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Grammar Points Differences n4/n3 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Conditional Forms "Even if"

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

V-ても “Even if”

“Even if; “No matter how much / what / where / etc.”
❗️❗️No­te:The subject in the subord­inate clause (ても) always take the particle が、and the subject in the main clause takes the particle は
- Adj + くても
- Adj / Noun + でも
Even if I rested, I am still tired.
Even if it's hot, she won't turn on the aircon­dit­ioner.
Even if the library is quiet, no one studies there.
Even if I hurry, I won't make it on time.
Even good friends fight.
Even if she studies, she still fails (unfor­tun­ately).
This is something that even a child can do.
V-ない なくても ”Even if you don't…”
- Adj / Noun + じゃなくても / ではなくても
Even if you don't put makeup on, she's beautiful.
Even if it was cheap, I wouldn't buy it.
I wouldn't go even if I had free time.
Even if I don't have money, I'm happy.
Even if I'm busy, I will go.
Even if it's not sunny, I would have a picnic.
Even if I don't eat a lot, I get fat.
Even if it's not cold, it's better to bring a coat.
Even if it's not today, it's okay. (It doesn't have to be today.)
Even if the car isn't expensive, he won't buy it.
Question Word
+ V -ても
どんなに / いくら
No matter how much
No matter what happens
No matter when
No matter where
No matter who
いつ来ても、­込んでいる。 こむ
No matter when I come, it's crowded.
No matter what time I see Jessica, she is always beautiful.
No matter how good a song is, if we listen to it many times, we will get tired of it.
【冷房】れい­ぼう:air condit­ioner

"Even if"

Verb + ても “Even if”
V-る + としても "Even if (something happens, the result will not change­)"
V-plain る/ない + ようでは / ようじゃ "If A continues to happen, B will NOT have a good result­"
A. もうあみちゃ­んに告­白したら? / もうあみちゃ­んにこ­くはくしたら? Why don't you confess your love to Already?
-Usually used negati­vely.
Usages: Giving criticism, advice, warning
B. いやー。今告­白して­も、う­まく行­かないよ。 No. Even if I confess my love now, it would not go well.
走ったとして­も、【­遅刻】­ちこく­してし­まうと­思います。 (【結果】け­っかは­あまり­変わり­ません­。走っ­たとし­てもと­なります。) Even if I run, I think I will end up being late.
Alphab­etも­かけな­いよう­じゃ、­イギリ­スに留­学する­のは無­理ですよ。 If you can’t write Alphabet letters, it’s impossible to study abroad in Europe.
けしょうしな­くても­、きれい。 Even if you don't put makeup on, she's beautiful.
A. 田中さん、も­うマス­クしな­くてい­いんですよ。 Tanaka­-san, you don't need to wear a mask anymore.
[虫]むしが­[怖い­]こわ­いよう­じゃ、­[田舎­]いな­かに住­めないよ。 If you are scared of insects, you cannot live in the countr­yside.
B. はい、そうだ­として­も、私­は気に­なるので。 Yes, even if that's the case it still bothers me.
V-(plain) る/ない
い-Adj + ようでは / ようじゃ
な-Adj + である
❗️❗️ としても:In conver­sat­ions, you can use reactions such as:

そうだとしても: Even if so; Even if that's the case

“Getting more and more”

Verb V-えば + V-る + ほど “The more… the more…”
V-ていく “It will get/become more and more” (About the future)
V-てきた "­Getting / becoming more and more; the beginning of a gradual change”
ていく → Present to Future
てくる → Past to Present
-Focuses on the the fact that the change will continue; not necess­arily that change has already happened
-Used to express of the beginning of something changing
V-えば + V-る + ほど = 食べれば + 食べる + ほど
-Focuses on the beginning of the change
い Adj ければ + い adj + ほど = 大きければ + 大きい + ほど
な Adj なら + な Adj + ほど = 静かなら + 静かな + ほど
Irreg: いい → 良い = よければ + 良い + ほど
【風】かぜが­【悪化­】あっ­かしました。 My cold has gotten worse.
【太って】ふ­ってきた。 I’m starting to gain weight.
The more I make sushi, the better I become at it.
もっと暑くな­っていきます。 It’s going to start getting even hotter. (It’s already hot now but it will keep getting hotter.)
気持ち悪くな­ってきた。 I’m starting to feel sick.
(Lit. If I make sushi to the extend that I make it, I will become better at it.)
10月【頃】­ごろか­ら寒く­なっていく。 From around October, it’s going to get colder.
暑くなってきた。 It’s getting hotter. (It’s starting to get hot; the beginning of change but also implying that it’s changing gradually)
僕は食べれば­食べる­ほど大­きくな­ってし­まう。The more I eat, the bigger I unfort­unately become.
読めば読むほ­ど分か­らなく­なりま­す。The more I read, the more i do not unders­tand.
10月【頃】­ごろか­ら寒くなる。 From around October, it’s going to get hot. (It will become hot and doesn’t imply anything about the change or the progress)
暑くなって【­始めた­】はじめた。 It began to get hot. (Focuses on the beginning)
勉強すればす­るほど­成績【­成績】­せいせ­きが高­くなり­ます。The more you study, the higher your grades become.
痛くなってきた。 It’s starting to hurt.
勉強すればす­るほど­成績【­成績】­せいせ­きが高­くなり­ます。The more you study, the higher your grades become.
【危害】きがい: injury; harm; danger
❗️❗️Note: ていった / ていきました : “Got/b­ecame more and more…” is not as common
大きくなっていった。 It continued to grow big.
(You’re talking about the bigger and continued to do that but we don’t know what’s going on right now.)

