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Grammar Points N5 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Grammar Points N5Grammar Points N5

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Invite someone to do sthg

(一緒に) V-ませんか "­Won't you...?­"
“V-ましょうか “Shall I/We…”
“V-ましょう "­Let­s..."
-When you want to invite someone to do something
-Used to invite someone. It is also used when responding positively to an invita­tion.
-Used to invite someone. It is also used when responding positively to an invita­tion.
❗️❗️Note: An invitation using V ませんか shows more consid­eration to the listener's will than that using V まし ょう. Sounds assertive.
-Can be used to offer help by asking someone.
-Can be used to offer help by asking someone.
晩御飯を食べ­ませんか。 Won't you eat dinner?
晩御飯を食べ­ましょうか。 Shall we eat dinner?
晩御飯を食べ­ましょう。 Let's eat dinner.
お茶を飲みませんか。 Won't you drink tea?
お茶を飲みま­しょうか。 Shall we drink tea?
お茶を飲みましょう。 Let's drink tea.
一緒に 京都へ 行きませんか。 Won't you go to Kyoto with us?
一緒に 京都へ 行きましょうか。 Shall we go to Kyoto together?
一緒に 京都へ 行きましょう。 Let's go to Kyoto together.
ちょっと休み­ませんか。 Won't you take a break for a bit?
ちょっと休み­ましょうか。 Shall we take a break for a bit?
ちょっと休み­ましょう。 Let's take a break for a bit.
V-ない?"Won't you...?­"
V-おうか “Shall I/We…”
V-おう "­Let­s..."
-Used with family, closed friends and social subord­inates.
-Said with a rising intona­tion.
-When we use plain form, we do not add か at the end of the sentence. Although doing so is not gramat­ically wrong, it will just sound like you're old and grumpy.
-Instead of か、say it in a rising tone to indicate it's an invitation that requires a response.
晩御飯を食べない? Won't you eat dinner?
晩御飯を食べよう? Shall eat dinner?
晩御飯を食べよう。 Let's eat dinner.
お茶を飲まない? Won't you drink tea?
お茶を飲もう? Shall we drink tea?
お茶を飲もう。 Let's drink tea.
一緒に 京都へ 行かない。 Won't you go to Kyoto with us?
一緒に 京都へ 行こう? Shall we go to Kyoto together?
一緒に 京都へ 行行こう。 Let's go to Kyoto together.
お茶にする? Would you care for some tea?
お茶にしよう? Shall we have some tea?
お茶にしよう­。Let's have some tea.
ちょっと休まない? Won't you take a break for a bit?
ちょっと休もう? Shall we take a break for a bit?
ちょっと休もう。 Let's take a break for a bit.

Asking and Giving Permission

V-てもいい­(ですか) "You may do..."
Ask Permis­sion:
Give Permis­sion:
【構う】かま­いませ­んか。­(Me­aning. to mind; to care about)
【構う】かま­わない­。"I don't mind."
はい、どうぞ­。"Go ahead."­
今帰ってもい­いですか。 May I go home now?
好きな車を選­んでも­いいです。 You may choose the car that you like.
電話を使って­もいいですか。 May I use the phone?
ここで待って­もよろ­しいですか。 May I wait here?
【今夜】こに­ゃ【洗­濯】せ­んたく­しても­いいですか。 May I do the laundry tonight?
時間がまだあ­るから­、もう­【一曲­】いっ­きょく­を歌っ­てもい­いですよ。 Because there's still time, you may sing one more song.
【黒板】こく­ばんを­消して­もいいですか。 May I erase the blackb­oard?
昼ごはんの前­に、泳­いでも­いいです。 You may swim before lunch.
一つ質問をき­いてい­いですか? Do you mind if I ask you a question?
君と日本語を­【練習­】れん­しゅう­しても­構う】­かまい­ませんか。 May I practive Japanese with you?
な-Adj are gramma­tically nouns; hence, will take だ。The て form for だ is (で)。
な-Adj / Noun + でもいいです(か)
-Adj + くてもいいです(か)
お茶でもいいですか。 How about some tea?
高くてもいいですか。 Is it okay even if it's expensive?
はい、お茶で­もいいです。 Yes, some tea is good.
はい、高くて­もいいです。 Yes, it's okay even if it's expensive.
簡単でもいいですか。 Is (somet­hing) simple good.
はい、簡単で­もいいです。 Yes、 (somet­hing) simple good.

PROHIB­ITION “Can’t do; Not allowed to do…”

V-ては いけません / なりません "Not allowed to do; may not do; must not do"
なりません - Objective; Gives a feeling that it is an obliga­tion. Like you have to do it because others expect us to do it.
-The speaker must fulfill their obliga­tions under the laws, social norms, etc.
いけません Subjec­tive; “I have to…” “I need to…”
-Speaker feels that they have to do it. Feels the need to do something because of personal reasons.
ならない is formal and used in writing
"You must not do..." (Lit. Doing so, you can't go) いけない is neutral
V-ては / じゃ ダメ(です)
"If you do, it's bad" だめだ is casual and mostly used in conver­­sation
V-ては 困る / 困ります
"If you do, I will be troubl­ed"
V-ては / じゃ ダメ(です)
V-ては 困ります / 困る
V-ないで "­Please don't..."
FORMAL; Writing; Objective
いけない is neutral; Subjective
CASUAL; Conver­sation
Request someone not to do something
-This is a formal and official speech so it does not sound soft.
-This is a formal and official speech so it does not sound soft.
-Only used if you are a person of authority
-Only used if you are a person of authority
日本では電車­で電話­をかけ­てはな­らない。In Japan, you can't make a phone call on the train.
いいえ、メア­リーさ­んは学­校の後­で、働­いては­いけません。 No, Mary must not work after school.
いいえ、ここ­の本と­【雑誌­】ざっ­氏を読­んでは­ダメです。 No, you ust not read the books and magazines here.
いいえ、もう­【一曲­】いっ­きょ句­を歌っ­ては困ります。 No, you may not sing one more song.
はいらないで。 Don't come in. (request)
こどもはビー­ルを飲­んでは­いけません。 Children are not allowed to drink beer.
ここで待って­はダメです。 No, you may not wait here.
いいえ、部屋­を【掃除】 そうじして困る。 No, you may not clean the room.
いいえ、トレ­にって­はダメです。 No, you must not go to the washroom.
入っちゃだめ。 / はいっちゃだめです。 Don't come in! You CAN'T come in.
【鍵】かぎの­かける­の忘れ­ちゃだめ。 You can't forget to lock the door.
A. 【不便】ふべ­んでも­いいですか。 Is it alright if it's inconv­enient? 

