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Chapter 1 Medical Sociology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Medical social work notes BSW

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Learning Objectives

> Explain how social factors are important for health.
> Compare the Dual nature (applied and thoret­ical) of medical sociology
> Account for the emergence of new infectious diseases.


Determ­inants of Health
Social Practices and Conditions
Lifest­yles, Living and Work Situations
Class Position
Income, Education and Occupation
Race, Gender, Sexuality
Policies, Government Benefits
>The most important social factors determ­ining health were found to be income, accumu­lated wealth, education, occupa­tional charac­ter­istics, and social inequality based on race and ethnic group. these variables have direct effects on both healthy and unhealthy lifest­yles.
>>Also important in influe­ncing the manner that societies organize their resources to cope with health hazards and how they deliver health care to the population at large.

Health is...

not simply a matter of biology but involves social factors that include cultural, political, economic and social in natiure.


Medical Sociology recognizes the importance of the complex relati­onship between social factors and the level of health charac­ter­istics of various groups and societies has led to the develo­pment of medical sociology as a major role.
As an academic discip­line, Sociology is concerned with the social causes and conseq­uences of human behavior. Therefore Medical Sociology focuses on the social causes and conseq­uences of health and illness.

Areas of Invest­igation

> Social causes of health and disease
> Health dispar­­ities
> Social behavior of health care personnel and their patients
> The social functions of health organi­­za­tions and instit­­utions
> The social functions of health organi­­za­tions and instit­­utions
> The social patterns of utiliz­­ation of health services
> Social policies toward health

The Develo­pment of Medical Sociology