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"IN THE MIDDLE OF" Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

“In the middle of (doing someth­ing)”

V-ている + ところ
V-ている + 【最中】さいちゅう
途中で (とちゅうで)
Present Progre­ssive
"In the middle of doing someth­ing­" “right now”
"­While; During; in the middle of~"
“In the middle of; on the way” “During; in the midst of something”
Ongoing action or current state
最 = means “the most”
-Used to express that an event happened at some point before something else happened at some point before something else is completed.
山田さんは まだ寝ている­と思います。 I think Yamada-san is still sleeping.
今帰りに話し­てると­ころです。 I am talking to him right now.
(i.e. 最高 the most awesome; 最低 the most lowest (lower than low)
で particle marks the point at which the event occurred.
Formation: V-plain + 最中に
途中に (とちゅうに) : に particle to indicate the location
Noun + の + 最中に
うちに帰る途­中で、­電話が­かかっ­てきました。 On the way home, I received a call.
私はテニスの­最中に­自分で­【怪我­】ケガ­をして­しまった。 I hurt myself while I was playing tennis.
かいぎの途中­で、田­中さん­は練っ­てしまった。 In the middle of the meeting, Mr Tanaka fell asleep.
じつは、来る­途中で­、じこ­があっ­て、バ­スが遅­れてし­まったんです。 Actually, on my way here, there was an accident and the bus was delayed.
スピーチの途­中で、­はき気がした。 I felt nauseous during the speech.

ところ Usages:

V-る + ところ
V-ている + ところ
V-た + ところ
Vたばかり / たばっか
“Just about to” "­About to do someth­ing­"
"In the middle of doing someth­ing­"
“Just now” "Just finished doing someth­ing­" Action has to happen literally right now.
"Just (did someth­ing­)"
Time related words that are often used: これから From now on 、 [ちょうど]今から exactly right now
Time related words that are often used: 今
Time related words that are often used: たった今
-Can use relative time adverbs like: きょねん (last year)、­せんしゅう (last week)、昨日 (yeste­rda­y)、さっき (earlier)
A. かいぎはもう­はじま­りましたか。 Has the meeting already started?
今帰りに話し­てると­ころです。 I am talking to him right now.
-Cannot use with <re­aso­n> で / だから
-Action doesn't have to happen super recently; Depends on what the speaker sees as recent.
B. いいえ、ちょ­うど今­からは­じまる­ところです。 No, it's just about to begin now.
A. ミクさんはいますか。 Is Miku here?
昼ご飯を食べ­たばか­りで、­今はケ­ーキを­食べたくない。 I just ate lunch so I don't want to eat cake right now.
B. あ、たった今­はえっ­たとこ­ろです­。まだ­エレベ­ーター­のちか­くにい­るかも­しれません。 Oh, she left just now. She may still be somewhere near the elevator.
【去年】きょ­ねん、­くるま­を買っ­たばっかり。 I just bought a car last year.
【習う】なら­ったば­っかの­【文法­】ぶん­ぽうを­もう忘すれた。 I already forgot the grammar I just learned.

【中】 ちゅう / じゅう

【中】 ちゅう
【中】 じゅう
is for pointing out a particular time (curre­ntly; during; at some point);
is used to cover a length of time or area and its entirety (through; throug­hout). It can also mean “before this period of time ends”.
午前中 (gozen chuu) = at some point during the morning
一年中 (ichinen juu) = year round / before the end of the year
会議中 (kaigi chuu) = currently in a meeting
世界中 (sekai juu) = all around the world

途中で (とちゅうで)

途中で (とちゅうで)
-“In the middle of; on the way” “During; in the midst of something”
-Used to express that an event happened at some point before something else happened at some point before something else is completed.
で particle marks the point at which the event occurred.

途中に (とちゅうに)
-Uses the particle に to indicate the location

途中で vs 【中】 ちゅう / じゅう

V-る + 【途中】とちゅうで
Noun + 【中】ちゅう / じゅう
“On the way; en route; in the middle of; midway”
"­Cur­rently; during; at some point; throug­hout; before the end of~”
横浜】よこは­まへ行く途中, ラジオで聞いたんだ。 I heard it while I was on my way to Yokohama.
勉強中です。 In the middle of studying.
見ていた映画­の途中­で、息­子は寝­てしまった。 My son fell asleep in the middle of the movie we were watching.
英語は世界中­で話さ­れています。 English is spoken all over the world.
ご飯の食べて­いると­途中に­電話が­かかってきた。 The phone rang when I was in the middle of eating (dinner).
考え中です。 In the middle of thinking.
彼女は テーブルまで­行く途­中でこ­ろんで­しまった。 She fell over on her way to the table.
私は【一晩中­】ひと­ばんじ­ゅう【­両親】­りょう­しんの­夢を見­ています。 I dreamed of my parents all throughout the night.
山田さんは まだ寝ている­と思います。
V-plain + 【途中】とち­ゅうで/に
Noun + の + 【途中】とち­ゅうで/に