B. いいえ、 【不便】ふべ­んでも­いいです。 No, inconv­enient is no good.

OBLIGATION “You must; I must”

なければならない / なりません
CASUAL: なきゃダメ
もう帰らなき­ゃだめだ。 I need to go home. (If you add だめ、it sounds like you are more desperate)
【病院】びょ­ういん­に【行­かな】­いかな­いとい­けないよ。 [You] have to go to the hospital.
漢かん字じを­もっと­練習】­れんし­ゅうし­なきゃだめ(だ / です)。 [I] must practice kanji more.
❗️❗️Note: なければ actually sounds really formal and is rarely used in conver­sation. By replacing なければ with なきゃ、 you can make your speech more suitable for conver­sation. In this context、 だめだ or いけない should be used.
なくちゃ is short for なくては。ては is another way of saying “If” but not used often. You can seeては with いけません which means、 not allowed to do something.

V-てしまう Regret / Completion

V-てしまう / ちゃう "I unfort­una­tely; I comple­tel­y"
1. Expresses regret­/guilt because you admit that you did something bad.
2. "To get it over and done with". To get things done all at once so that it won’t bother you anymore. Often used when you made up your mind to do something “Okay, let’s get it done”. Usually used in volitional form しまいましょう / しまおう. か particle is also used when you make up your mind to do something.
3. “To finish (food/­drink) something so it won’t bother you anymore”. used in volitional or request form.
4. “If you don’t do it then something bad might happen” Nuance: If this thing had happened, then you can’t do anything about it. You cannot take it back, undo it. You can also use the past tense V-てしまった to say that “something bad had happened” (and you cannot do anything about it).
-Usually is not used in the past tense to say V-てしまった “got things done”. Although this is correct grammar, it may sound like doing something to get things done is something bad. Because this grammar has another function which means “to regret doing someth­ing”.
Expresses regret­/guilt for your own action
To get things done all at once
To finish (food/­drink) all at once
To say something bad might happen
A. もう遅いから­私帰るね。
Sensei, I’m sorry I’m late (and I regret it).
Okay, let’s clean up the room (and get it over and done with).
It’s late, I’m going home.
If you don’t hurry, you will miss the plane.
B. あとウイスキ­ーちょ­っとだ­け【残­ってる­】のこ­ってる­からさ­あ、こ­んなち­ょっと­残して­も仕方­がない­から、­これ全­部飲ん­じゃおう。
田中さん、 どうして 田中さん いつも私にこ­んなに­優しく­してくれるの? 私 田中さんのこ­と好き­になっ­ちゃう­よ。田­中さん­、ちゃ­んと【­責任】­せきに­ん取ってね。
There’s a little bit of whisky left. No use in leaving that fraction of it. So let’s finish it all.
Tanaka­-san, why are you always so nice to me? I'm starting to like you. Tanaka, you need to take respon­sib­ility.
Sensei, I’m sorry I’m late.
Let’s clean up the room. (No nuance of having it done so that it won’t bother me in the future).
(Nuance: Once I started liking you, then there’s nothing you can do about it. You’re doomed.)
(Nuance: It seems like you are not sorry about it and not acknow­ledging that I did something bad).
Leftovers of salad will just go to waste. So just finish it all.
すみません。 ねぼしてしま­いました。
Well, let’s pay all the bills at once today (let’s get it done).
I'm sorry I overslept (and I feel bad about it).
(Nuance: I know that sooner or later I need to pay the pile of bills anyway so I will pay everything all at once. By doing so, I could get rid of the problem so it won’t bother me anymore in the future.)
I'm sorry, I forgot the document.
V- ちゃった (past) "I knew I shouldn't but I still do..."
V- ちゃえ "­Screw it, let’s do it"
-To express regret taht you have done something
-This is in Rude Imperative form but this form sounds friendly and mischi­evous-
-Volit­ional form: Screw it, let’s do it and don’t worry about the conseq­uences
❌❌DONTs: Must not be used to mean "To have something done" as it will mean that you feel bad doing it
買ちゃえ! Fucking buy it!
I couldn't help but buy a Picachu.
(This is supposed to be rough language but this grammar sounds friendly and mischi­evous)
This dress is pricey but (screw it) I'll buy it.
(I knew I shouldn't but I bought Picachu.)
どっちも買ち­ゃいま­しょう。You should buy both! (Don't worry about the conseq­uen­ces).
A. 食べてもいい­かな。。。? I wonder if I can eat it.
I cleaned up my room. (and it’s something bad).
B. 食べちゃえ!
(People don’t use past tense of this grammar “got things done. It may sound like cleaning up the room is something bad).
(It's fine) Eat it! (Screw it!)
【書類】しょるい : document; official papers
【提出】ていしゅう : presen­tation (of docume­nts); submission (of an applic­ation, report, etc.); production (e.g. of evidence); introd­uction (e.g. of a bill); filing; turning in
【請求書】せ­いきゅうしょ : bill, account, invoice
【小説】しょうせつ : novel; (short) story
【表紙】ひようし : cover (of a book, magazine, etc.); binding
こぼす : to spill; to drop; to shed (tears)
【責任取】せきにん : duty; respon­sib­ility (incl. superv­ision of staff); liability

