This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
人権と尊厳の保持 Vocabs
【人権】じんけん:human rights |
【必要】ひつよう:necessary; needed; essential |
【尊厳】そんげん:dignity |
【大事】だいじ:important; serious; crucial |
【保持】ほじ:retention; preservation |
【大切】たいせつ:important; necessary; indispensable |
【生まれる】 うまれる:to be born |
【役に立っている】やくにたている:to make good use for |
【人間】にんげん:human being |
【感じる】かんじる:to feel; to sense; to experience |
【権利】けんり:right; previledge |
【支える】ささえる:to support; to prop up |
【存在】そんざい:existence; being |
【応援】おうえん:aid; assistance; help; support; reinforcement |
【尊重】そんちょう:respect |
aid; assistance; help; support; reinforcement |
【姿】すがた:figure; form; shape; appearance; state; condition |
【於ける】おける:in; at; for |
【受け入れる】うけいれる:to accept; to agree |
【権利】けん李:right; privilege |
人権と尊厳の保持 grammar
Noun + として |
Noun + として + Noun |
used to represent someone’s qualifications, position, or a certain state. you can just think of it as English “as”. |
“として” modifies a verb it can be considered an adverb. |
これは会社としての【目標】もくひょうです。 This is the goal as a company. |
田中さんは友達としてはいい人なんだけど、先輩としても良くない・ Tanaka-san is a nice person as a friend, but not as a senpai. |