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なんて uses Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

なんて uses なんて usesなんて usesなんて uses

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Works just like: “~とは” Emphasizes word before なんて。Su­rprise / Unexpe­cta­tion.
xpress your feelings such as surprise (posit­ive­/ne­gat­ive), disgust, admira­tion, happiness, disbelief, etc. Used for disbelief or deep emotion about unexpected facts, seen, or heard. This expression is used in spoken language,
【軽蔑】 keibetsu : Despise 【軽視】 keishi : Disrespect 【謙遜】 kenson : Humble; modest
When you look down, belittle someone or something, lack confidence or when you are being humble.
Adding だ for epmhasis
Sometimes だ is added in front of なんて to add emphasis
Verb (plain form) + なんて
い / な Adj

なんて Usage

Emphasize feelings (posit­ive­/ne­gat­ive­)、D­isb­eli­ef、­Sur­prise
2 meaning. Look down, belittle, modest; humble
3 meaning. だ added for emphasis
【納豆】なっ­とうな­んて大­嫌いです。I really hate nattou.
Normal: あなたのこと­はもう­知らない!
Nante: 人を【騙す】­だます­なんて­【酷い­】ひど­い【奴­】やつだな。
Normal: 【東大】とう­だいに­受かっ­たとは­すごいね。
Look down: あなたのこと­なんて­もう知らない!
Emphasis: 人を【騙す】­だます­だなん­て【酷­い】ひ­どい【­奴】やつだな。
It is great that you passed the entrance exam of the University of Tokyo.
I don’t care about you anymore!
He tricks people, what a bad guy.
知らない : has 2 meanings. To not know; to not care; to give up on someon­e/s­ome­thing