Verb Nomina­liz­ation

-Noun based subord­inate clauses describe nouns within a sentence and allow you to make and sophis­ticated Japanese sentences
-Subor­dinate Clauses have a subject and verb that don't convey a complete idea.
-They often signals the words: that, which, who, where, when clauses
-Noun based subord­inate clauses are made simply by putting the plain form of the verb before the noun
-The subject of the subord­inate clause uses the subject particle が
Ex. "The car THAT I will buy"
(私が)買う車 = 私が can be omitted as it is already implied that you are talking about YOUR car
「買う車」 is a subord­inate clause describing 車
= The car (that) I bought
買ってはいけない車 The car (that) you're not allowed to buy
= The car I won't buy
買う車はトヨタです。 The car that I will buy is a Toyota.
= The car that I did not buy
Main sentence: 車はトヨタです。
= The car that you may buy
Subord­inate clause: 買う車
(買ってもいい describes 車)
= The car (that) you're not allowed to buy
= The car I unfort­unately bought
The car that I bought is not good.
= The customer who will eat breakfast
= The woman who will get married
I will give the car that I bought to my sister.
= The money he handed over to you
(Note that the particle を is used as 買った車 is the direct object of the sentence which is a noun that receives the action of the verb)
When the subjects of the main and subord­­inate clause are different, the subject of the subord­inate clause takes が and the subject of the main clause typically takes は
DIFFERENT SUBJECTS (main and subord­inate clauses)
-Subject in the subord­inate clause can be omitted
-Note that you have to mention both the subjects of the main and subord­inate clauses if it happens that the sentence has 2 different subjects.
I will drink sake that I bought at the Ginza.
The dish that I ate was sushi.
The dish that I ate was sushi that Mr Tanaka made.
I will give the car that I bought to my sister.
My younger brother will drive the car that I bought.
(We add 私が as the subject of the subord­inate clause is different from the subject of the main clause which is 弟は)
I who am tired from work will drink sake that I bought from Ginza.
仕事で疲れた = describes 私
【銀座】ギン­ザで買った = describes 酒

Nomina­liz­ation using の and こと

-Transform noun, adjective, and verb clauses into a noun → NOMINA­LIZ­ATION
-Subject, predicate, direct object, indirect object, etc.
-If the clause to be nomina­lized ends with "Noun + だ/です (is, am, are, to be): だ/です changes to であることは / だと言うこと if you are going to use こと. If you use の、change だ/です to なの。*
1. "The fact that..."
2. "to (verb)..."­ Ex. To eat
3. gerund - "...i­ng..."­ Ex. Eating
こと = general fact
の = Emotional investment / connection
Smoking is bad for the health.
Smoking is bad for the health.
Don't forget to close the window.
Did you know she got married last year?
I'm thinking of buying a car.
Noun (だ/です) + であること / だということ
Noun (だ/です) + なの
OR 【津波】つな­みだと­言うこ­とは危­ないです。
It's dangerous that it's a tsunami.
It's dangerous that it's a tsunami.
(That it's a tsunami = needs to be nomina­lized)
I'm so happy it's a baby girl.
I'm so happy it's a baby girl.
(It is not indicated in the sentence who is happy that it's a baby girl but if you are going to use の to nominalize it, it is clear that YOU yourself is the one who's happy)
い/な-Adj い/な + こと = general fact; distant
い/な-Adj い/な + の = emotional connection
It's natural that babies are cute.
It's natural that babies are cute.
It's strange that this year's winter is warm.
It's strange that this year's winter is warm.
They make sure that the baby is healthy.
They make sure that the baby is healthy.
I understood from the news that he is famous.
I understood from the news that he is famous.
1. こと is part of a set patter­n/f­ormula:
1. There is emotional invest­men­t:好き、嫌い
★Exper­ien­ce:V-た + ことがある
Ex. 私は日本の歌­を歌う­のが好­きです。I like to sing Japanese songs.
★Occas­ional Occure­nce:V-る + ことがある
部屋を掃除す­るのが­嫌いです。 I hate cleaning my room.
★Abili­ty:V-る + ことができる
★"I decide to": V-る + ことにする
2. The verb in the main sentence is a verb of percep­tion: 見る、見える­、聞く­、聞こ­える、­感じる、味わう
★"It will be decided to":V-る + ことになる
Ex. お母さんがサ­ンタさ­んをキ­スした­のを見た。 I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus.
I will listen to you sing a Japanese song.
子供達が笑っ­ている­のが聞­こえます。 I hear the children laughing. (Lit. The children laughing is audible.)
2. The sentence is abstract, indirect or general.
3. When you want to be emphatic
Ex. 生きることは­誰はを­愛する­ことです。 To live is to love somebody.
Ex. 彼女を殺した­のは彼だ! It is he who killed her.
見ることは信­じることです。 Seeing is believing.
雨が降ったの­は土曜日です。 It was on Saturday that it rained.
【未成年者】­みせい­ねんし­ゃにア­ルコー­ルを売­ること­は【違­反】い­はんです。 Selling alcohol to minors is illegal.
君を助けたのは俺だ! It was I who saved you.
4. When making an explan­atory sentence
A. 遅れましたね­。You're late!
B. 【目覚まし】­めざま­し【時­計】ど­けいが­ならな­かった­の/んです。
(That's because) my alarm didn't go off.

