Fertile Cresent Arch of farm land in SW Asia between the Persian Gulf and Mediteranian Sea
Mesopatamia The land between the tigris and Euphrates Rivers
City-State Political Unit, much as Independent
Dynasty Series of Rulers in a single Family
Cultural Diffusion New ideas spreading from one culture to another
Polythesium Belief in many gods
Empire People, nations, or independent states under control of one ruler
Hammurabi Babbylonian ruler, famous for his code of laws
Religion of Sumer Polytheistic
Literature of Sumer Invented first writing system
Summerians writing system Invented Arithmatic to build large structures
Sumer Inventions Sail, Weel & Plow, Arithmatic, and Geography
Describe the process scribes used to write cuniform They used sharpened reed to scratch into pieces of wet clay
Delta Egins about 100 miles before the river enters the Mediteranian
Pharaoh Egyptian god-king
Theocracy Govt. based on religion
Mummification Being preserved which involves embolming and drying the body to prevent it from decaying
Heiroglyphics Earliest froms of writing
Papyrus a new surface of writing that grew in the Delta Surface
What social classes made up Egyptian Society? Farmer and Pharaohs
Nile flooding Every July, receeds every October leaving
Govt, of Egypt Theocracy/Pharaoh
Egyptians believed in __ , the eternal life force Ka
Subcontinent landmass that includes, India, Pakistan, and Bangledesh
Monsoon Seasonal winds that dominate Indias climate
Harappan Civilization Indius Valley Civilization
Ancient India Religion Theocracy, Mother Goddess
Ancient India Economic Life They conducted trade w/ people in the region
Ancient Indias Settlements/ Buildings First settlements were built in 2500 Bc
China Social Classes Nobles, and Peseants
China writing system each character stands for 1 symbol
China's Technological advances Roads, and canals
China Religious beliefs Spirits of Ancestors
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