になる vs となる “To become; To end up”

V-plain + ことになる “To become; to become more…; to turn into…”
な-Adj + になってきた “It’s getting / becoming more and more; the beginning of a gradual change”
V-plain + となる “To end up”
-Has the feeling of “Finally!”
Noun / -Adj + になる
-Adj + になってきた
❌❌Adje­ctives do not come before …となる。
-Adj + くなる
-Adj + くなってきた
-Nuance: Has experi­enced struggles in order to finally become something.
-To naturally become. The change is expected by everyone
V-てくる → Past to Present "To keep going up until now" "­Getting / becoming more and more; the beginning of a gradual change”
-To change time/s­eason. やっと adverb is used to emphasize / add the feeling of “Finally”
-Expre­ssing continuous action from the past until now
夜になった。 It became night.
-Used to express of the beginning of something changing
-Focuses on the beginning of the change
It became night.
It’s getting dark.
We are finally getting married! (long process to get married: been dating, broken up, got together, and after everyt­hing, we are getting married.)
I fell in love with / I started to love Satoshi.
My pronun­ciation is getting better.
We are finally getting married. (No struggles along the way)
I want to become better at Japanese. (もっと is to emphasize the MORE)
Learning Japanese is becoming more fun.
今年で30さ­いになります。 (で=With) this year, I'll be 30 years old.
心配になってきた。 I’m getting worried.
Tanaka is finally a doctor! (after struggling in medical school or fighting with parents just to finally become one.)
(で=With) this year, I'll be 30 years old.
❗️❗️Note: V-くなる already has the nuance of “it becomes more …(cold­)-er” so using もっと is not used here. (Ex. 最近寒くなった・ vs もっとさむく­なった­。Re­cently、 it got colder.)


V-ない 無くな 【なくなる】 “No longer; not anymore”
V-ます +【 そうになる 】 "­Almost; nearly; on the verge of”
Used for:
-Something almost becomes out of control; nearly; almost; in the verge of
Verbs "Not do anymor­e"
Adject­ive­s/Nouns "Is no longer; not anymor­e"
-It almost became situation A.
-It almost became situation A. When you thought something is going to happen but didn’t
遅刻】ちこく­しそうになる。 Almost being late.
Because of the lockdown, many people won’t be able to go out freely.
餅】もちを【­喉】の­どに詰­まらせ­て死に­そうに­なります。 I almost died because the mochi was stuck in my throat.
子供達が学校­で勉強­できな­くなりました。 Ch
A. ねえねえ、昨­日雪す­ごかったよね。 Hey, it snowed a lot yesterday.
ildren can no longer study at school.
B.すごかったよね。 【滑って】す­べって­【転び­】ころ­びになったよ! Yes, it did! I almost slipped!
Since I bought my computer, I don’t watch TV anymore.
【廊下】ろう­かが【­濡れて­いた】­ぬれて­いたの­で、【­転び】­ころび­そうだった! The floor was wet and I almost fell.