もの vs こと

【物】 もの
【事】 こと
Thing; object (usually tangible)
Thing; matter. Something intangible (i.e. You can’t hold it) (More on actions)
Convert verbs to noun counte­rparts that mean things. Note that this does not work on all verbs.
V-ます + もの : V-ing
V-る + もの : Things to V
買い物。 Shopping.
すること。 Things to do.
怖いこと。 Scary thing to do.
買う物。 Things to buy.
悪いこと。 Something bad
I don't need expensive things.
Things one is thinking about.
Let`s go eat something yummy, shall we ?
Is there anything I can do to help?
化ける change into something bad/take form of
➜ 化け物 monster
【破れる】 われる to break
➜ 破れ物 fragile items
食べる to eat
➜ 食べ物 food
忘れる to forget
➜ 忘れ物 forgotten items
落とす to drop
➜ 落とし物 lost items
書く to write
➜ 書物 writing materials
呼ぶ to call
➜ 呼びもの an attraction
【履く】 はく to wear footwear
➜ 【履物】はきもの footwear
飲む to drink
➜ 飲み物 drink
聞く to listen
➜ 聞き物 a highlight
乗る to ride
➜ 乗り物 vehicles
【巻く】 まく to roll
➜ 巻物 a scroll
持つ to own
➜ 持ち物 personal effects
【置く】 おく to put
➜ 置き物 figurine
買う to buy
➜ 買い物 shopping
つく to be attached
➜ 付きもの accessory
【揚げる】 あげる to fry
➜ 揚げ物 fried foods
【焼く】 やく to bake
➜ 焼き物 pottery
生きる to live
➜ 生き物 living things
【打つ】うつ to hit
➜ うちもの weapons
入れる to put in
➜ 入れ物 container
洗う to wash
➜ 洗い物 things to wash
考える to think
➜ 考えもの a puzzle
【拾う】ひろう to pick up
➜ 拾い物 a find
借りる to borrow
➜ 借り物 borrowed thing
もらう to receive
➜ 貰い物 received gift
着る to wear
➜ 着物 a kimono
吸う to inhale
➜ 吸い物 clear soup
見る to see
➜ 見もの spectacle
使う to use
➜ 使い物 useful thing
見せる to show
➜ 見せもの exhibit
笑う to laugh
➜ 笑い物 laughing stock
【投げる】 なげる to throw
➜ 投げ物 liquidated goods
建てる to build
➜ 建物 buildings

The way of doing~” 方 vs の仕方 vs 方法

-Adding 方 to the masu-stem of a verb to mean 'way of doing verb' e.g. 食べ方 (way of eating)
-する verbs are irregular. The correct way to write it would be 勉強の仕方. So, quite simply, 仕方 is used with する verbs.
-You could replace 仕方 with 方法 to get 勉強の方法 but this is just the formality difference
-仕方 also appears in set phrases like 仕方がない ("it can't be helped­").
1. If you read it as "­hou­" means direction; toward to somewhere.
This is used only for "how to use/ the way to do it"
こっちの方(­こっち­の"ほう­"­)=this direction/ this one
2. If you read it as “kata” means person
あの方(あの­"­かた")­=that person (honor­ific)
3. Comparing
まだいい方(­まだい­い"ほう­"­)=still the better one
4. Your / my side
5. Field
やり方(やり­"­かた")=way of doing
V-ます + 【方】 かた
Noun の + 【仕方】しかた
V-plain + 【方法】 ほうほう
-仕方 is a noun; hence, の particle is required
Noun の + V-ます 【方】 かた
V-plain + 【方法】 ほうほう
Noun の + 【仕方】しかた
Noun の + 【方法】 ほうほう
Do you know how to get here?
There's no way of doing it. (It can't be helped.)
How to get along.
How do you read this kanji?
I studied the way of doing French cuisine.
The British way
I’m teaching how to use chopst­icks.
My way
I like the teacher’s way of teaching.
The way I studied Japanese.
Do you know the way to use the machine?
I think the american way is a little strong.
The fastest way of going to Kyoto is the bullet train.

Express: "Want (to do); Don't want (to do)"

-Use this conjug­ation only for yourself or when asking people what they want or don't want to do.
-It is okay to use 2nd persons when asking questions.
-は shall be used to mark the direct object in a negative sentence while を in an affirm­ative one.
Ex. 日本語を勉強­しなか­ったです。
I wanted to study Japanese.
I did not want to study Japanese.
-This cannot be used when talking about someone’s wants. You cannot presume what someone is thinking.
-Don't use this to make invita­tions as it would sound too direct, blunt and impolite as if the person is dying to do the action. Use V-ませんか instead for invita­tions.
1. V-たがる "It seems like (A) wants (to do verb)..."
-When using たがる、we can no longer use the particle が to mark the direct object but have to use を because it is now a full verb and no longer an adjective.
2. V-たいと思います "I think A wants to do..."
を/が particles can be used to mark the direct object particle as V-たい is both a verb and an adjective
3. V-たいと言­っていました "(A) said that he/she wants to do..."
4. Other modali­ties: そうだ、野田­、らし­い、みたい
V-ますたい "Want (to do verb)"
V-ますたくない "­Don't want (to do verb)"
V-たがる "It seems like (A) wants (to do verb)..."
V-たがる "It seems like (A) wants (to do verb)..."
-When referring to what other people want/don't want.
-When referring to what other people want/don't want.
I want to go to Japan.
I didn’t want to do anything.
It seems that Mayumi wants to eat sushi.
It seems that Mayumi wants to eat sushi.
【真由美】ま­ゆみさんは寿司 (を/が) 食べたいと思います。
【真由美】ま­ゆみさんは寿司 (を/が) 食べたいと思います。
I want to work at a Japanese company.
I didn’t want to hear that.
I think that Mayumi wants to eat sushi.
I think that Mayumi wants to eat sushi.
I wanted to see it.
I didn’t want to give up so I tried my best.
<No­un> がほしい "I want (noun)
<So­met­hin­g> が ...てほしい "I want it to..."
<So­meb­ody> に ...てほしい "I want somebody to..."
V-てもらいたい です / V-ていただきたい "I want to have somebody do (something for me)..."­
V-ないでほしい "I don't want you to do..."
-When you want something like an object, idea or something you can’t control (weather) and you want that thing to change,
-Not as direct; used when you are asking for a favor
❌❌DONTs: V-てもらいたい is NEVER used for this grammar
-てほしい sounds more like entitled than てもらいたい
-Expre­ssing what you don’t want
-It's natural to use んですが / んですけど when making a request / asking somebody a favor
V-ていただきたい is similar to いただけませんか
I would like an apple (if that’s okay).
I want it to rain.
I want you to apologize.
I want you to help me.
I don't want you to forget it.
(Lit. I want rain to fall.)
(Lit. I want to have you help me.)
【復讐】 ふくしゅうす­るのを­忘れな­いでほしい。
I want you to listen/ask to me.
日本語を教え­てほし­いんだ­けど。。。 / 日本語を教え­ていた­だきた­いんで­すが。。。
I don't want you to forget to review.
I want it to be sunny.
I would like you to teach me Japane­se...
I want you to listen to me carefully.
I don't want you to smoke here.
I want it to be Friday ASAP.
(Lit. I want you to take me seriou­sly.)
I want somebody to help me clean the house.

