Basic required things
<!DOCTYPE html> |
Tells the browser what language it is reading. |
<html></html> |
This starts the HTML document, everything is wrapped by this |
<!-- --> |
Comment. |
Inside <html></html>
<head></head> |
Contains information about your HTML file. |
<body></body> |
Iis where you put your content, such as text, images and links. |
Inside <head></head>
<title></title> |
Cointains the title of the window or the tab. |
<style></style> |
Better use external styling, this one will override everything. |
<link > |
Accepts rel=" " and href=" " inside the tag, doesn't close, will let you add external style sheets. |
<meta > |
Is used to specify which character set is used, page description, keywords, author, and other metadata. Metadata is used by browsers (how to display content), by search engines (keywords), and other web services. |
<script></script> |
Is used to define client-side JavaScripts. |
<base > |
specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document. |
<noscript></noscript> |
Let user know that his browser doesn't support scripting |
Attributes of <meta >
name=" " |
Specifies a name for the metadata, can contain: application-name, author, description, generator, keywords and viewport. |
content=" " |
Gives the value associated with the http-equiv or name attribute |
charset=" " |
Specifies the character encoding for the HTML document, try UTF-8. |
http-equiv=" " |
Provides an HTTP header for the information/value of the content attribute |
scheme=" " |
Specifies a scheme to be used to interpret the value of the content attribute |
Inside <body></body>
<p></p> |
Defines a paragraph. preferible to breakline (according to stackexchang). |
<h#></h#> |
Bold, larger letters, accepts numbers from 1 to 6, h4 is equal to <p><strong>. |
<a href=" "></a> |
Inserts a link. |
<img src=" " /> |
Inserts an image, closes with / at the end, inside an <a> can be a hyperlink. |
<ol></ol> |
Ordered list, use <li></li> to add elements. |
<ul></ul> |
Unordered list, use <li></li> to add elements. |
style=" " |
This attribute can be used in paragraph and headings. |
<strong></strong> |
Strong, bold. |
<em></em> |
Emphasis, cursive. |
<table></table> |
Usar <tr></tr> para crear renglones y <td></td> para datos, <th></th> para headers además de <thead>, <tbody> y <tfoot> con sus respectivos cierres para organizar.<caption></caption> para nombrar la tabla. |
colspan="#" |
Attributo agregado a las tablas para indicar que se expanda # renglones. |
<div></div> |
Para hacer divisiones, pueden ser estilizadas independientemente con CSS, además de barras, menues y botones. |
<form></form> |
Defines a form that is used to collect user input, will include many input methods like boxes and choices. |
Inside the <form></form>
action=" " |
Is needed to tell the form where its contents will be sent to, sometimes scripts. |
method=" " |
How the data in it is going to be sent, get(see what is there) or post(lenghtier, invisible, safe). |
<input > |
You put info here, various types. |
type=" " |
text(no needed, default. Can have initial value=" "), password(hid letters), checkbox(can have checked attribute), radio(select one), submit(send form, accepts value=" " too). |
<textarea></textarea> |
Accepts rows=" " and cols=" " so you can put large texts. |
<select></select> |
It's a box with options use <option></option> to give options, and selected and value attributes. |
name=" " |
Needed, or else will be ignored, those are variable names to be used in the script. |
<fieldset></fieldset> |
Makes a nice delimitation in the window |
<legend></legend> |
For the fieldset! |
Global style=" " attribute
style="property:value; " |
This is the general form to use this attribute, separate with commas aditional property:value s. |
color |
Defines font color, can use words for color, like red, blue and yellow. |
background-color |
Same, can use words |
font-family |
Defines the font to be used for an HTML element, try the generic ones: serif,sans-serif,cursive,fantasy and monospace |
font-size |
Defines the text size for an HTML element, try percentages or px |
text-align |
Defines the horizontal text alignment for an HTML element, try center, left or right. |