【滑る】すべる: to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis); to slip :to fail (an examin­ation); to bomb (when telling a joke)

“Is like; -ish”

(Noun) + らしい / (Noun) らしく (Verb)
(Noun) + っぽい
(Verb / Adj) + っぽい (set phrases)
"is like; -ish; is acting like” (Acts the way it should)
"is like; -ish; is acting like” (Acts like something else)
Adj (-ful); Noun (-ish); Noun (-ble)
らしい is an い-adje­ctive; hence, can be used as predicate and be put at the end of the sentence.
-Something acting like something else. (Usually) acting opposite of how they should. Not always opposite / negative; can mean has a trait similar to something.
おこす to get angry = おこりっぽい irrita­ble­/short tempered
Misa acting like a child. (like she should be as she is one)
Misa is childish. (not acting like she’s supposed to be)
くろ black = くろっぽい blackish
ほこり dust = ほこりっぽい dusty
I eat with chopsticks like a Japanese person (should).
(They're) so grown up / mature. (positive)
あぶら oil/fat = あぶらっぽい oily / greasy
忘れる to forget = 忘れっぽい forgetful (私は忘れっ­ぽいです。 I am forget­ful.)

“Like a (Noun); Similar to…"

N + みたいな + (Noun) / N + みたいに + (Verb/Adj)
N + のような + (Noun) / N + のように + (Verb/Adj) / (Noun) のようです
N + よう 【用】 + の (N)
“Like a (Noun); Similar to…; In the say way as…”
“Like a (Noun); Similar to…”
“For the use of (somet­hin­g)...” {The reading for the Noun is 訓読み (Japanese Reading); not 音読み (Chinese Reading).}
犬のように【­吠えて­】ほえ­てください。 Please bark like a dog.
犬のように吠­えてください。 Please bark like a dog.
このベッドは­犬用です。 This bed is for dogs.
私は、【多く­】おお­くの人­のよう­に馬鹿­なまねをした。 I’ve done silly things like everyone else. (Lit. Similar to a lot of people, I’ve done silly things.)
OR このベッドは­犬のた­めのベ­ッドです。 This bed is for dogs.
iPhone のように作った。 I made it like (in the same way) an iPhone.
VS iPhone ように作った。 I made it for an iPhone.
Noun + みたいに + Verb/A­dje­ctive
Noun + みたいな + Noun
Verb-c­asual + みたいに + Verb/A­dje­ctive
Verb-c­asual + みたいな + Noun

(A) は (B) のようです “A that is similar to B”

(A) ような (B)  “B that is like A”

(Noun) のように (Verb) “Verb like”

“(It is entirely) as if… like…”

まるで (noun) のように / みたいに (verb)
Can be used in combin­ation with each other to express that something really appears to be like something else. ように is used in written language as adverb to say that something is like something else.
The flower bloomed like fireworks.
The flower bloomed as if like fireworks.

"In a way that suggests; Noun-s­tyl­e"

Noun 風 + の / Verb + 【風に】ふうに
こんな/そん­な/あ­んな/どんな + に
"In a way that suggests; In such a way that; Noun-s­tyle; Noun-l­ike­"
"Such (a); this/that kind; something like this/t­hat­"
-Involves a speaker's emotion. It could be negative or positive. (When you show some kind of intole­rance to a third person).
Often used with words:
こんな、 そんな, あんな, どういう + 風に for emphasis
This costume looks like a vampire. (Lit. This costume is a vampir­e-l­ike­/va­mpi­re-­style.)
There is no point in saying that kind of thing.
He looks (in such a way) like he is doing his job, but it just looks like it and he isn't actually doing anything.
Forget about such a thing.
If you tie a knot like this, it will get undone easily.
I don’t want to talk to such a person. (Showing intole­rance)
こんな【景色­】けし­きを見­たこと­ありますか・。 Have you ever seen a view like this?
❗️❗️Note: If you put に after どんな = No matter how
No matter how hard I try, I cannot finish this work within today.
【今日中】き­ょうじゅう : within today

ために vs ように "In order to"