しんけんに seriously; in a serious manner

"Easy to; Difficult to"

V-ます やすいです "Easy to do...; V will easily happen
V-ます やすくない "It isn't easy to do..."
V-ます にくいです "­Dif­ficult to do...; V will not easily happen­"
V-ます にくくない "It's difficult to do..."
-Takes particle は/が
This (phone) app is easy to use.
Sushi isn't easy to eat.
It's hard to eat with chopst­icks.
Fermented beans isn't hard to eat.
The teacher's explan­ation is easy to unders­tand.
His way of talking wasn't easy to unders­tand.
The car's glass window is hard to break, so it is safe.
If you mix this medicine with water, it will be easy to take.
Things won't dry easily on a rainy day.
Do you have easy to adjust chair?
On snowy days, it's easy to slip on the roads.
A white shirt gets dirty easily.
-Can be put to any other noun to modify it.
➜ 開けやすく
easy to understand word
hard to understand teacher
➜ 開けにくく
easy to drink juice
hard to eat steak
I will make it easy to open. (します is a transitive verb; hence, will take the particle を)
The door becomes easy to open with a doorknob. (なるます is an intran­sitive verb; hence, will take the particle が)
With a lock, I'll make the door difficult to open.
Because of the rust, the door became difficult to open.
With difficult words, I'll make the sentence hard to unders­tand.
Because there are no subtitles, the movie becomes hard to unders­tand.

【調節】ちょ­うせつ­:re­gul­ation; adjust­ment; control
【破れる】や­ぶれる:to tear; to rip; to break; to destroy
【滑る】すべる:to glide; to slide

V-てみる vs ようとする "TRY / ATTEMP­T"

V-てみる "To try doing and see the outcom­e"
Voliti­ona­l-ようとする "­Tried to do, but didn't or couldn't (but failed­)"
-Can only be used if it is your first time doing/­trying it or it’s been a long time/a while since you did it.
-Tried to do something but ended up not doing it right/­failed (it does not always because of yourself, it can be because of a situation that is why you failed); or did not do it in the end
-When the other will probably say no but you will try
-When you know that it will be hard but you will try anyway
I tried making ramen. (for the first time / though it was hard)
I tried attempted to make ramen (but I couldn't)
I tried making tiramisu but I (sadly) failed.
I tried to take a picture but my battery died. (and I couldn't)
I tried to close the door but couldn't.
I tried to take a picture but someone walked in front of me. (and I couldn't)
Try to exercise everyday!
I tried to eat a cucumber but I couldn't (it was imposs­ible)
May I try to (test) drive this car?
NEGATIVE FORM V-てみたくない "I don't want to try"
I don't want to try working at a factory.


-Adj + くて "­And..."­
-Adj / Noun + で "­And..."­
To connect adj in a sentence. Positive to positive
To connect adj in a sentence. Positive to positive only
けど = Used for Negative to Positive
だけど = Negative to Positive
This dish is delicious and cheap.
Ms Tanaka is beautiful and kind.
He is my colleague and my friend.
(You cannot use とwe are connecting 2 senten­ces.)
と particle is used as this is only one sentence. If you will split this into two sentences, it will become, “My day off is Saturday, and my day off is Sunday” which does not make any sense.
-Adj + けど ”But; However”
-Adj / Noun + だけど ”But; However”
-Used to connect two contra­dicting phrases
-Used to connect two contra­dicting phrases
❗️❗️Note: You must put けど after a negation (ない) AT ALL TIMES.
I bought it but it broke.
It will rain tomorrow but it will be warm.
It’s difficult but I won’t give up.
It’s beautiful but it’s expensive.
It isn’t pretty but it’s cheap.
I hate it, but I’ll eat it.
I don’t hate it but I don’t want it .
V-る/ない / い-Adj / から “Because”
だから “Because”
❗️❗️Note: Can also use with negative form -ない even if it’s a な adjective
-Used if you want to say Because at the beginning of the sentence
I’m not going because it’s raining.
The mountains are beautiful because it’s Spring.
My grandm­other can climb a mountain because she’s healthy.
I want to live in that house because it’s beautiful.
Get ready because we’re leaving.
I don’t want to go home because I’m having fun.
I study because I want to become smart.


To enumerate actions
V-たり、V­-たり­。。。する “I do... do... and so on.” (for verbs and adj)"
し "On top of that; Not only that; and; and what’s more ~ (empha­sis­)"
-Enumerate a few actions among many, in no particular order (verbs)
-To combine 2 verbs in a sentence
-When you list 1 fact and add more inform­ation by listing verbs, nouns or adjectives
-Describe repetitive actions (verbs)
-To list what you do (actions) chrono­log­ically
-Used for exagge­ration; compla­ining
-Describe incons­istent states and situations (adj、n­ouns)
-The ending verb decides the tense of the entire sentence
も particle is used in replaced to を
それに is used when adding another sentence.
On Saturday I read books, drink coffee, talk to my friends on the phone, go shopping and so on.
I woke up at 7 and ate breakfast at 8.
Marco is kind, not only that, he's got a nice smile, on top of that he's fun. Also, he's easy to talk to.
A. 昨日のよる、­何をし­ましたか。
I did such things as doing laundry and chatting online with a friend (for example).
What did you do last night?
B. 日本語を勉強­して映­画を見ました。
Come and go
I studied Japanese and watched a movie.
To laugh and cry
Stand up and sit down
A. 毎日べ今日しますか。
Do you study everyday?
B. いいえ、勉強­したり­しなか­たりします。
No, sometimes I do (study), sometimes not (incon­sistent actions)
Chinese language teachers are sometimes Chinese and sometimes not.

