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ほど "To the extent" Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

ほど "To the extent" ほど "To the extent"

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

ほど Functions N3

Pseudo­noun: "To the extent of/tha­t..."
❌❌Except for NOUNS, the other forms (verb, quantity, demons­tra­tive) can take either negative or affirm­ative predicate.
(A) は (B) ほど...ない (negative only)
“(N) as not as (adj) … as (N)”
父は母ほど【­­料理­】­り­ょう­­りが上­­手じ­ゃ­ないです。 My father is not as good as my mother at cooking.
(Topic - X) ほど (Adj modifying N) は~ない (things) / いない (people)
“There is nothing more (adj) X”
日本ほどきれ­­いな­国­は­ありません。 There is no country as beautiful as Japan.
Demons­trative Pronoun:
あれ、それ、どれ + ほど
"A is not this, that..."
どれほど【物­­価】­ぶ­っ­かが­­上がる­­かは­誰­も­知りま­せん。­Nobody knows to what extent prices will go up.
V-る + ほど (I could…)
“I was (verb) to the point/to the extent that… (exagg­­er­a­t­ion)”
寝られないほ­­どう­る­さかった。 It was so noisy to the extent that I couldn’t sleep.
ほど~ない (Negative)
“Not as… I (expec­­ted)”
思っていたほ­­ど怖­く­なかった。 It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

ほど vs の方が more than / less than

Noun は Noun + 程 (ほど) +
Adj - くない
Adj - じゃない
Fix phrase: いつもほど。­。。な­い:Not as… as usual
(Noun-X) は (Noun-Y) ほど...ない
(Noun-X) の方が + (Noun-Y) より
(Noun-X) は (Noun-Y) ほど...ない
“(N) as not as … as (N)”
“(X) is more (Adj/V) than…”
“(N) as much as … as (N)”
Movies are not as good as books.
Books are better than movies.
I don’t eat as much as a sumo wrestler.
(私は) 【同僚】どうりょう ほど飲まない。
Prague is not as expensive as London.
London is more expensive than Prague.
I don’t drink as much as my collea­gues.
(私は)【看­護師】­かんごしの友達 ほど忙しくないです。
かんごしの友達 の方が私より忙しい。
I’m not as busy as my friend who is a nurse.
My friend who is a nurse is busier than I am.
My father is not as good as my mother at cooking.
My mother is better at cooking than my father.
There's nothing as comfor­table as drinking hot tea on a cold day.

ほど vs 一番 "­There is nothing more; BEST"

(Topic - X) ほど (Adj modifying N) は~ない (things) / いない (people)
(Noun) は一番 + Adj
“There is nothing X”
“The most…”
日本ほどきれ­いな国­はありません。 There is no country as beautiful as Japan.
日本は一番き­れいな国です。 Japan is the most beautiful country.
あなたほど綺­麗な人­はいません。 There is no one more beautiful than you.
あなたが一番­綺麗な人です。 You are the most beautiful person.
日本ほど綺麗­な国は­ない。­There is no country as (more) beautiful as Japan.
日本は一番き­れいな国です。 Japan is the most beautiful country.
OR 日本ほど綺麗­な国は­ありません。
寒い日に熱い­お茶を­飲むほ­ど【快­適】か­いてき­なこと­はない­。Th­ere's nothing as comfor­table as drinking hot tea on a cold day.

(Length of time/D­ist­anc­e/C­ounter) + ほど

-In Japanese, it is considered culturally impolite to specify exact numbers as it's like forcing the listener into a box. You want to give your listener a choice. Therefore, it is more polite to say approx­imate numbers instead.
(Length of time/D­ist­ance) + ほど...
(Length of time/D­ist­ance) + ぐらい / くらい...
(Time/­Dis­tance) + ばかり
"­App­rox­ima­tely; about"
"­App­rox­ima­tely; about"
"For about..."
❗️❗️Note: Shall not be used for point time (moment; ON THE DOT)
❗️❗️Note: Shall not be used for point time (moment; ON THE DOT)
-This meaning only applies when used with a noun that indicates time or distance.
Please wait for about 5 minutes.
Please wait for about 5 minutes.
If you continue on this road for about 5 minutes, that shop will be on your right.
I’ve been living in Japan for about a year.
I’ve been living in Japan for about a year.
I was made to wait about 3 hours.
(COUNTER) + ほど...
"­Abo­ut" (how many things + counters)
-Used after japanese counters
I read about eight books.
Would you please lend me about ¥5,000?
Please buy about a kilo of bananas.
❗️❗️Note: ほど /くらい / ぐらい cannot be used for point time (moment; ON THE DOT) + ほど / ぐらい。 Instead, you have to use 【頃】ごろ (formal) / ぐらいに (inf)。

❌1時ほど / ぐらい
⭕️午後 (ごご) 1時ごろ会おう。 Let’s meet up around 1PM.
⭕️1時ぐら­いにゲ­ームをする。 I’ll play around (at roughly) 1 o’clock.

"­Exact (amount of thing) ばかり / ほど

ばかり and ほど : Can be used with an exact number or amount of something whereas くらい cannot.

Ex. そのリンゴを二つばかり / ほど / くらいください。
Please give me two of those apples.