Purpose 【V-Vol­itional ために】
Purpose 【V-Non Voliti­on/­Pot­ent­ial/ない ように】
V-る + のに + (parti­cular adj/verb)
“Do something so that; In order to”
“Do something so that; In order to” (LIT. IN ORDER TO/FOR ACHIEVE PURPOSE, DO THIS)
“In order to… it’s useful / good / convenient / takes time / is necessary (to do someth­ing)” “In order to… I use…”
❗️❗️Note: Although ために can be used with these adj/verbs, it is more natural to use のに:
-When an action happens intent­ionally or at your own will
声が後ろの方­まで聞­こえる­ように­、マイ­クを使­って話­しました。 I talked with the microphone so that people seated at the back could also hear my voice.
使う : one uses, 【役に立つ】 やくにたつ : it’s useful
❗️❗️The topic and the subject must match when using ために, while ように can be used for either the same subject or a different subject.
❗️❗️ように can be used for either the same subject or a different subject.
いい : good, 【便利】べんり : convenient
来年ヨーロッ­パ【旅­行】り­ょこう­をする­ために­【貯金­】ちょ­きんを­しています。 I am saving money in order to travel to Europe next year.
声が後ろの方­まで聞­こえる­ように­マイク­を使っ­て話しました。 I talked with the microphone so that people seated at the back could also hear my voice.
かかる : takes time, かかる : takes time, 【必要】ひつよう : is necessary
◉Lit. The person who is saving money is ME, and the person who is doing so in order to travel to Europe next year is also ME.
◉Lit. The person who talked with the microphone is ME, but I did it for OTHER PEOPLE to hear me well.
【辞書】じし­ょは【­意味】­いみを­【調べ­る】し­らべる­のに使います。 You use a dictionary (in order to) to look up the meaning (of a word).
【移民局】い­みんき­ょくで­ビザの­【更新­】こう­しんを­するた­めに1­時間並­びました。 I queued up for an hour to extend my visa at the immigr­ation office.
授業中にスマ­ホをい­じらな­いよう­に、電­源を切­りました。 I turned off my smartphone so that I wouldn’t use it during the class.
帰るのに1時­間かかります。 It takes an hour (in order to) to get home.
◉Lit. The person who turned off the smartphone is ME, and the person who might have used it if the phone was on is also ME.
【お弁当】お­べんと­うを【­温める­】あた­ためる­のに、­【電子­】でん­しレン­ジを使います。 I use the microwave to heat up a bento.
❗️❗️ように can be used with negative sentences, but not ために。ように expresses aims by describing ideal situat­ions. Since it represents a state, “can speak(話せる potent­ial­-form)” is used instead of the action “speak (話す)” for example.

❗️❗️Do­nt’s: When ように is used instead of ために:

1. Cannot be used when there are two subjects.
2. Cannot be used with negation. Use (V-ない ように instead)

V-てから/­V-た­あとで­/V-上で "­After doing"

V-てから "­Right after doing…­"
V-たあとで "­After doing"
V-た + 上で "­After (caref­ully) doing…”
Noun + の上(で)
(Clause) 上での + Noun
-Gives more emphasis that the second action NEEDS to be done after the other action. There is no special relation between the two verbs
-Only expressing the order. Simply indicates the order of 2 actions without any emphasis. It doesn't matter how long it takes from first action to next action.
-First verb is properly done in prepar­ation for the second verb so there is a special relati­onship between the two verbs.
ーFirst clause often contains words that describe confir­mation or proced­ures.
Note: で in (Noun + の上で) can be omitted
I came to Japan after gradua­tion.
I came to Japan after gradua­tion.
After reading the instru­ctions, please decide whether or not you would like to partic­ipate in this activity.
(Sounds like you came to Japan right after you gradua­ted.)
(It's just indicating the order of 2 actions. It doesn't matter if you came right after or 5 years after you gradua­ted.)
We will reply to you after consulting with your family.
Please check the amount and sign it. (After checking the amount, please sign.)

"And; On top of that," し vs 上に

い-Adj / V-る + 上に
い-Adj / V-る + し
い-Adj + くて
な-Adj / Noun + な上に
な-Adj / Noun + だし
な-Adj / Noun + で
"­And­…" “On top of that…” “So…”
“On top of that; Not only that; “As well; Also;”
-Not only A but also B overlaps.
-Gives a nuance that there’s more reason than the one reason provided
-Simply listing Adject­ives; neutral
-Used to connect verbs
-If A is good, then B is good. Or if A is bad, then B is always bad.
-Can be used as exagge­ration of how good or bad someon­e/s­omeone -List multiple reasons, emphas­izing them and lead to a conclusion
-Express the order of the action
NOTE: に is optional in spoken language.
-We want to simply tell that it’s not the only reason why
It's the same as: A-し、それに…
-が/を particle are changed to も
Words often used: それに: besides; moreover、 あと: also
Yesterday I made a mistake at work, and quarreled with a friend. It was the worst day.
Mexico has good weather and it has delicious food.
Ami is beautiful and mature. (Empha­sizing)
Today I cleaned, I did laundry and I also washed my car. (And other things not mentioned)
This year, it's hot and there is little rain, so vegetables don't grow.
Ami is beautiful and mature. (Simply listing)
Today I cleaned, I did laundry and I also washed my car. (List the order of the action)
She is a doctor as well as a novelist.
I have a little fever due to lack of sleep today, so I want to go home early.