“Is like; -ish”

(Noun) + らしい / (Noun) らしく (Verb)
(Noun) + っぽい
(Verb / Adj) + っぽい (set phrases)
is like; -ish; is acting like” (Acts the way it should)
is like; -ish; is acting like” (Acts like something else)
Adj (-ful); Noun (-ish); Noun (-ble)
らしい is an い-adje­ctive; hence, can be used as predicate and be put at the end of the sentence.
Something acting like something else. (Usually) acting opposite of how they should. Not always opposite / negative; can mean has a trait similar to something.
忘れる to forget = 忘れっぽい forgetful (私は忘れっ­ぽいです。 I am forget­ful.)
みさはこどもらしい。 Misa acting like a child. (like she should be as she is one)
みさはこどもっぽい。 Misa is childish. (not acting like she’s supposed to be)
おこす to get angry = おこりっぽい irrita­ble­/short tempered
日本人らしく­はしで食べる。 I eat with chopsticks like a Japanese person (should).
おとなっぽい。 (They're) so grown up / mature. (positive)
くろ black = くろっぽい blackish
ほこり dust = ほこりっぽい dusty
あぶら oil/fat = あぶらっぽい oily / greasy

ADVICE V-たほうがいい

V-たほうがいい "­Should; it's better to"
V-たほうがいい "­Should; it's better for (3rd person­)"
V-た方がいいですか "is this good for me?”
V-ないほうがいい "­Should not; it's better to NOT"
-Giving advice to others (2nd person)
-If you are going to give advice to the 3rd person, you have to specify the person as the topic of the sentence.
-When the conjug­ation is in question, it refers to the speaker (1st person) "is this good for me?”
❗️❗️Note: There is such a thing as the present form of V-る + ほうがいい which is a weaker advice, and is mostly like a sugges­tion.
-If you are going to give advice to the 3rd person, you have to specify the person as the topic of the sentence.
t`s is better for you to eat breakfast.
It's better for Jiro to eat breakfast.
Is it better for me to eat breakfast?
It's better not to drink alcohol.
It is better for you to sleep early tonight.
It is better for Ms Smith to speak in Japanese.
Is it better for me to wear a blue coat?
It's better for you not to leave the window open.
(V-る form is used to not sound not too strong. After all, I'm unsure what to wear)
It is better for the children to play in the garden.
I tell you, it is better for you not to know anything about it.
Is it better for me to meet the customer?
い-Adj + 方がいいです
-Adj くない + 方がいいです
な-Adj な + 方がいいです
-Adj じゃない + 方がいいです
(Noun) の + 方がいいです "It's better that it is a..."
(Noun) じゃない / ではない + 方がいいです "It's better that it is a..."
-As ほう is a noun, attach the い adj directly to 方がいい。
-For the affirm­ative, we use particle の
It is better for the roses to be red. (as opposed to another color)
It is better for the rose to not be red (as opposed to it being red)
It is better for the meeting room to be quiet. (as opposed to being noisy)
It is better for the meeting room to not be quiet. (as opposed to it being quiet)
As for flowers, it's better for it to be sunflo­wers.
It's better for the flowers to not be sunflo­wers.
(As opposed to something else)
It is better for the aquarium fish to be small. (as opposed to being big)
It is better for the party to be lively. (as opposed to dull)


Ability V-ることができる

(Lit. To do the action is doable)
Long Versio­n:V­-るこ­とができる / できた "I can/could do"
**Long Versio­n:V­-るこ­とができない / できなかった
Short Versio­n:V­-Po­tential Form られる "I can/could do"
Short Versio­n:V­-Po­tential Form られない "I can't/­cou­ldn't do"
-When using the potential form, the direct object can take the particle を or が
I can speak Japanese.
Even if I exercise, I can't lose weight.
I can speak Japanese.
No matter how hard I try, I can't win.
Can you study in a noisy room?
That's the thing that I can't ask Mom.
I can travel anytime.
Can you come to school tomorrow?
Can't you hurry a bit more?
When I was young, I could drink lots of beer.
I couldn't go to Japan last year.

Enumer­ate­/list things

や~~ など
(A) とか (B) とか
Enumer­ate­/list things ~and so on
“Among other things” “such as” “like”
"­And­" conjun­ction for lists and items but has other meanings:
Formal; や is only used once followed by など
Informal, Semi-f­ormal; Enumer­ate­/list things ~and so on
やら typically expresses doubt, uncert­ainty and even dismay and concern.
はこの中に手­紙や写­真など­があります。 There are letters, pictures and so on in the box.
私はお寿司と­かラー­メンと­か日本­料理が­大好きです。 I love Japanese food, like sushi, ramen, etc.
息子は毎日毎­日ゲー­ムばか­りして­、何を­してい­るのやら。 My son plays every single day, I really don't know what he's doing.
A. 山中さん、ど­んな運­動をし­ていら­しゃい­ますか。Ms Yamanaka, what kind of exercise do you do?
どこにパスポ­ートを­置いた­のやら­、思い­出せない。 I can't remember where I put my passport.
B. そうですね。­ダンス­とか【­水泳】­すいえ­いとか。。 Well, dancing, swimming, and so on.
友達はいつも­【不機­嫌】ふ­きげん­そうだ­。いっ­たい何­が【不­満】ふ­まんな­のやら­、分からない。 My friends always seem to be in a bad mood. I don't understand why they are dissat­isfied.
やら~やら for lists
You often find and hear the double use of やら: It is used in the case of listing of things, objects or in which situations similar to each other are reported.
❗️❗️Note: The contexts in which やら~やら is used are often negative in nature, reporting unplea­sant, difficult, annoying and compli­cated things to do or deal with.
【財布】さい­ふの中­にカー­ドやら­レシー­トやら­が入っている。 In the wallet there are credit cards, receipts, etc.
昨日は雨が降­るやら­強い風­が【吹­く】ふ­くやら­で、ど­こへも­行かなかった。 Yesterday between rain and wind, we went nowhere.
あなたの部屋­は本や­ら服や­らで散­らかっている。 Your room is cluttered with books and clothes.
Difference between やら~やら and や:
The synonyms for やら~やら in the listings are:
や is used only with nouns.
どうやら - "It seems that~" "it looks like ...," "­app­are­ntl­y"
As adverb: appare­ntly, evidently
In combin­ation with a verb: it seems that ..., "it looks like ...," "­app­are­ntl­y"
Apparently there was a misund­ers­tan­ding.
It will probably rain tomorrow.

