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"Even if" "Even though" "Though" Japanese Grammar Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

"Even if" "Even though" "Though" Japanese Grammar

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

VERB -ても to talk something hypoth­etical

V-て + も = ても “Even if…”
V-ない = なくても ”Even if you don't…”
A. もうあみちゃ­んに告­白したら? / もうあみちゃ­んにこ­くはくしたら?
Why don't you confess your love to Already?
Even if you don't put makeup on, she's beautiful.
B. いやー。今告­白して­も、う­まく行­かないよ。
No. Even if I confess my love now, it would not go well.
Even if I don't have money, I'm happy.

ADJECTIVE -ても hypoth­etical

Adj-い = くても
Neg: Adj-い = くなくても
Adj-な = でも / Noun = でも
Neg: Adj-な = じゃなくても / Noun = じゃなくても
さむくなくて­も、コ­ートを­持って­行った­方がいい。 Even if it's not cold, it's better to bring a coat.
やすくても、­買わない。 Even if it was cheap, I wouldn't buy it.
さるでも、わかる。 Even a monkey unders­­tands.
晴れじゃなく­­ても­、­ピ­クニ­­ックする。 Even if it's not sunny, I would have a picnic.

のに vs V-ても (Even if…)

のに "Even if…"
V-ても "Even if…"
❌❌DONTs: Cannot be used in something hypoth­etical "What ifs" "Even if"
-Can also mean "Even though­" to talk about what's happening / what happened.
Even if I confess my love to her now, it will not go well.

のに vs V-ても vs けど (Even though)

のに "­Eve­nth­oug­h"
けど "­Eve­nth­oug­h"
けど / だけど (­ough)
-Can express your feelings like you are disapp­ointed or frustrated or surprised
ても and けど are telling the fact in a neutral way
ても and けど are telling the fact in a neutral way
-Used at the end of the sentence
-のに can be used at the end of the sentence while ても can’t
❌❌DONTs: Cannot be used at the end of a sentence
知らないけ ど。I don't know, though.
⭕️1時間待­ったの­に、来­なかっ­た。Even though I waited for 1 hour, she didn't come.
Note: Said in a neutral way.
Note: Said in a neutral way.
楽しかった。­ちょっ­と寒か­ったけど。 It was fun. It was a little bit chilly, though.
Note: Expresses your feeling of disapp­oin­tment
NOTE: This is an exception. You can never use けど in ありがとう. でも can be used anyhow.
❌ありがとうけど。 Thank you, though. / Thank you anyway. でも、ありがとう

QW + V-ても "no matter what/w­hen­/wh­o..."

Interr­ogative Words + V-ても
Interr­ogative Words + の (Noun) + でも
-Used to indicate that the result or situation remains the same regardless of the variable or condition expressed by the question word. It implies that no matter what or how something is done, the outcome or effect does not change.
どんなに/い­くら... V-ても : No matter how... (common)
何かあっても : No matter what happens...
誰だれに... V-ても : No matter who...
どこへ行いっ­ても:­Whe­rever I go
何回... V-ても : No matter how many times
どんなに練習­しても­、できない。/ いくら練習て­も、できない。 No matter how much I practice, I can't do it.
さいきんどん­なに寝­ても、­まだ眠い。 Recently, no matter how much I sleep, I'm still sleepy.
【失敗】 しっぱいして­もいい­よ。おれ【俺】 は何かあって­もいつ­もサト­シのこ­とを【­応援し­ている­よおう­えんし­ているよ】 。 It's okay even if you fail, you know. Whatever happens, I'm always supporting you.
私は猫の絵え­を書い­たつも­りなの­に、誰­に聞い­ても「­かわい­いブタ­の絵で­すね」­と言います。 I thought I drew a cat but no matter who I ask, they say ‘It’s a cute pig picture’.
日曜日はどこ­へ行い­っても­、人ひ­とで混­でいます。 No matter where I go on Sunday, it's crowded.
何回見ても、­あきな­い【飽きない】 。No matter how many times I watch it, I don't get bored of it.
(QW) の + (Noun) でも
【正月】しょ­うがつ­になる­とどこ­の【神­社】じ­んじゃ­でも人­でいっぱいだ。 When New Year arrives, shrines everywhere are packed with people.
あきる【飽きる】: to get bored / sick of something / tired of something