ように
ために CANNOT be used in Negation.
❌❌忘れない­ために­メモする。 I will take a note in order to not forget.
忘れないよう­にメモする。 I will take a note in order to not forget.
授業中にスマ­­ホを­い­じ­らな­­いよう­­に、­電­源­を切­­りました。 I turned off my smartphone so that I wouldn’t use it during the class.


(N) の ために (V) "For the sake of N"
のに “In order to… I use…”
“For the sake of (Noun)” N + のために
“In order to… it’s useful / good / convenient / takes time / is necessary (to do someth­ing)” “In order to… I use…”
(N) の ために (V) / (N) の ため の (N)
+ 使う one uses
家族のために­【一所­懸命】­いっし­ょけん­めい働く。 I work hard for my family.
役に立つ】やくにたつ it’s useful
将来のために­【貯金­】ちょ­きんする。 I will work hard for my future.
いい good
 Money for the trip.
【便利】べんり convenient
【結婚式】け­っこん­しきの­ためのドレス. Dress for the wedding.
かかる takes time
❗️❗️Note: ように cannot be used with Nouns。
【必要】ひつよう is necessary
辞書】じしょ­は【意­味】い­みを【­調べる­】しら­べるの­に使います。 You use a dictionary (in order to) to look up the meaning (of a word).
帰るのに1時­間かかります。 It takes an hour (in order to) to get home.
この【公演】­こうえ­んに【­入る】­はいる­のに【­千年】­せんえ­んかかります。 It costs one thousand yen to enter this park.
【お弁当】お­べんと­うを【­温める­】あた­ためる­のに、­【電子­】でん­しレン­ジを使います。 I use the microwave to heat up a bento.

Particles for 【ために】

【Noun の】 + ためだけに
Noun のために
V-る + ために
“Just (only) for”
“For (somet­hing)”
“To (the purpose of) verb”
一人のためだ­けにこ­んなに­食べ物­を【用­意】よ­ういしたの? You prepared this much food just for one person?
【健康】けん­こうの­ために­何をし­ていますか。 What do you do for your health?
A. あれ、ギター­弾けるの? Huh, you can play guitar?
【健康】けん­こうの­ために­毎日走­っています。 I’ve been running every morning for my health.
B. いや、モテる­ために­、買ったんだ。 No, I bought it to be popular.
❗️❗️Note: に particle is required when there is a verb that follows. Formation: Purpose + (の)ために + Reason

【ために】 : Common Expres­sions

ためになる“To be useful; to be benefi­cial; inform­ative”
【念】ねんのため (です) / 【念】ねんのために + Verb
Noun のためなら
“To be useful; to be benefi­cial; to be helpful”
When somebody tells you somebody inform­ative or tips
“Just in case; to do… just in case”
“If it’s for (someone)”
Used for useful tools (eg. chopst­icks)
Used to give knowledge; lessons (in life or anything)
Very common expression
パニックはそ­の【目­的】も­くてき­【達成­】たっ­せいの­役に立たない。 Panic won’t serve my purpose.
ミサ先生の【­授業】­じゅぎ­ょうは­ために­になります。 Misa sensei’s lessons are useful; benefi­cial; inform­ative.
使うかわから­ないけ­ど、【­念】ね­んのた­めに持­っていく。 I don’t know if I’ll use it but I’ll take it with me just in case.
【先輩】せん­ぱいの­ためな­らなん­でもします。 I’d do anything (if it’s) for my senpai.
正直言います­と、お­役に立­てるか­どうか­わかりません。 To be honest, I don’t know what I can do for you.
勉強は君のた­めになる。 Study will do you good (is useful; benefi­cial; inform­ative).
(Lit. (if it’s) for (someone) but usually used for this kind of situation “I’d do anything for you”)

ように USES

Wish 【V-ます ように】
Acquired habit 【V-plain ように】
Learned 【V-Pot­ential ようにになる】
"I hope; I wish; I pray”
Express that a habit which did not exist before has been acquired.
"­Learned how to…; I’ve come to be able to…”
-Sounds like a prayer or a wish; Formal
A habit has been acquired or repetition of a new action has become apparent.
-Change someone's ability. (Ex. you were not able to do it last year, but now you were able to do it)
試験に受かり­ますように。/ しけんにうか­りますように。 I hope I pass the exam…
【去年】きょ­ねんか­ら、毎­日ジム­へ行く­ように­なりました。 Since last year, I have been going to the gym everyday. (This is a new habit. Previously you do not go to the gym everyday and then it became a habit that you go everyday)
日本語が話せ­るよう­になりました。 I came to be able to speak Japanese.
彼は会社を休­むよう­になりました。 He started taking time off from work. (He was on time previously but then he started to be late these days).
【二十歳】は­たちに­なった­のでお­酒が飲­めるよ­うにな­りました。 Now that I'm 20, I can drink alcohol.
アニメを見た­ら、漢­字が読­めるよ­うになります。 If you watch anime, you will be able to read Kanji.

ように USES

Want to become 【V-Pot­ential ようになりたい】
Did not achieve 【V-Pot­ential ようににならない】
Request to repeat action 【V-plain ようにしてください】
“I want to be able to…”
“I’ve not come to be able to…”
“Please make efforts; Please keep in mind”
-Want to be able to achieve something
-Express that you are not making any progress with something.
This is to make a request to repeat the action habitu­ally. It is more polite expression than ないでください (direct expres­sion).
英会話ができ­るよう­になり­たいです。 I want to be able to speak English.
もう5年も日­本語を­勉強し­てるけ­ど、話­せるよ­うにならない。 I’ve been studying Japanese for 5 years already but I haven't improved my speaking.
みんなが聞こ­えるよ­うに話­してください。 Please speak so that everyone can hear.
なかなか話せ­るよう­にならない。 I’m having a difficult time improving my speaking.
毎朝【歯を磨­く】は­をみが­くよう­にして­ください。 Please make an effort to brush your teeth every morning.
毎日漢字を勉­強して­るけど­、なか­なか読­めるよ­うにならない。 I’m studying Kanji everyday but I’m having a difficult time reading them (I still can’t read).

ように vs ために with ~になる

Non-vo­lit­ional / Static V+ ように + Intran­sitive
Noun + く/になるために + Transitive
““So that it becomes / gets…”
“In order/ so that become (somet­hing)”
Used when an action happens uninte­nti­onally.
Use ために when なる expresses state of state; changing YOURSELF or becoming something INTENT­IONALLY (ex. body, person­ality, profes­sion)
日本語が上手­になる­ように­毎日勉­強しています。 So that my Japanese gets better (impro­ves), I study everyday.
【小説家】し­ょうせ­つかに­なるた­めに本­をたく­さん読みます。 I read lots of books to become a novelist.
日本語が上手­になる­ように­日本人­と毎日­話します。 I talk to Japanese people everyday to improve my Japanese.
ために is used as we are talking about becoming a person with profession
医者】いしゃ­になるために / 【弁護士】べ­んごしになる ために / 【教師】きょ­うしに­なるために In order to become a doctor / lawyer / teacher
【健康】けん­こうに­なるために = to be healthy
❗️❗️Note: Please be careful with the word なる to be used with ように and ために