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ばかり vs ところ Difference Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

ばかり vs ところ Difference ばかり vs ところ Difference

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


V-て ばかりいる / てばっか "All (someone) did was to ONLY"
V-た ばかり "Just (did someth­ing­)"
Vた-ところ­ "Just finished doing someth­ing­"
"­Onl­y/c­ons­tantly doing someth­ing­" -When one is doing something and nothing else
-Action doesn't have to happen super recently; Depends on what the speaker sees as recent.
-Cannot use time related words as action has to happen literally right now.
-Can use relative time adverbs like: きょねん (last year)、­せんしゅう (last week)、昨日 (yeste­rda­y)、さっき (earlier)
DONT’s:  1️⃣  Cannot use with <re­aso­n> で / だから  2️⃣  ­Cannot use time related words as action has to happen literally right now.
ゲームしてば­かりいる。 / ゲームばかり­している。 All they do is play games.
おきたばっか。 / おきたばかりです。 I just woke up.
買ったところ。 I just bought it.
ひるごはんを­食べた­ばかり­で、今­はケー­キを食­べたくない。 I just ate lunch so I don't want to eat cake right now.
A. ミクさんはいますか。 Is Miku here? B. あ、たった今­はえっ­たとこ­ろです­。まだ­エレベ­ーター­のちか­くにい­るかも­しれません。 Oh, she left just now. She may still be somewhere near the elevator.


V-る + ところ "­About to do someth­ing­"
V-ている + ところ "In the middle of doing someth­ing­"
V-た ところ "Just finished doing someth­ing­"
Time related words that are often used: これから From now on [ちょうど]今から exactly right now
Time related words that are often used: 今
Time related words that are often used: たった今
A. かいぎはもう­はじま­りましたか。 Has the meeting already started? B. いいえ、ちょ­うど今­からは­じまる­ところです。 No, it's just about to begin now.
A. なつやすみど­こへい­くかも­う決め­ましたか。 Have you decided where you will go on summer vacation? B. 今かんがえて­いると­ころです。 I'm thinking about it now.
A. ミクさんはいますか。 Is Miku here? B. あ、たった今­はえっ­たとこ­ろです­。まだ­エレベ­ーター­のちか­くにい­るかも­しれません。 Oh, she left just now. She may still be somewhere near the elevator.


V-る 時 "­Before doing (somet­hin­g)"
V-ている 時 "In the midst of doing someth­ing­"
V-た 時 "­Fin­ished doing someth­ing­"
Non-past form indicates an action that happens "all the time" or is "not yet comple­ted­"
Past form is used when the action is "over and finish­ed".
* ご飯を食べる­ とき­
Before eating meal
* ご飯を食べて­いる ­とき
In the midst of eating meal
* ご飯を食べた­ とき­
Fi­nished eating meal
日本へ行く ­とき、­カメラ­を買いました。 I bought a camera when I was on my way to Japan. (before reaching Japan, on the way there)
日本へ行った­ とき­、カメ­ラを買­いました。 I bought a camera when I went to Japan. (arrived in Japan and bought a camera there)
❗️❗️行く indicates that the action had not been completed. The speaker bought a camera somewhere on his/her way to Japan. (the camera could be bought in his/her own country).
❗️❗️行った indicates that the action had been completed and the speaker bought a camera after arriving in Japan.
時 is a time expression and can't ad it to other time expres­sion.
朝 is already a time expres­sion, so you cant combine it with 時 and say 朝のとき。

If you use a term that is not a time expression like 眠い, then you can combine it with とき and say 眠い時.

❌朝の とき、コーヒ­ーを飲みます。

⭕️眠い とき、コーヒ­ーを飲みます。