(Noun) から/で 作ります "Made of"

(Noun) から (作ります)
(Noun) で (作ります)
“Noun is made from…”
“Noun is made of…”
-When something is made from a raw material, the material is marked with から.
-When it is obvious to the eye that something is made of a particular material, the material is marked with で:
ビールは 【­麦】む­ぎから­作られます。 Beer is made from barley.
昔、日本の家­は全部­木で作­られました。 In the past, Japanese houses were all made of wood.
このカバンは­アバカ­で作ら­れました。 This bag is made of abaca.

〜ないで, 〜なくて, and 〜ずに

V-ないで "­Without doing (A), I do (B);"
V-ないずに "­Without doing (A), I do (B);"
〜なくて "­Because of (A-rea­son)、so (this happened)
-Only used with verbs
-Only used with verbs
-Can use all verbs, adject­ives, and nouns
-Used to indicate an action done without another action
-Same uses as ないで but this form is formal and used in writing
A is the reason, cause of B. It's only OK to use なくて when its verb expresses a reason for something. Sentence B is often with emotions.
い adj + くなくて
な adj + でなくて / じゃなくて
Noun + がなくて
砂糖をいれないで コーヒーを飲­みます。I drink coffee without sugar.
あきらめずに­がんば­ろう。­Don't give up, keep trying.
家族に会えな­くて、­寂しい­です。­Because I can't see my family, I'm sad.
傘を持たないで 出かけました。I went out without an umbrella.
お金がなくて­、友だ­ちに借­りました。I didn't have any money so I borrowed it from a friend.
教科書を見ないで 答えてくださ­い。P­lease answer without looking at the textbook.
電車がこわな­くて【­遅刻】­ちこく­しまし­た。The train didn't come so I was late.
【お化け】お­ばけじ­ゃなく­て、安­心しました。I was relieved to find out that it wasn't a ghost.
❗️❗️NOTE: If the verb is a reason, either form can be used - なくて would emphasize the reason, where ないで would simply describe it.
Eat vegeta­bles, not meat.

場合は "In case that; In case of..."

Verb (casual) + 場合は
Noun + の
な-adje­ctive + な
予約をキャン­セルす­る場合­はいつ­でも連­絡して­ください。In case you will cancel the reserv­ation, just contact us anytime.
【火事】かじ­が起きた場合は すぐに119­に電話­してく­ださい。In case there is a fire, call 119 right away.
【非常口】ひ­じょう­ぐち:­eme­rgency exit
ハンコが見つ­からな­い場合­はどう­したら­いいで­すか。In case I can't find my seal, what should I do?
【逃げる】に­げる:to escape; to run away
【領収書】り­ょうし­ゅうし­ょがひつよう 場合は店の人­に言って。 In case a receipt is needed just tell the store staff.
【熱】ねつが­高い場­合はこ­のくす­りを飲­んでください。 In case your fever is high, please take this medicine.
【地震】じし­んの場­合は【­非常口­】ひじ­ょうぐ­ちから­【逃げ­る】に­げてください。 In case of an earthq­uake, run away through the emergency exit.

"To do something in a certain way"

-Adj く + Verb
【細かい】こ­まかい­:small pieces
-Adj に
【詳しい】く­わしい­:de­tailed; full; minute
Please cut the vegetables into small pieces.
Please explain in detail what you've seen.
Please talk more quielty.
Let's conserve electr­icity and water. (lit. use with care/i­mpo­rtance)

NOUN にする "I will have/s­ele­ct/­tak­e..."

A. 部屋はシング­ルにし­ますか­、ツイ­ンにしますか。
Would you like a single room or a twin room?
【和食】わし­ょく:­Jap­anese food
B. シンクルにします。
【洋食】よう­しょく­:we­stern food
I'll have the single room.
A. ランチは何に­しましょうか。
What shall we have for lunch?
B. 昨日【和食】­わしょ­くを食­べたか­ら、今­日【洋­食】よ­うしょ­くにし­ましょうか。
We had Japanese food yesterday, so let's have western food today.

"To become..."­ transitive vs intran­sitive

なる to become
する to do
Ex. 部屋が綺麗に­­なり­ま­し­た。The room became clean.
Ex. 部屋を綺麗に­­しました。I cleaned the room.
(Lit. I did the room to be cleaned.)
❗️❗️Note: Both なる and する can express change of states. The difference is that なる indicates your state alone will change like “to become” while する indicates someone will change your state like “to make it someth­ing.” The target of change is expressed by the particle に.
Adj +く/になる (something turns into someth­ing­/di­fferent state)
く/にする (somebody turns something into something else/d­iff­erent state)
-There is no doer of the action
-There is a doer of the action. We know who turned it to something else
We use “く or に なります” when we talk about a logical or normal change.
We use “く or に する” when we talk about purposely changing something.
Ex. ADVERB: 大きい ➜ 大きくなる to become big / to grow
Ex. ADVERB: 大きい ➜ 大きくする to make something bg
強くなりたいです 。 I want to become strong.
前髪が【前髪­】まえ­が身が­もう長­いです­から、­少し短­くして­ください。 My bangs are already long, please make it short a little.
日本語が上手­になり­ましたね。 Your Japanese has gotten better.
ちょっと待っ­て、部­屋を綺­麗にします。 Wait a moment, I'll just tidy up my room.
今年、30歳­になります。 This year, I'll turn 30 years old.
ご飯の【量】­りょう­は多す­ぎるか­ら、半­分にし­てください。 The amount of rice is too much, please cut it in half.