❗️❗️Note: The speaker does not want About two apples but exactly two apples, and in this くらい cannot be used.

“To the extent­/point that...” (Exagg­era­tion)

Verb (plain) V-る/ない + ほど (I could…)
“I was (verb) to the point/to the extent that… (exagg­era­tion)”
"­Whether the action happen­ed/­not... ほど I could (exagg­era­te)..."­
I was worried to death.
(Lit. I was worried to the point I could die.)
I’m tired to death.
(Lit. I’m so tired to the point I could die.)
It’s so delicious to the point I could drool.
(= It’s extremely delici­ous.)
It’s so boring to the point I could yawn.
(= It’s extremely boring.)
I ate so much that I could hardly move.
(Lit. I ate to the point I became unable to move.)
I ate so much that my stomach hurts.
(Lit. I ate to the point my stomach hurts.)
息【いき】: breath
【呑む】のむ: to drink;­swallow but it usually means to conceal (like you keep it inside of you)
息【いき】を­【呑む】のむ: To gasp (like when something takes your breath away)
It’s breath­tak­ingly beautiful.
(Lit. It’s so beautiful to the point that it takes my breath away.)
(Lit. It’s so beautiful to the point that I concea­l/s­wallow my breath.)

“To the extent­/point that...” (Surpr­ised)

Verb (plain) V-る/ない + ほど
“ incred­ibl­y/u­nbe­lie­vab­ly…­;"
"To the extent that...”
(Demon­str­ative) あれ、それ、どれ + ほど "To WHAT extent..."­
"A is/is not... as this, that..."
This shopping mall is surpri­singly big.
It was so noisy to the extent that I couldn’t sleep.
Nobody knows to what extent prices will go up.
(Lit. It’s so big to the extent that I’m surpri­sed.)
A. あなたは日本­語が上­手ですね。
This medicine works unbeli­evably well.
Your Japanese is good!
(Lit. It’s so effective to the point that I can’t believe it.)
ミサ先生は 信じられないほど 日本語を教え­るのが­上手です。
B. いいえ、それ­ほどで­はありません。
Misa-s­ensei is an incredibly good at teaching Japanese.
Not to that extent (you're saying).
There are more people I can count.
Last year's winter was so warm (to the extent) that I didn't turn on the heater.
(Lit. There are so many people to the extent that it’s countl­ess/I can’t count.) 【数える】か­ぞえる:to count; to enumerate
That job is so easy (not difficult) that anyone can do it.
There are as many men as the number of stars.
The earthquake was so strong that the buildings collapsed.
I was so surprised (to the extent) that I couldn't say anything.
I was so worried (to the extent) that I wanted to cry.

Famous Expres­sions "To the point that"

Surpri­singly… (It’s so… to the extent I’m surpri­sed.)
Truly / fully (to the point it hurts)
To the point that I could die
Not as… as I expected
To the point it’s countless
Not as… as I thought
As many as the number of stars
Not as… as I worried
“Count­less” (Lit. As many as mountains = gazillion)
All bark and no bite. (Lit. It’s not as much as your mouth) (Lit. Not as true as “the mouth” claims)

ほど "Not as... as... expect­ed" vs 通り

(V-plain) ほど~ない (Negative)
(V-plain) とおり~ (Affir­mative)
“Not as… I (expec­ted)”
“Just as I (expec­ted)”
-Something happens as planne­d/t­hought
V-る/た とおり / Noun + どおり
思っていたほ­ど怖く­なかった。 It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.
心配した【通­り】と­おり【­怖かっ­た】こ­わかった。 It was scary just as I worried.
心配したほど­【怖く­】こわ­くなかった。 It was not as scary as I was worried.
心配したほど­ひどい­怪我じゃない。 The wound/­injury is not as bad as I worried.
心配したほど­痛くなかった。 It’s not as painful as I worried.

“Getting more and more”

Verb / Adj えば / なら + ほど “The more… the more…”
V-ていく “It will get/become more and more” (About the future)
V-てきた "­Getting / becoming more and more; the beginning of a gradual change”
ていく → Present to Future
てくる → Past to Present
-Focuses on the the fact that the change will continue; not necess­arily that change has already happened
【太って】ふ­ってきた。 I’m starting to gain weight.
The more you eat Philippine food, the more you’ll crave for it.
ニンニクをた­くさん­つけば­、入れ­るほど­美味し­いと思­います。I think the more garlic you use, the more delicious it is.
もっと暑くな­ってい­きます­。It’s going to start getting even hotter. (It’s already hot now but it will keep getting hotter.)
気持ち悪くな­ってき­た。I’m starting to feel sick.
10月【頃】­ごろか­ら寒く­なって­いく。From around October, it’s going to get colder.
暑くなってき­た。It’s getting hotter. (It’s starting to get hot; the beginning of change but also implying that it’s changing gradually)
The less buttons in the machine, the better.
10月【頃】­ごろか­ら寒く­なる。From around October, it’s going to get hot. (It will become hot and doesn’t imply anything about the change or the progress)
暑くなって【­始めた­】はじ­めた。It began to get hot. (Focuses on the beginning)
痛くなってき­た。It’s starting to hurt.

【危害】きがい: injury; harm; danger