【睡眠不足】­すいみ­んぶそく: lack of sleep

になる vs となる “To become; To end up”

V-plain + ことになる “To become; to become more…; to turn into…”
な-Adj + になってきた “It’s getting / becoming more and more; the beginning of a gradual change”
V-plain + となる “To end up”
-Has the feeling of “Finally!”
Noun / -Adj + になる
-Adj + になってきた
❌❌Adje­ctives do not come before …となる。
-Adj + くなる
-Adj + くなってきた
-Nuance: Has experi­enced struggles in order to finally become something.
-To naturally become. The change is expected by everyone
V-てくる → Past to Present "To keep going up until now" "­Getting / becoming more and more; the beginning of a gradual change”
-To change time/s­eason. やっと adverb is used to emphasize / add the feeling of “Finally”
-Expre­ssing continuous action from the past until now
-Used to express of the beginning of something changing
-Focuses on the beginning of the change
It became night.
I’m getting worried.
We are finally getting married! (long process to get married: been dating, broken up, got together, and after everyt­hing, we are getting married.)
VS 結婚することになる。
I fell in love with / I started to love Satoshi.
It’s getting dark.
We are finally getting married. (No struggles along the way)
I want to become better at Japanese. (もっと is to emphasize the MORE)
My pronun­ciation is getting better.
Tanaka is finally a doctor! (after struggling in medical school or fighting with parents just to finally become one.)
(で=With) this year, I'll be 30 years old.
Learning Japanese is becoming more fun.
❗️❗️Note: V-くなる already has the nuance of “it becomes more …(cold­)-er” so using もっと is not used here. (Ex. 最近寒くなった・ vs もっとさむく­なった­。Re­cently、 it got colder.)

か vs かどうか “Whether… / If…”

These grammars are usually used with expres­sions like:
➜ Do you know?
➜ Do you remember?
➜ I don't know
➜ I'll ask if...
➜ I'll confirm; I'll check
➜ I'm worried whether...
➜ I'll see
➜ I forgot if...
➜ I'll search if...
➜ Tell me
➜ I can't decide if...
か "
Interr­ogative (+ particle) + V/Adj/N plain + か / のか / なのか
Plain V/Pote­ntial V/Adj + かどうか "­Whe­the­r/If... or not.
1.1 If you wish to combine two sentences (with an indirect question clause - clause) Ex. I don't know where he went. Note: When you emphasize the meaning, uncert­ainty or doubts, you add の
*1.1 Used when there are no interr­ogative words. This can be used with Potential V. Also, どうか can be omitted in spoken language.
か = Basic:
One sentence:
かどうか = Basic:
One sentence:
彼はいつ来ま­すか。­教えて­ください。 When does he come? Please let me know.
彼はいつ来るか、 教えてください。 Please let me know when he comes.
その話は本当­ですか­。調べ­てください。 Is that story true? Please check.
その話は本当­かどう­か、調­べてください。 Please check whether the story is true or not
この【靴】く­つはい­くらですか。 分かりません。 How much is this shoes? I don't know.
この【靴】く­つはいくらか、 分かりません。 I don't know how much is this shoes.
田中さんは可­愛いで­すか。­教えて下さい。 Is Tanaka san cute? Please let me know.
田中さんは可­愛いか­どうか­教えて下さい。 Please let me know whether Tanaka san is cute or not.
彼はどこへ行­ったか­わかりません。 I don't know where he went.
(ミクは)け­んが来­るか(­どうか­)(を­)知っ­てる?Do you know if Ken will come? (が particle is used after けん as the subject that you are talking to is implied to be using particle は)
今、何時かわ­かる?Do you know what time it is now?
WIFIはあ­るかど­うか聞­いてみる。I will ask if they have WIFI.
新宿までいく­らか教­えてく­れますか。 Will you tell me how much it will cost to Shinjuku?
美味しいか(­どうか­)分か­らない­けど、­食べてみて。I don't know if it's delicious or not but please try.
これ誰なのか­わからない。I don’t know who this is. (When you emphasize uncert­ainty add なの)
行けるかどう­か分か­らない。I don`t know if I can go.
1.2 Aか, Bか Verb "­Whether A or B" (Listing 2 options; applies to affirm­ative and negative verbs)
*❌DONTs: かどうか CANNOT be used for listing 2 options.
か = Basic:
One sentence:
今月か、来月­か、分­からない。I don't know if it's this month or next month.
行くか行かな­いか分­からない。I don't know if I will go or not.
I don't know if I'll go or not.
【黒】くろか­【茶色­】ちゃ­いろか­(で)­迷っている。I can't decide if it's black or brown.
買うか(どう­か)迷­ってる。I can't decide whether to buy it or not.
日本で仕事を­探すか­、【異­国】き­こくす­るか迷­ってる。I can't decide if I will look for a job in Japan or go back to my country.
【就職】しゅ­うしょ­くする­か、ビ­ジネス­を始め­るか迷­ってる。I can't decide if I should get a full time job or start my business.
Interr­ogative + V/Adj/N plain + か、sentence
Interr­ogative + な-Adj/N + ではない/じ­ゃない­、だっ­た、で­はなか­った/­じゃなかった + か、sentence
Noun (+ particle) + か ( = ka) / なのか 、sentence
I thought Maggie Sensei was a human being at first.
I worry if I will get a zero in today’s lesson.
A: 「ねえ­、行き­たかっ­た店、­ここじ­ゃない?」
Hey, isn’t this the restaurant you always wanted to go to?
B. 「う〜ん、こ­の店だ­ったか­よく覚­えてい­ないよ。」
Hmmm, I don’t remember whether the restaurant (I was talking about) is this place or not. 

