“I heard” “Someone said” V-る そう
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
"I've heard" "Apparently"
"I've heard (from a source)" "Apparently" |
"I've heard" "Apparently it's not" |
V る + そう |
V ない + そう |
い Adj + い / な Adj + だそう |
ひろきはがっこうにこないそうです。 I’ve heard Hiroki won’t come to school. |
-Who said / where you heard it is not really important |
-Sounds formal; Used often in business situation / news |
WORDS OFTEN USED: (Person) とよる "According to" |
トムによるとこのケーキはおいしいそうです。 According to Tom, this cake is apparently delicious. |
桜は3月に咲くそうです。 I heard that Sakura blooms in March. |
ポケモンカフェはかわいいそうです。 I've heard that Pokemon cafe is cute. |
* |
Because this is based on something you see or feel at the moment you're speaking, you can't use it to give your interpretation of something that happened in the past. If you want to do that, you'll need to use either 〜らしい or 〜よう. |
You may have already seen the past form of the verb with 〜そう, but in this case the meaning is different. We're no longer reporting a judgement based on what we can see or feel. Instead, we're reporting something we've heard. |
あの木倒れたそうだよ!I heard that that tree fell down! |
"I've heard" "Apparently" for rumors / hearsays
Verb plain + らし "I've heard" "Apparently" |
V plain / い-Adj + んだって "I heard that..." |
い Adj + い / な Adj / Noun + らし |
Noun / な Adj + なんだって |
-Can mean, "Apparently" -More common in daily conversations |
-Used to express hearsay, in a similar way to “I heard that”, or “It was said that”. |
-Used a lot when spreading rumours |
❗️❗️なんだって always appears after a noun, or a phrase that has been nominalized (with の or こと). This expression is informal and should be among your friends. |
-Who said/ where you heard it is not really important |
-Can also use when A directly asks B something about B. |
あかりよひろしはわかれたらしいよ。 I've heard / Apparently Akari and Hiroshi broke up. |
先生に聞いたんだけど、田中さんは東京大学に合格したんだって。 I heard from the teacher that Tanaka san got into the University of Tokyo. |
この部屋は少し寒いんだって。窓を閉めてもいい? He said that it’s a little cold in this room. Can I close the window? |
❗️❗️Fun Fact: The adverbial particle とて itself is an abbreviation of expressions like と言って, and と思って. だとて (the full construction) may also be used, but is almost always replaced by だって, as it is far easier to say.
と言う / って言う "I heard someone say"
と言う / と言います "I say..." |
と言っていました / って言っていた |
と言いました / って言った "I said..." |
Usage: "Third person said..." |
Usage: "I said" To quote what you said" |
"I heard someone said/Someone told me" When you quote someone else's speech |
"Someone said" simple and general statement on what someone said in the past. |
"I JUST said that..." This can only be used when you want to quote what you JUST said, not quote someone else's. |
母おやは子どもにばんごはんができたと言いました。 |
"He/she/they said (I heard he said)" |
A mother said to her child that dinner is ready. (母 can be used to your mother only or if you're telling a story of a random mother ははおや) |
天気【予報】よほうは明日は雨だっといっていました。 The weather forecast said it will rain tomorrow. |
田中さんはあした休むと言いました。 |
田中さんはあした休むと言っていました。 |
Tanaka said that he would take a day off the next day. |
I heard from Tanaka that he would take a day off the next day. |
Tanaka told me that he/she would take a day off the next day. |
❗️❗️Perfective いいました refers to a completed action. Typically, the utterance is followed by a description of what immediately followed Tanaka's remark. It may be a colleague gossiping about Tanaka's health or the boss showing displeasure, and so on. I don't necessarily suggest that the boss overruled Tanaka's leave, but it will come with far less surprise if Tanaka could not take a day off. |
❗️❗️Imperfective いっていました means that Tanaka was still "saying" that he would be off from work tomorrow when the speaker finished their speech. In other words, there will be a surprise if Tanaka shows up to work next day |
** |
A simple and general statement on what someone said in the past. It is not clear to whom he said it. If it's a narration in a book, the listener would be the readers of that book. If it's a narration in a movie, the listener would be the audience of that movie, although the speaker/writer (the first person of that statement) can be the person who heard from that someone. |
“According to somebody…”
(Somebody) は + と言いました "Someone... said..." |
(Somebody) + によると / によれば |
Speaker は 「Plain form sentence」 と言いました。 When writing a quote, it's okay to use the full quote. |
“According to somebody…” Very formal |
田中さんは「ねこが好き」と言いました。Mr. Tanaka said, "I like cats." |
ニュースによれば、ちかごろぶっかがあがるそうです。 According to the news, prices are expected to rise in the near future. |
てんきよほうによると、あしたはあめだそうです。 According to the weather report, tomorrow it looks like it will rain. |
Question word + と言う
「Word」 は + 日本語で + なんと言いますか "What is this in Japanese?" |
なん + と言う (Noun) (ですか) “A called B” |
(Someone) に (Sentence / plain form) と伝えていただけませんか |
これは、日本語で何と言いますか。What is this in Japanese |
『君のなは』と言う映画をみたことがありますか。 Have you seen a movie called Kimi no Nawa? |
"Could you please tell him/her that..." To Politely ask someone to convey a message |
「Thank youは 'ありがとうございます' と言います。"Thank you in Japanese is "Arigatou Gozaimasu". |
A. 本を読んでる。 I'm reading a book. B. なんて言う本を読んでる? / なんと言う本ですか。 What's the book called? |
みくさんに 「あとで電話をください」 と伝えていただけませんか。 Could you please tell Miku to call me later? |
Asking questions “How to read/write/say/mean”
「Word」 で なんと 言いますか |
「Word」 なん と 読みますか |
「Word」 なん と 書いてありますか |
A は B と言ういみです |
“How do you say.. in?” |
“How do you read…” |
“How do you write this?” |
“A means B” |
日本語でなんと言いますか。 What is that written over there? |
あのかんじはなんと読みますか。 How do you read that Kanji? |
あそこになんと書いてありますか。 What is that written over there? |
A. このかんじはどう言ういみですか。 What does this Kanji mean? |
B. えいぎょうちゅうは 「今、みせがあいている」 と言ういみです。 "Eigyouchuu" means the shop is open for business today. |