Verb/Adj て-form/なくて for Cause or Reason |
(NOUN) で for Cause or Reason |
Reason> たら、<result> |
て form of Verbs or Adjectives as the cause or reason that produces a consequence. 1️⃣ If the Result or Sentence 2 is a verb or an adjective that expresses feeling, or 2️⃣ if it's a potential verb or 3️⃣ a verb to express a state, then the cause or reason sentence will have to change to te-form (て-form). |
"Because of (natural phenomena, happenings, events)..." |
1️⃣ Used for unexpected occurrence 2️⃣ Result is not something that you are expecting / accidental (intransitive) |
DONT’s 1. S2 must NOT contain volition (will, orders, invitation, request) |
The "Noun" that is often used with this particle de (で) as a cause is a noun which indicates a particular kind of event. These events are mostly natural phenomena, disasters, happenings, events, etc. 🛑Ex. 事故 (jiko - accident)、火事 (kaji - fire)、病気 (byouki - sickness) |
このスイッチを押したら、電気がついた。 I pushed this button then the light turned on. Intransitive: Did not know that turning the button will turn the light on. The result was not something that you are expecting. |
❌【危ない】あぶななくて【機械】きかいに触る】さわらないでください。 It is dangerous, so please do not touch the machine. |
DONT’s 1. Sentence predicate must NOT contain volition (will, orders, invitation, request) |
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⭕️【危ない】あぶないですから、【機械】きかいに触る】さわらないでください。 It is dangerous, so please do not touch the machine. |
❌病気 で、明日会社を休みたいです。 Because of illness, I want tot take a day off tomorrow. |
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DONT’s 2. S2 should not come first. It should be a sequential event. |
⭕️病気 ですから、明日会社を休みたいです。 Because of illness, I want tot take a day off tomorrow. |
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❌明日【会議】かいぎがあって、今日【準備】じゅんびしなければなりません。 The meeting will be held tomorrow so we have to make preparations for the day. |
【火事】かじで家が【焼く】やけました。Because of fire, the house was burned down. |
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⭕️明日【会議】かいぎがありますから、今日【準備】じゅんびしなければなりません。 The meeting will be held tomorrow so we have to make preparations for the day. |
【地震】じしんで、ビルが【倒れる】たおれました。Because of the earthquake, a building collapsed. |
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1.1 Verbs and Adjectives that express Feelings such as: びっくりする、 【安心】あんしんする、 【困る】こまる (to be worried/ troubled)、【寂しい】さびしい、【嬉しい】うれしい、【残念】ざんねんだ。 |
【台風】たいふうで、【新幹線】しんかんせんが止まれました。Because of the typhoon, bullet trains have stopped. |
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質問に答えられなくて、恥ずかしかったです。 I was embarrassed because I couldn't answer the question. |
*1.1 Negative potential verb (not a volition) |
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友達が会えなくて寂しいです。I'm sad because I can't meet my friends. |
病気 で、旅行に行けませんでした。 Because of illness, I want tot take a day off tomorrow. |
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1.2 Potential Verbs that express states which do not contain volition |
*1.2 A situation/happening from the past |
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月曜日は【都合】つごうが悪くて、【会議】かいぎに【出席】しゅっせできません。 I am not able to attend the meeting because I am not free on Monday. |
病気 で、会社を休みました。 Because of illness, I want tot take a day off tomorrow. |
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1.3 Situations in the Past : Events that happened in the past can also be used in Sentence 2... |
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【事故】じこがあって、電車が遅れてしまいました。 The train was delayed due to the accident. |
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