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Neurocognitive Disorders Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Neurocognitive disorders in older adults

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


dementia is a neuroc­ogn­itive disorder, there is a distin­ction between mild and major.
dementia is not a specific disease, it is an umbrella term for a range of disorders (i.e alzhei­mer's)
60% live in low and middle income countries
dementia Initia­tives 1. dementia friends Canada 2. a dementia strategy for Canada 3. canadian consortium on neurod­ege­ner­ation in aging 4. national strategy for aging

Diagnostic Challenges

lack of compre­hensive assessment
20-50% of people go undiag­nosed
NINCDS and ARADA first establ­ished criteria for the clinical diagnosis of Alzhei­mer's disease in 1984
incorp­oration of biomarkers (1. Tau and amyloid protein in cerebr­ospinal fluid , 2. Tau in brain)

Diagnostic Challenges

lack of compre­hensive assessment
20-50% of people go undiag­nosed
NINCDS and ARADA first establ­ished criteria for the clinical diagnosis of Alzhei­mer's disease in 1984
incorp­oration of biomarkers (1. Tau and amyloid protein in cerebr­ospinal fluid , 2. Tau in brain)


discovered by DR. Alzheimer in 1906
insidious onset, irreve­rsible, behaviour and person­ality changes
shrinkage of the brain, amyloid plaques and neurof­ibr­illary tangles
insidious onset, irreve­rsible, progre­ssive brain disease, behaviour and person­ality changes.

Brain with Alzhei­mer's