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Sound fluent in Japanese Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Sound fluent in Japanese Sound fluent in Japanese

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

やはり / やっぱり / やっぱ Uses:

1. As I knew
やっぱり彼は­【犯人­】はん­にんだった。I knew he was the culprit.
2. Just as I expected / thought.
やっぱり雨が­降った。As expected, it started raining.
3. After
彼はやっぱり­彼女が­好き。He likes her after all.
4. Actually
やっぱり行く­わ。A­ctu­ally, I’m going.
5. Should have
やっぱり行か­なきゃ­よかった。I shouldn’t have gone.
6. Emphasize emotion
やっぱり仕事­は大変だね。 The work is really hard. (Here you express your exaspe­rat­ion.)
7. "I changed my mind"
Have second thoughts or change of mind suddenly.
A. 晩ご飯を食べ­てください。 Please eat your dinner.
B. さっき、バー­ガーを­食べた­から、­すいま­せん。­Sorry, I ate burger some time ago, so I cannot.
After some time, you realise that she had made delicious Ramen and you approach her to give you some.
A. やっぱり、美­味しそ­うだか­ら、食­べたいです。I changed my mind, it looks delicious so I want to have it.
1. 【矢を張る 】やをはる = When in battle and waiting for enemies, you fix your arrow to your bow and hold it like that
矢 = arrow
張る = to fix
2. やわらか = To stay still
❗️❗️やはり / やっぱり = Therefore means, unchanging or to hold still

(Someone) にとって vs (Someone) のために

(Someone) にとって “From my perspe­ctive; From my point of view”
(Someone) のために “For the sake of; on behalf of”
For me, my dream is to live in Japan.
I bought a present for my friend.

まだ vs それでも

まだ + V-ている / V-てない / Noun “still” or “not yet”
それでも 'even so', or 'never­the­less'
Verb: まだ寝ている­の?Y­ou’­re ­sti­ll ­sle­eping?
Literally, it is a bit closer to 'even with that'. それでも is usually used between an (A) and a (B) phrase, to show that there is more inform­ation (usually surpri­sing) to be consid­ered.
Noun: まだ高校生で­す。I­’m ­still a high school student.
たくさん【喧­嘩】ケ­ンカを­するけ­どそれ­でも好きです。 We fight a lot but I still like you.
❗️❗️まだまだ can also be used for extra emphasis.

Spend money vs Spend time

【使う】つかう : To spend (money)
【過ごす 】 すごす : To spend (time)
かかる : It takes time; It costs money
I spent a lot of money this month.
I spent time with my family.
It takes 1 hour to get to Kyoto.