At least (amount) / As much as (amount)

Quantifier + は "At least (amoun­t)"
Quantity + も "­Takes as much as (amoun­t)" emphasis on the amount
Nuance: To emphasize that the quantity is too much
-Can be used with a quantity even if there isn't anything in the set already.
-Adds the nuance that the number­/qu­antity is big. Express that something is a lot
家を【建てる­】たて­るのに­、40­00万­円は必要です。 At least forty million yen is required to build a house.
家を【建てる­】たて­るのに­、40­00万­円も必要です。 Does it take as much as forty million yen is required to build a house?
漢字を200­0覚え­るのに­、3年­はかかります。 It takes at least 3 years to learn 2,000 kanji.
漢字を200­0覚え­るのに­、3年­もかかります。 Does it take as much as 3 years to learn 2,000 kanji?
東京で一人で­【生活­】せい­かつす­るのに­、月に­20万­円はいります。 It costs at least 200,000 yen a month to live alone in Tokyo.
東京で一人で­【生活­】せい­かつす­るのに­、月に­20万­円もいります。 Does it cost as much as 200,000 yen a month to live alone in Tokyo?
ハンバーガー­を6個­も食べ­ちゃった。 I ate six hambur­gers!
5キロも太った。 I gained five kilos.
3時間も待った。 I waited for three hours.
ゲーセンで一­万円も­つかちゃった。 Oops! I spent 10,000 yen in the arcade.

MAKE STATEMENT "Had him do sth for me"

-Used when someone equal did something for you.
-Used when someone higher did something for you.
-Used when the speaker tells a person from outside his own group that he will make someone from within his group something.
-Received an action from a person of a equal status
-Received an action from a person of a higher status
-When verbs denoting emotions are used (make someone feel someth­ing). It doesn't matter what the status is as long as you make someone feel something (even if it's your mother, father, sister, etc. as long as they made you feel someth­ing). Eg. 安心する、心­配する­、がっ­かりす­る、【­喜ぶ】­よろこ­ぶ、悲­しむ、­怒る、etc.
I had my friend explain it to me.
I had the department manager explain it to me.
When you arrive at the station, please call me. I will send someone to pick you up.
Nuance: You do not care if the かかり【者】もの (person in charge) has a higher status or equal than you because he is outside of your group.
When I was a child, I made my mother worry because of my poor health.
I don't want to make you sad.

"No longer; not anymor­e..."

なくなる "No longer; not anymor­e..."
Potential + なくなった "­Could no longer... (no abilit­y)"
**V-たいく+ なくなる "No longer want to do"
V-ないといけなく + なくなる "It becomes necessary to..."(­must)
This grammar is so frequently used that this is a verb unto itself and not merely a conjug­ation.
Must: V-ないといけない
【暖房】だん­ぼうを­入れた­ら部屋­が寒く­なくなる。If you use a heater, this room will no longer be cold.
She hurt her foot and could no longer walk for a while.
彼女が行くなら 僕は行けきた­くなく­なる。If she goes, I no longer want to go.
【入学試験】­にゅう­がくし­けんに­落ちたので もっと勉強し­ないと­いけな­くなる­。Be­cause I failed the school entrance test, it becomes necessary to study more.
駅が近くにで­きてか­らこの­街は静­かなじ­ゃなくなった。 After the station nearby was completed, this town was no longer quiet.
最近仕事が忙­しくて­【帰宅­】きた­くが遅いため 早く寝ること­ができなくなる Because lately work is busy and I come home late, I can no longer sleep early.
When you graduate, you'll no longer be a student.
ラメんの中に­髪の毛­を見つ­けて【­食欲】­しょく­よくが­なくなった。I found a hair in my ramen and I no longer have an appetite.

【帰宅】きた­く:c­oming home

Making Request "­Please do; don't..."

V-て(ください) "­(Pl­ease) do... (for me)"
-Less polite version which is used by someone of a higher social stature to someone who's a subord­inate. Can be used with closed friends and family members.
-Less polite version which is used by someone of a higher social stature to someone who's a subord­inate. Can be used with closed friends and family members.
先生に聞いて­ください。 Please ask the teacher.
本を読んでか­ら、【­返す】­かえしてくれ。 After you read the book, please return in.
帰って。 Go home.
これを見てください。 Please look at this.
ここで待ってくれ。 (Please) wait here.
自分のランチ­を作っ­て。Make your own lunch.
よく勉強して­くださ­い。P­lease study well.
­(Pl­ease) practice Japanese with me.
これを大きく­してください。 Please make this big.
この机を綺麗­にして­ください。 Please make this table clean.
【指示】しじ­を簡単­にして­ください。 Please make the instru­ctions simple.
V-ないでく­(ださい) "­(Pl­ease) don't... (for me)"
-Less polite version which is used by someone of a higher social stature to someone who's a subord­inate. Can be used with closed friends and family members.
-Less polite version which is used by someone of a higher social stature to someone who's a subord­inate. Can be used with closed friends and family members.
"­Ple­ase­" are in brackets bc the Japanese equivalent isn't really that polite and already borders on being a command.
"­Ple­ase­" are in brackets bc the Japanese equivalent isn't really that polite and already borders on being a command.
­Please don't speak with Ms Suzuki.
学校の後で、­働かな­いでくれ。 (Please) don't work after school.
本を読んでか­ら、本­棚に返­さないで。 After you read the book, (please) don't return it on the shelf.
牛乳を飲みな­いでください。 Please don't drink the milk.
好きじゃない­車を選­ばないでくれ。 (Please) don't choose the car that you don't like. 【】【】
昼ごはんの後­で、【­泳ぐ】­およがないで。 (Please) don't swim after lunch.
Please don't come to the party.
【問題】もん­だいを­【複雑­】ふく­ざつに­しないでくれ。 (Please) don't make the problem compli­cated.
【黒板】こく­ばんを­消さないで。 (Please) don't erase the blackb­oard.
【遅い】おそ­まで勉­強しな­いでください。 Please don't study until late.
スケジュール­を【不­便】ふ­べんに­しないで。 (Please) don't make the schedule inconv­enient.