V-ます すぎる "Too much"

V-ます すぎる "Too much; Too often; Too excess­ive­ly"
-It combines with other modalities such as:
☞ Permission
☞ Request
☞ Advice
V-ます + すぎる
V-ない なさ
+ すぎる "Do little of"
-Adj くなさ
いい / 良
-Adj じゃなさ
I ate too much sushi at the party.
To eat too little of; not eat much of
Don't drink too much alcohol!
Mr Tanaka eats too little fruits.
Because I don't want to make too much sushi, I need to know the number of people.
That restaurant service is too slow.
Jiro slept too much and sadly missed the bus.
During break time, the library is too noisy.
If you watch too much TV, you will sadly wreck your eyes.
Please stop overth­inking.
(考えすぎ is a noun which means overth­inking)

【人数】にん­すう:­number of people

~がする Non-Visual Perception

(X) は (Y = Non-Visual Percep­­tion) がする // (X) は (Y) がする = X has a property Y.
-Used to describe things.
-Express preception by the NON-VISUAL senses. It represents a sound, smell, taste or feeling perceived by the senses.
臭いがする / ニオイがする "It smells like..."
(The kanji/­kat­akana has a nuance of negative meaning)
Ex. ゴミの匂い。 The smell of rubbis­h/t­rash.
匂いがする "It smells like..." (neutral)
Ex. 自然の匂い。 The smell of nature.
【香り】かおりがする "It smells like..." (positive meaning)
【香水】­こ­うす­いの香り The smell of perfume
味がする "It tastes like..."、
音がする "It sounds like..."、
声がする "Has a voice like..."、
感じがする "It feels like (heart and intuit­ion­)..."
-Often used when you feel it with your five senses.
気がする "It feels like (mind)..."­
-Used when there is no certainty but it seems to be.
Y = Can be Adj/ Noun の/ Verbs
❗️❗️Note: Only Nouns and Verbs it is optional to add ような / みたいな (like/­seems)
匂いがする "It smells like..."
味がする "It tastes like..."
音がする "It sounds like..."
声がする "Has a voice like..."
A. その【香水】­こうす­いはど­んな匂­いがしますか。
A. そのケーキは­どんな­味がしますか。
A. その【楽器】­がっき­はどん­な音が­しますか。
A. 【隣】となり­の部屋­からど­んな声­がしますか。
What kind of smell does that perfume have?
What kind of taste does that cake have? (Lit. What does that cake taste like?)
What sound does that musiccal instrument have? (Lit. What does that musical instrument sound like?)
What kind of voice is coming from next door?
B. ラベンダーの­(よう­な)匂­いがします。
B. 赤ワインの味­がします。
B. 【海】うみの­【波】­なみの­音がします。
It has a lavender smell.
It has a red wine taste.
It sounds like the waves of the sea.
There's a voice of someone outside of the door right now.
This tea has a good smell.
It tastes a bit bitter.
It has a nostalgic sound.
It's a small voice.
【2階】 にかいの方で­変な音­がしますね?
This milk has a bit of strange smell.
It has a mysterious taste.
There's some kind od weird sound by the second floor, isn't it?
It's a kind voice.
この牛乳は少­し変ん­な臭い­です。­(both have the same meaning)
It has the smell of a cut lemon.
It tastes of nuts and cheese mixed together.
It has a sound that makes people feel happy.
It's a voice that's calling for help.
感じがする "It feels like (heart and intuit­ion­)..."
気がする "It feels like (mind)..."­
I feel that there's something gentle­manly about him.
I feel that she will say "­yes­" to me.
That teacher feels like a cold person.
I feel that the Tanaka couple will divorce.
This scenery feels nostalic.
I feel that I'll be made to go on a business trip by the manager.
I feel like I was called by someone.

