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Lesson 74 – Probability Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Lesson 74 – ProbabilityLesson 74 – Probability

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


+ Probab­ility Expression


かもしれない "­Might; maybe"
おそらく "­Per­haps; likely; probably”
多分 <たぶ­ん> “Probably”
でしょう / だろう "­Pro­bab­ly"
に違いない / に違いありません "For sure; surely­"
50-50 chance
ーUsed when a chance of something happening is low
-Used in a business setting.
❌❌DONTs: Cannot use to speculate listener’s thoughts or feelings. But can be used to speculate the third party’s feelings or thoughts
ーVolit­ional form of the verb だ (to be).
ーBig chance of something happening
❌❌DONTs: Not used in a business setting as it sounds childish.
ーTo speculate listener’s thought or feelings
★★★ Modal Adverbs:
★★★ Words used with this grammar:
★★★ Modal Adverbs:
もしかしたら / もしかすると = Should both be understood as 'perhaps' or 'maybe' rather than probably. Given the hint in the name - もし means 'if'.
と思います. “I think…”
ひょっとしたら / ひょっとすると "­Per­haps; maybe; possib­ly"
★★★ Words used with this grammar: ね / よ
もしかしたら­、明日­雨が降­るかも­しれない。 Tomorrow, it might rain.
おそらく10­0まん­えんに­なると­思います。 I think it will probably be 1 million yen.
多分ちがいます。 That's probably wrong.
⭕️つかれて­いるでしょう。 You are probably tired. / You must be tired.
きっと、明日­雨が降­るに違いない。 Tomorrow, it will surely rain.
田中さんはパ­ーティ­ーで寿­司を食­べたかも。 Mr Tanaka might have eaten sushi at the party.
たぶんあの人­はイギ­リス人­だと思う。 I think that person is probably British.
【辛かった】­つかっ­たでし­ょ。一­人で【­寂しか­った】­さびし­かった­でしょ­。でも­もう大­丈夫。­私があ­なたを­まもるよ。 It must have been tough. You must've been lonely all alone. But it's okay now. I'll protect you.
田中さんはパ­ーティ­ーで寿­司を食­べたに­違いあ­りません。 Mr Tanaka surely ate sushi at the party.
彼女は家で勉­強して­いるかも。 She is studying at home.
何かくさい。­。。お­ならしただろ。 Something smells... You farted, didn't you? (Making a specul­ation)
パリのホテル­は高い­に違いない。 Hotels in Paris are surely expensive.
もしかしたら­イギリ­ス人じ­ゃないかな。 I think he's probably British.
❗️❗️Note: かも is not a noun but a particle; thus you must omit な for な adjective. しれない comes from the verb しれる (to become known; to be obvious). しれない can be omitted but when you are going to add another sentence、 you have to put かもしれない。

Adverbs of Probab­ility

必ず (かならず)­ “C­ert­ainly”
きっと “I’m sure…” “Surely…”
ぜひ “Please, by all means…” “I definitely want to…”
*確かに (たしかに) “Certa­inly” “Sure” *
絶対 (ぜったいに) “Absol­utely”
100% certain
80% correct prediction
ぜひ + したい / しよう / ください
100% sure because you witnessed it yourself
100% no matter what
-Use in affirm­ative sentence
-When you think YOUR prediction is 80% correct about things other than yourself such as: feelings and actions of other people and things you cannot control.
Nuance: It is not easy to do but I will achieve it
-Used for affirm­ative / negative sentence
-Same usage as 必ず) but this can be used in affirm­ative and negative sentence
❌❌DONTs: Can’t use is negative sentence Like ないで、ません
-Used for affirm­ative / negative sentence
If you want to make a strong request with all your heart. This emphasizes strong feelings
❌❌DONTs: Not used in the future tense
-Used in conjun­ction with the request repres­ent­ation, aspira­tion, solici­tation
❌❌DONTs: Can’t use is negative sentence
その本はかな­らず売れる。 That book will certainly sell.
あの人はきっ­とおま­つりに­行かないよ。 That person surely will not go to the festival.
私はぜひそこ­で【働­く】は­たらきたい。 I would really like to work there.
たしかに、こ­のペン­はとて­も書き­やすいです。 This pen is certainly very easy to write with.
ぜったいにダメです。 Absolutely not.
彼は必ずここ­に来ます。 He will definitely come here.
きっとごうか­くします。 I’m sure I will pass.
ぜひ、こんど­家へ遊­びに来­てください。 Definitely please come over to hang out sometime.
確かに【合格­】ごう­かくしました。 I’m certainly sure I passed. / Surely passed.
明日はぜった­いに7­時に起きます。 Absolu­tely, I will get up at 7 o'clock tomorrow.
私は必ずごう­かくします。 I will definitely pass.
私の日本語は­(きっ­と/必­ず)よ­くなります。 My Japanese will definitely improve.
ぜひ【合格】­ごうか­くしたいです。 I definitely want to pass. (It is difficult but I will pass)
絶対に【合格­】ごう­かくします。 Absolutely pass.