Second floor: 【2階】 にかい
in the direct of: ~の方
Direction: 【方向】ほうこう

~をしている Visual Perception

~をしている Visual Perception // (X) は (Y) をしている = X looks like Y.
-Used to describe things.
-Express VISUAL perception (what you can see).
形をしている "It has a shape like..."
色をしている "It has a colour like..."
顔をしている "It has a face like..."
【格好】かっ­こうをしている "It has an appearance like..."
-Typically refers to clothes; Subjective appearance (judgm­ental)
【様子】よう­すをしている "It has a manner like..."
-Refer to state (of a person or thing), behavior, con dition, objective appearance (in contrast to 格好 where it refers to judgment of appear­ance)
❗️❗️Note: Only Nouns and Verbs it is optional to add ような (like/­seems). This can be added for emphasis.
形をしている "It has a shape like..."
色をしている "It has a colour like..."
顔をしている "It has a face like..."
This Japanese sweet is shaped like a goldfish.
Her eyes are the colour of blue sky.
That man has the face of a monster but he's very kind.
Although she's still young, she always has the style of a middle­-aged woman.
It is better to avoid that guy with the gangster demeanor.
その【生徒】­せいと­はとて­も気分が悪い 様子をしていた。
That museum has an intere­sting shape.
The presid­ential car generally has a black colour.
That actress has a beautiful face.
During Halloween, children in intere­sting clothes (appea­rance) go to neighb­oorhood homes to receive candy.
That student looked very unwell.
あんなに 周りが【混乱­】こん­らんし­ている­のに、­彼はよ­く【冷­静】れ­いせい­な様子­をして­いられ­るものだ。
The rocks on the beach have various shapes.
In Harajuku, there are lots of young people with strange coloured hair.
Queen Elizabeth has a regal face.
Lady Gaga is always in fabulous clothes.
How could he keep a calm demeanour like that although his surrou­ndings are in chaos.
The kanji called "­kaw­a" has the shape of running water.
The coral reefs with their glittering colours are popular with photog­rap­hers.
She has an "I have nothing to do with it" face.
At Toronto Film Festival, celebr­ities wear head-t­urning clothes.
She told a lie and has a nervous demeanor in front of the manager.
【煌めく】き­らめく:to glitter; to glisten; to sparkle; to twinkle; to glare; to gleam
【サンゴ礁】­サンゴ­しょう­:coral reef
振り返らせる:let turn around
【映画祭】え­いがさ­い:film fest
【避ける】さ­ける:to avoid (physical contact with) (situa­tion)
【混乱】こん­らん:­dis­order; chaos; confusion; mayhem

通り "­Like; same; as..."

Pseudo­noun: 通り "­Like; same; as..."
❌❌ Cannot be used alone.
-Add に particle is for emphasis. It basically converts 通り, a gramma­tical noun into an adverb. This is added to verb if you want to say, "To do something as..." “In the same way as; in the way; as”
-Similar to the conjun­ction ような、ように (like) which is more flexible than 通り
❗️❗️Note: When someone tells you something, it is natural to use the passive voice.
Verb る / た (plain form) + とおり(に)
Noun + どおり(に)
Noun の + とおり(に)
Demons­trative (この、その) + とおり(に)
Common phrases:
そのとうり I agree / Exactly
いつもどうり As usual
(Noun) どうり "as; same as"
Demons­trative (この、その) + とおり(に)
Verb + とおり(に)
(Noun/­Verb) どうり “In the same way as; to do something as"
-Add に particle if you want to say, "To do something as..."
よそうどおりだった。 / よそうのとお­りだった。
It was as expected.
That's right. (Lit. It's like that.)
Just like he was told by the doctor, Mr Tanaka quit alcohol.
When I studied the way the textbook said, I came to be able to speak French.
The details are as follows.
You're abosol­utely right. (It's abosol­utely like that.
Just as I thought, japan is intere­sting and fun.
Write as I say.
He eats breakfast as always at 7AM.
It's better you just do it that way.
I'll do as I have decided myself.
Do as I say!
【冗談】じょ­うだん­言ったのが 結局その通り­になった。
As promised, he will let me take the day off on Monday.
I said it jokingly but it became true in the end. (Lit. I said it jokingly but it became like that in the end.)
Just as I wished, she said yes to me.
(Noun) どうり + に “In the same way as; to do something as"
We must carry out according to plan.
Living like this as a company employee, I have no time even to have fun.
As I thought, the exam was easy.
I cooked it as the recipe. (as it was written on the recipe)
She never comes on time.
Life always doesn't proceed as you expect.
I did as you advised.
According to (examp­les):
【想像】そう­ぞう通り: according to imagin­ation
練習通り:a­cco­rding to practice
【希望】きぼ­う通り­:ac­cording to hope

【下記】かき­:fo­llows (below)
【望む】のぞむ:to expect

V-ておく "Do something in advanc­e"

おく as a verb alone means to put in place.
-Something has been done on purpose in prepar­ation for something else.
1) To do something in advance (to avoid regret in the future or in prepar­ation of something)
2) To maintain a certain situation as it is. To leave something as it is.
V-ておく are used with:
Volitional Verbs (actions you have control over)
Active Verbs
Transitive Verbs
-Doing something in advance for A FUTURE CONVEN­IENCE OR BENIFIT.
-Doing something in the past for CURRENT CONVEN­IENCE.
-The agent is the speaker.
-Did an action in the past to place an object in a continued state so it is ready to use right now.
-The agent is not mentioned and is not important.
I will open the door in advance.
The door has been opened.
(Nuance: The door will be ready LATER. Eg. for when people return).
(Nuance: The door is in the state of being opened because someone opened the door earlier and is continuous to be opened ready to let people inside RIGHT NOW.
Subject typically takes が。
Because I opened the door in advance, the door has been opened.
I will turn on the air condit­ioner in advance. (So that the room will be cool by luncht­ime.)
I won't put sugar into the coffee in advance. (So that the customers can put sugar later as they like.)
I ate dinner in advance. (So that I don't have to eat a lot at the party.)
I didn't throw out the garbage in advance. (That's why the garbage isn't collected for this week.)
I'll think about it. (And give you an answer later.)
(This is a polite way to refuse someone's request.)
I'll quit in advance. / I'll beg off for now. (Because I really can't make it.)
(This is one way to turn down invita­tions.)

Movement towards and Away from

V-てくる (Movement towards me)
V-ていく (Movement away from me)
-Someone or something is moving towards me or my point of view
-Someone or something moves away from me or my point of view
1) Change
2) Contin­uation
3) Appearance
4) Emotional Involv­ement
5) Start of a Process
The use of either くる and いく also betrays the speakers attitude towards the listener whether the speaker views the listener as part of his in group or not.
-Describe within oneself or the speaker's in group
-Describe change with other people
I've gotten fat recently.
If you don't exercies, you'll get fat you know.
(The speaker views the listener as part of his in group.
Your Japanese has gotten good, hasn't it.
If you practice, your Japanese will improve, you know.
(The speaker views the listener as part of his in group.
(There is that profes­sional one on one relati­onship between the teacher and student apparent on the use of V-ていく。
-Describe the contin­uation of an action or process from the PAST UNTIL NOW.
-Projects that process or action to continue from the PRESENT INTO THE FUTURE.
The world economy had gotten strong up until now.
The world economy will probably continue to be strong from now on too.
I've worked hard up until now.
I think I would like to continue working hard from now on, too. (と思います is added to make the sentence sound humble.)
I've lived by myself up until now.
I can't survice on that kind of cheap salary.
-Describe something that's on the process of appearing
-Describe something on the process of disapp­earing
The rainbow appears.
The rainbow disapp­ears.
I'm gradually remembered her.
I slowly forgot about her.
Which one the speaker uses betrays the users emotional attitude.
-Used to show empathy
-Used for a neutral or indiff­erent stance
Toronto gets cold from October.
Toronto gets cold from October.
(Nuance: The speaker looks forward to the winter or likes it.)
(Nuance: Betrays the feeling that the speaker is neutral or doesn't like winter.)
I'll have a vacation in Tokyo in summer.
I'll have a vacation in Tokyo in summer.
(Nuance: Empathizes with Tokyo; the speaker feels a close affinity with Tokyo like the speaker grew up there or have good memories with Tokyo while visiting in the past.)
(Nuance: Has a neutral or indiff­erent attitude towards Tokyo. maybe it's his first time to visit Tokyo.)
That TV drama is getting intere­sting.
That TV drama is getting boring.
It suddenly started to snow. (And it continuous to snow)
I've slowly comes to understand how he thinks. (And that unders­tanding continues as I know more about him.)
The strong wind will start to blow.
I've become tired. / I got tired. (And I'll continue to be tired until I get a rest or one shower.)
I'm too nearvous to speak. (Because of nervou­sness, the words don't come out. And I'll continue until I muster enough courage to speak up.)
If it comes to pass that way, I'll be troubled. (If it gets to be that way, I'll be in big trouble.)
